How is everyone feeling today? Need a mother to talk to? I'm here if you need me~

How is everyone feeling today? Need a mother to talk to? I'm here if you need me~

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shitty, mom why do i feel like i don't matter?

Well how was your home life? School life? Is there something that might cause it?

momma let me cummy in bummy pls

Can I cum on your bewbs this time, mommy?

I just need a hug mom :)

2nd year of Master Degree, did my midterms, I need some downtime, and a girl to reconfort me, but I'm alone, I really wanna lost my virginity this year as it will probably be my last year of school, but I also don't want to rush this down. Worst thing is I actually both do sports and decent physique to Jow Forums and /fa/, but feel like nobody wants me.

Please cuddle me mommy
nice trips

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How many kids do you have? How old?

I can understand that, I've spent my share of time feeling alone. You're right though, you shouldn't rush it, it'll come with time even if you want it right now. Try something inoffensive, go on okcupid, tinder, something that let's you contact someone without having to go out to do it. I think that feeling of nobody wanting you comes from low self esteem and just general depression. You're worth more than you think, you're obviously smart if you're getting your masters, you obviously care about how you look too. Remind yourself of that, self love is just as important as love from others.
28 and one adopted daughter

Does that mean you are not married?

No I am, but I'm also gay and barren. Adoption was the only option.

nah m8 kys cunt

I'm not gonna lie but i despise dating site/apps as i would love to meet someone the natural, unexpected romantic way, like for example in my school gym or library but either i'm too scared either i never meet that qt that will make me fall in love... But maybe in this day and age we are forced to meet through those app as 90% i see around me are glued to their phones and when you try to approach them you sound like a weirdo or mean to them... Idk what should i do...

I can respect that, but don't discount it as not an option. It's a safe way you can put yourself out there without being completely vulnerable. Especially if you have social anxiety. That being said there's nothing wrong with trying to meet someone the old fashioned way, I actually met my wife at an airport. But you have to remember that things might not snap into place like you want them to, rejection will happen that's just a fact. It's about how you deal with it after that's important, water off a ducks back and what not. You also need to remember that things won't fall in your lap, you need to initiate sometimes. Make a dumb joke, be friendly, try and watch social cues like if she chuckles or replies. Just remind yourself you're worth someone else's time, just like you're worth your own time.

Mooooommmyyy! Yay hugs and attention would be nice. My mom died when I was 15 so I wantz huggzzz please?

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Which one of you has bigger tits, you or your wife? Do play with and suck on each other's?

Oh mother of someone else, someone I talked to only once accused me of being sexually active on r9k.
All I have done is send nudes, I never had piv sex.

It's all other trademarks have said or done about me, and I haven't even done anything in reality
They also accused me of posting pics of my vulva on discord

The ironic thing about this is my ex bf who I met on r9k is legitimately meeting up with people from Jow Forums for sex and he actually enjoys it

I do that's not really fair to her because I have to alter clothing to fit mine.
Of course sweethearts~ come hug mama~

Yay thank you mombot!! I miss my mommy. You are such a nice lady. I hope you are happy and stuff? You can talk to me about things too!

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I'm sorry sweetie but I don't quite follow! Are people harassing you because you sent nudes?
It's a journey, even I have issues with self esteem sometimes but right now I'm good! Thank you for asking~

Yes, it was to one guy.

The issue is that I got backlash for it and my ex bf who is having sex with people from Jow Forums hasn't gotten a reputation loss. I feel so cheated

why do i have no friends
this is unoriginal

I'm glad you're OK. I know about esteem issues and stuff. I had trouble around the time she died so I had a pretty bad eating disorder. I'm getting there slowly.

I bet you are an amazing mommy. It's so nice of you to come here and hug people. I might have to ask to be adopted too but I'm 16 lol.

I will punch him for you honey don't worry :) Leaking your nudes is a real shitbag move.

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mommy let me sleep on your lap

Omg no it wasn't my ex bf who leaked my nudes

It was a different person who I met on r9k, he's from the u.k I think. He spread rumors on r9k that I'm a slut and have sex with everyone from r9k

I feel cheated because I haven't done that, and my ex who is meeting up with people for sex from soc hasn't been called out

I got backlash for everything and my ex doesn't

I dealt with the same thing in high school, it's actually the reason I tried to kill myself. Honestly the most I can say is that it does pass, it feels awful, you feel raw, but it does pass. That being said don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, if people are bothering you don't be afraid to tell them that. If they keep doing it they're not worth your time. You're going to make it hun I promise you.
I adopted my daughter and she's 14, granted it's rare that it happens but don't discount yourself!

