Best ways to commit suicide? Most fast and painless? Any tips?

Best ways to commit suicide? Most fast and painless? Any tips?

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Go for a long walk yo

Go to the park

Go to the library

Don't. There is *always* another way. You will find it.

Death by train seems like it would be pretty fast and reliable OP

Watch Euphoria, then purchase a gun, shoot yourself. The mess will be someone else's problem by then. (:

It's not possible. You're here forever.


Everything passes.. time is dynamic

Watching you on the mirror

Go see a psychiatrist. Get them to prescribe you drugs. Overdose on those drugs.
Your depression might improve along the way, so you really can't go wrong.

the only effective, painless way to kill yourself is a bullet. pawn some shit and buy a cheap handgun and hollowpoints. if you're serious then the wait period will be nothing for you.

if you're not american and can't get a gun then god put you on this earth to suffer, so you'd better keep suffering.

Im going to go with the Train. Ill do it December 1st. Ill post a happening thread that day. Not that anyone gives a fuck. Thank you for all these shitty years r9k. Its time for me to get off the highway.

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gonna stream it?
thanks bud

I will stream it.

Blowing yourself up is surprisingly quick and painless. Be an actual hero and take out some annoying late night talk show host or some news guy. You'll become immortal.

I also will stream myself, based to stream.
lets give people a show

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I can't believe we are all getting together to watch someone die on stream, but yeah, that will do.
At least I have something to look forward to on December.

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Insert gas suicide is probably the most painless without doing barbiturate/opiates
Fastest would be shooting yourself, putting your head on train tracks, or jumping from a great height

I would advice at least giving therapy/meds/whatever meme you want a try and deciding after that
What's your reason for wanting to die?

A bullet to the head or heart is an instant and painless method. If you are going to commit suicide, jumping in front of a train might leave you dismembered and in agony. It will also create a mess and inconvenience a lot of people. Before committing suicide, it is also good to leave a note stating or at least implying the reason, as well as a last will. A noble deed you can do is becoming an organ donor and contacting police before the suicide. At least you might save someone's life. But you could do much more while alive.

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helium but make sure the can has 100% purity.
Hang yourself but but the knot behind your left ear.
lostallhopedotcom is a very good site for anyone contemplating suicide

What site should I stream it on?

Im ending myself because I am a worthless piece of shit with noone. I am going to end this fucking agonizing pain. I have no family. I have no one and im shit poor. I just really want to die and im going with a train to my head. I will live stream it but I need a site.

What country do you live in suicide user?

Don't, Anything can happen in the space of a day!

youtube ya dumb cunt

From what I've researched, helium tank, get a compatible respirator, take some xanax and go to bed with the mask on.

Shotgun is objectively the best method.

i always go with heroin wit this. i mean you would just feel nothing but a bunch of euphoria and calmy go off into oblivion nodding off peacefully

heroin is natural too id imagine anything synthetic is just not the right way to go