Oh okay thanks, it makes sense, I felt better after reading your answer. I guess it's a shallow non issue

Don't get me wrong, it as an issue and you're allowed to feel upset about it. That person who did that is a shitbag. I'm just telling you that it does get better, I still get shudders about mine but I'm still moving forward like I know you can.

You poor baby girl! He sounds like a total cunt. Sorry that happened to you. I know a girl from school who had this happen to her. People who are that willing to betray people's trust are just pure scum.

You sound lovely. Please don't let this put you of meeting new people. I'm sure there is a guy who will love you and make you feel safe and happy. You deserve it.

Do you have "details" of the UK leak guy. I'm in the UK I will gladly smash him in the head with my skateboard for you :)

Thankyou mommy. Your daughter is very lucky and we are lucky to have you x

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Nah, I don't want him in trouble. He and I only talked for one day. I don't want a us.vd them situation because it's childish

Bring those motherfuckers on lol XD. Either way well done for being so mature and ladylike. You're a beautiful human and you'll only grow stronger from this. He'll always be a fucking turd.

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Not if you're a robot. Guys like us get zero responses. That's such terrible advice.

Who says you can't get responses? A little self confidence goes a long way. I'm trying to remind you that you're worth more than you think. Sometimes you need to swallow your fear, get out of your comfort zone.

By posting on phone apps where most people would ignore many average people. So what makes you think any of us would even be looked at. And another thinga lot of robots here have low self confidence because of women. It's why I hate you foids coming on this board. You spew bullshit advice that takes zero consideration about the reality of life that helps nearly no one while you get all kinds of attention and orbiters.

He's right that is some shitty advice sorry.

Those apps are totally designed for chad to bang as many girls as possible. Unless you are a chad it is well know you might as well not bother. An empty fucking message list is not going to make this user feel better.

Even if he does get a date he will probably fall head over heels in love with her and be absolutely devastated when she ghosts him.

Hookup culture is totally anti robot. The only only choice most of us have is paying for sex.

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This is the reality of the situation.
Might as well be telling us to cut our wrists and neck ourselves while saying "teehee just a joke."

That's what breaks my heart about this board, you get into spirals of depression to the point where you feel hopeless. I understand, I've spent my share of days stuck in my bed, all my energy going to crying. But the world isn't as awful as you think, women aren't out there plotting against you. You're average people and that's okay, you're better than you think you are, you're worth somebody's time. Yes you're going to strike out, yes it's going to hurt. But I know you can put yourself out there and be happy, I know that there's someone out there for you as long as you're kind and considerate. She's not going to be a model but she'll be everything you want in a woman. You all deserve love, you just have to put in the effort and swallow your fear.

Don't be heartbroken! I don't hate women I respect they want a super cute hot boyfriend who is rich and has a big dick. I have none of those things. I am a super loving caring friend but that's all I seem to get, friend zoned.

I admire what you are trying to do. I wish I had the courage but Ive been hurt badly by women. I'm better off alone. I have some cute waifus and I try and help men and women everyday. I have no grudge. I've just accepted it's not going to happen. Thanks for being kind though. You are a nice lady and a damn good person.

Honestly I am so close to suicide I don't even want to joke about it :(

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It's like you aren't getting it. No one's plotting against us (except maybe media) it's just the way the world and the society is. For people like us we always strike out. Most of us are always alone. You can tell us "oh just try harder champ." but if no one wants to even accosiate with us without violence we can't force anyone to do anything. You are in essence telling a thirsty man to search for water in a desert. With enough "patience" sure by probability you'll find it. But not after that man has died by dehydration. It's more effort than normal people have to put in and we are robots. Broken people who don't fit in anywhere who fall into the cracks of obscurity. And instead of trying to understand trying to feel what that actually feels like which as the details you released might imply that you should. But your actions of spouting platitudes and internet hugs is helping absolutely no one. And I'll make a guess why. Because you've never had to experience such demoralizing pain. And that is no way saying you've never had to deal with loneliness or depression or whatever. What I'm saying is you've never had to deal with it to such a large extent that it's nearly impossible to move on in life. The reason I know this is because you have a partner in the first place and a fucking kid. A family. Most people here barely have one real life friend of even that. And those friends are probably robots themselves.

This is sooo accurate and so well written. An honest explanation without condescension. I applaud you Sir.

Let's face it it's Friday night when all the dating apps normies are having sex and I'm on r9k because it's the only "family" I have. That and a bunch of pictures of Cara (who I love) and my ASMR waifu videos.

I'm not bitter. I should be grateful this board is here and I have women I admire and love. I just won't ever have a real girlfriend who loves me or a wife or a family. Those things alone are pretty hard to bear. I don't think making an idiot of myself on Tinder will help.

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I can't help it, I want to help you, I want to convince you that you're not bad people. I understand that you've been badly hurt and I absolutely understand why that would be a wall for you. But I want you to get passed it because you deserve to be happy. You could absolutely try therapy, it helped me when I was younger and I still make appointments to help unpack things. I hope that you at least consider it, I just want to help you be the best person you can be.
Please I promise you I'm not trying to make light of your situation, I'm just trying to help remind you of your worth. That the world isn't all bad, that you're not broken people to be left on the wayside. But you're wrong, I know what loneliness is, I know what excruciating emotional pain feels like. I lived in a house with a mother who didn't care and a monster of a father. School was a nightmare for me, I had nowhere to cry or run to. It's painful to live that way, I don't wish it on anyone. But that's why I'm trying so hard to tell you that it can get better. I felt broken, I felt utterly worthless, I've been there trust me, I've spent my fair share time in a bubble of self depreciation. But I'm better now because I worked for it. I swallowed my fear, I seeked out help, I tried to escape it and I did. I know you can too I promise you. It will take help from other of course but I know you can make that step. You deserve it, you deserve to be happy, you deserve to be cared for.

This year I stopped talking to my mother. She was mentally and emotionally manipulative. It's taken almost a decade of not living at home for me to realize that I was getting abused. Every now and then I think about unblocking her phone number and calling her up but I know she'll screen the call and wait until I'm a sobbing apologetic mess before acknowledging me.
I know I'm doing the best thing by cutting her out of my life, but that still doesn't make this easy.

Oscar is at it again.

Well you're a nice lady and obviously you have strong maternal instincts. Far more than my own parents ever had. I don't see myself as a bad person just not some hot chad with lots of money and a big dick.

I help people everyday. I'm there for women and men in my life but I am unbelievably lonely and sad watching people happy in relationships around me. I'm that happy smiling friend everyone loves who is just gonna suicide one day. I could try therapy if I could afford it. If there was a dating app for socially awkward average guys and girls I would try it. I've got so much love for the right fembot but we would probably be so awkward we would never make it happen. I promise you I've tried and it is truly over.

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oh shit. this oscar? sounds like him

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Sweetie I'm there with you. I haven't spoken to my own mother in years, she doesn't deserve it. She spent her days trying to build me into something I wasn't. She's not as bad as my father but I still feel no love towards her, she doesn't deserve it.
You need to get this "I'm not a Chad" idea out of your head. You're not a Chad you're right but that doesn't mean you don't deserve things. Please just try a little bit. Stick your toe in, make an account for a dating website. I think the website is called, I haven't personally used it but it's also an option for you to look at. You are a good person, you deserve to be happy, the world isn't pushing you down because you're an introvert. I believe in you sweetie, I know you can do it.

Well you are going to have to try harder than that. You have to be able to prove decades of experience telling me I have zero worth. If I had worth I would have friends a career a family money. But I have none of those. And no matter how much I will put myself out there I will get nothing in return for the hard work and effort I made. (experience). And for some ungodly reason I manage to get a date she's most likely going to manipulate me use me and throw me away after she's done with me (experience). So your little platitudes aren't going to work on me. I don't pray on a God that only sits there and watches. Actions speak louder than any words you can ever say to me.

You're so lovely you kinda made me cry to be honest. I wish I had the courage to make an account on a dating app but I'm genuinely scared staring at that empty inbox and failed dates would be the final push to suicide. See where I'm at? I'm stuck where I can't go on and I can't go back.

I don't hate the world and I don't think it hates me, I just don't fit in. I just see myself as some lost pilot who has lost all control I know it's going to happen I'm not even scared anymore. I respect your advice though and I will try and save up for some therapy. Thanks for being here and being such a caring person. I wish there were more people like you in this world.

Jesus read between the lines man. Like I know you want to feel better inside but you are being manipulated right now. She's not telling you anything you don't already know. She's not telling you anything to improve your life. The fact she is using betterhelp as advice should be a huge redflag that she has no idea what she's talking about besides the prescripted lines you'd get from anyone else. Think Jim use your brain Jim.

I understand, I'm a faceless voice on the internet and I can only share my own experiences and thoughts. But please believe me when I say I want you to be happy, I want you to have a comfortable life. And no matter what you say about yourself, I'm still in your corner and still think you're a worthwhile human being.
It'll only be empty if you don't use it. If you don't send your own messages. You'll never know if you don't try. Please just try, the world is a scary place but there's no harm in trying.
You're right, I am telling him what he already knows. I'm just trying to remind him because I know how hard it is to think positively when you're in a depressive state. I said betterhelp because he said he couldn't afford therapy, I saw it as an option for him to try. I'm not a therapist, I'm not professionally trained. I'm just trying to remind people of their worth and be as caring as I can because you all deserve it.

I know. It's just so nice to have someone I feel I can be honest with and she does seem to genuinely care. She's a good person and it makes me happy to talk to her knowing I never gave up on women despite them always rejecting me. I know I'm fucked. I know every day is futile. I know it's over. I don't know why such a nice lady is on this board either but I do appreciate every kind word she has said. She is trying to be nice dude. Give her credit for that.

You're lovely but I honestly think this year I should give myself the Xmas present I've always wanted. I don't have anything to offer women and I couldn't stand looking into her eyes and seeing disappointment. There is a tiny chance with a girl I worked with before who is coming back after University. I admire your courage to be different lady and to be so loving and adopt a kid is amazing. Can I ask your name please? It would be nice to think of it when I am trying to make changes.

People can try to be nice. But honesty is better than a fake person of being nice. This shit is similar to Alice on the b board. She acted nice there nearly everyday to "help" anons but at the end of the day she just used and manipulated anyone that started to orbit her by being nice. This is the same situation here but she would never admit that would she. She used better help which is weird considering all the controversy behind it. And people who genuinely care will put in the time and effort for your need. Doing research so you don't fall into the same traps guiding you to a future that is custom to you. But she's not she's don't nothing put pump out platitude after platitude and you are eating it up because your desperate for someone to be nice to you. And this will only break you horribly in the end.

If you want to improve your life you need several things therapy and meds won't help you if you aren't set on something for the first place. For me I adopted a cat because I have no social life so to fill that I adopted. Second I'm forcing myself through school even though my anxiety and my depression make it exponential tough to stay committed of course eim going through therapy. I also invested in cheap transportation to get around and I go even if it's below 0. You have to be set on something you have to truly want some thing with a passion otherwise you'll go through the motions and give up. My only goal is to make me and my cat happy. And to do that I need a job and to work I need to get over my mental issues and train myself to tolerate the stresses. So to do that college since it's a middle ground.

These are the kinds of choices you have to choose and make for yourself. You have to want it. No advice I can give you will make that happen. All I can do is walk you though how I came to mine.

Wow. I admit I am desperate for someone to be nice to me so I appreciate everything she says. I also appreciate the time and effort you put into your post too. It's pure gold.

I would like a pet but that responsibility scares me too. Also if she was hurt I would be absolutely devastated. My problem is that I am so fucked and unhappy that anything I try that has the faintest risk of failing and pushing me deeper is seriously going to be fatal. I'm a shit human being and I live like a zombie. I will keep trying. It's amazing to have wise and thoughtful people like you to learn from I promise you the effort you put into your writing is not in vain I will try.

One thing though. I think she is trying to help. I respect your opinion I promise I won't fall in love with her or something. I have Cara for that. If she is trolling then she would be the most evil person in the world to pick on such lonely and vulnerable people. I don't even want to think about that.

I love you based user (no homo). Thanks for your advice.

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Trust me I'm not doing this for orbiters, I don't need that in my life. I didn't know about any controversy with betterhelp it was just something I had heard about. I'm not trying to get followers, I'm not trying to trick people. I'm just trying to be a kind voice for people who need it. More importantly thank you for posting your own experiences with self improvement. I'm trying to build confidence while you're giving concrete information.

This is how single mothers ruin sons

my life is a mess and i fucked up it big time again, can't get myself straight up, back to drinking again, back to not leaving my home again, how do I become a normie, how are they able to sustain this npc/bot/call it whatever you like lifestyle of uncanny maintaining biological existence through being someone's else bitch?

pls respond i just need somebody to talk to

No, not Oscar, I can't give out info or it would be doxxing

All I can say is that he posts on soc with his real, info and he legitimately has had sex with everyone from there and made it his own space, yet no one has called him out for literally having sex with everyone from soc

It's irrelevant to the thread anyway, I'm just upset that he wasn't called out and he tried to call me out for having r9k when he's literally soliciting sex from people over on soc. Basically hypocrits everywhere

I'm sorry sweetheart. Just because you're off the horse doesn't mean it's permenant. Being a normie takes time, you're not going to wake up tomorrow happy. But if you sow the seeds now there will be a time where you're content with yourself. Don't give up, I believe in you!

>she acted nice there nearly everyday to "help" anons but at the end of the day she just used and manipulated anyone that started to orbit her by being nice.

Absolutely total bullshit my dude. Alice has never "used" anyone. You're out of your damn mind.

>he legitimately has had sex with everyone from there and made it his own space

has he fuck! your obsession with this guys so called chadness is probably what got you to strip off for him in a single day. lesson learnt? your smartest move would have been taking the "nudes" he was sharing and posting them yourself on soc. let him rage at all the attention you are getting.

i will gladly contact some of the girls on soc and prove to you he has not fucked all of them. in your fucking dreams lol. also if you are down to fuck every robot. please suck my dick. I could do with cumming in a nice thots mouth.

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I'm a virgin and he's a gay man, he hasn't been called out for soliciting sex on soc and he called me out for posting on r9k. I'm more upset that he's a coward and power tripping.
I myself am a virgin and not interested in sex,

Anyway thread derailed enough. I was just upset
, sorry op

>I myself am a virgin

>and not interested in sex,
shares nudes with a guy within 24hrs

>Anyway thread derailed enough. I was just upset, sorry op

gay men have not fucked all of soc or made it their own space. it is probably, maybe, the best social site on the whole internet if you have some courage and a camera. fuck your gay twink boyfriend. and if you are so keen on sharing your pussy pics. please link them for us i could do with a good fap fembot.

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I don't mean all of gay men, I meant my ex boyfriend himself. He actively posts on soc and made it on his own space and doxxed me on r9k and talked down to me. He's a massive hypocrit when he has soc as his own space and solicits sex on there unironically

That's why I'm upset, because he does the same shit and tries to power trip and scare me off on r9k

>he does the same shit and tries to power trip and scare me off on r9k

i've been here for years and never ever, ever, ever seen a bot actively harass and chase a fembot. he would be destroyed. fembots are worshiped here or did you not notice we are all sad lonely fucks?

>That's why I'm upset, because ...
he dumped you. that's it. otherwise you would still be posting pussy pics to him. speaking of can you link them ffs? i want to see just how good that wet little cunt of yours looks.

I'm gonna leave the thread since it's derailed enough, im sincerely sorry op

make your own thread then let's out this fucking twink. i promise you i can message people on soc and we will all pile in and get revenge for you.

I hope you get stabbed you lesbo scum

Nah, im pretty much done with the e-drama, after he e-mailed me the doxxing stopped. So it was him trying to chase me off on r9k.

Sorry again for the drama op aaa

dude considering the absolute love that women has shown people here your comment is fucking disgusting.

don't be scared off by that cunt fembot. we still love you. we've got your back i promise.

>Typing in all lowercase to look cool
Hope your tranny daughter gets beat up at school

Disgusting fetish disguised as something innocent.

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wish i had a daughter. you're not a robot cuntface just some triggered adhd kid. drink bleach and gtfo my board.

wow your cousin posts here too. both of you cunts are absolutely beyond pathetic. i hope your stepdad beats the fuck out of you, little ugly ginger fuck faces.

Thank you for defending me sweetheart but I've dealt with much worse~ he's just getting some anger out. I'm sure he doesn't mean it.

I did mean it! I fucking hate anyone who isn't straight, thy contributing to the heterosexual genocide! Your daughter is responsible for the death of a heterosexual

i promise you the real robots here love and respect women and do everything we can to protect every fembot we meet no matter what orientation or background.
i won't sit there and tell these cunts not to fuck off. they don't belong here. they are the whole reason people think r9k is bad when the real user base is just some lost and lonely guys and gals.
*stamps on his face a few more times* mmm felt good. thanks for everything you've done with this thread.

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I'm sure you do hun, do you feel a bit better now?

If you feel better for venting then don't apologise at all. Do you feel just a little bit better for talking about it?

What do you mean? Tell me

don't care much for Mommy stuff but hey, can't go wrong with trips and squids

thanks for taking care of the squiddos while I'm at work

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Out of therapy and can respond now and Holy shit things are devolving quick. And I forgot that guy's response but a pet isn't always what you need. It's just what worked for me. A pet might not even work for you so you can't put all your eggs in one basket. I'm doing a whole lot more than taking care of a pet but I'm using my pet as a reason why I need to get up and get things done. There are days I can't and stay home like my shut in tendencies want me to but I force myself as many days as I can because I got someone I love I need to take care of. And I know they won't bail on me. This may not be an option for you but as I said before you need a passion for something you need to hold onto it tight and work for it. But you must do all this for yourself because it will make you happy regardless of who is or isn't in your life. If yo work hard for someone else and they leave it'll crush and destroy you. So do not do that. But find something and keep your goals reasonable not this end of the year shit "I won't be a neet anymore and I'll have everything". My only goals are short term and only short term. What is it I can do now. Right now it's finishing this semester and damn right I'm going to fucking do it.

None of this in my case involves socializing other people or relationships. For me I am embracing the loneliness. I'm making it a part of me. I've just learned other human beings are not worth the effort. This may not be the case for. You but it isn't for me. Also don't be friad to cut out detrimental people from your life including but not limited to your own family. You only have one life and it's your life that matters and no one else's. So if that means being selfish as long as you can get up to smile I can't yet but I'm on my way there.

>the real robots here love and respect women

kek, we don't. No real robot loves women, not because of incels, beta uprising or other shit, but because somebody who don't love or respect even himself could never love or respect someone else.

I mean do you feel a bit better after insulting me. Do you feel happier to try and put me down? If so feel free to continue, so long as I can cheer you up I'm happy!

Mum I need a hug. My life is falling apart and I need to know everything will be ok.

Shh sweetheart, everything will be fine~ just breath and calm down.

You fucking rock, Do you know that? I hope you do get up tomorrow and smile knowing you helped someone. I'm the user you were talking to before by the way. Giving messages of hope is just blinding compared to the little shit stains in this board who want to poke fun and call names. I will work on myself. I'm pretty lost and I hate eating alone so much I can't bear it anymore. If I'm honest I am kinda done with it all. I just feel like I tried and it didn't work. Things might change but I don't care anymore it's OK.

Yes I have removed some cancerous people from my life and I am still coping badly. I just want a gf where we are both bots and understand each other. I've given up on everything else. I can't watch films, tv series, news. there is so much about love and it breaks my heart. You are right I should find something to love. I love my Cara I have for years. I got to meet her once with some friends at a premiere she was really sweet.

I should be glad I got to meet the girl of my dreams. Looking at her pictures does make me happy. I'll hang on for her and my ASMR waifus. You're really trying and your words inspire me.

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Kill yourself, If I ever saw you in public, I would throw you into the nearest highway

Let it out hun~ my wife is Asian and intersex if you need more ammo

Umm. Where did this piece of shit come from??? What a pathetic cunt trying to insult a sweet kind and caring lady. For every shit message he posts I will post you one of love.

If I ever saw you in the street I would give you the biggest hug and drag you off for some yummy pizza.

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Let him be it's okay! I genuinely feel nothing when he insults me, I've built up a tolerance. What kind of pizza is your favorite sweetheart?

Thanks, that made me feel really nice. Never got that from my real mum.

Um I like ... Um... all of them :) But shared with you would be doubly yummy. I love you x

I won't stop hating him. He is being mean to a good person. You are worth a million of him. We need people like you mommy.

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Mommy I'm lonely. Gimme a hug please

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I understand, I didn't get it much from my mother either. That's why I want to make others feel good~
He's still a person and even if he is rude he's still worth something. Remember that about yourself and others~
Of course sweetheart~

Oh I guess yeah. I used to get bullied but I realized the only way to stop them was to hurt them badly. I grew up kinda mean to be honest. I'm not saying he is worthless but I hate good people being attacked. I've done some bad things and been in jail too. I probably deserve to be lonely. I just wanted to protect you mommy. Sorry :(

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Do you want to touch peepee tips with me

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It's okay sweetheart, you're trying to protect me, that's something to be proud of. You deserve to be happy don't forget that!