How many of you here just pretend to be some autists friend only to relay his messages to your discord server...

How many of you here just pretend to be some autists friend only to relay his messages to your discord server? Just curious

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I don't think I understand the question.

I've done that
but only with regards to members of particular communities and sharing those with other subgroups
but I wouldn't pick some random autist off r9k, they gotta be extra special to be worthy of laughing at

Just pick out the very mentally ill ones with schizophrenia or some female disorder like bpd. It's fun to mindbreak them once they find out theyre being goofed on

yeah they have a tendency to be extra desperate for conversation too
I might actually feel bad about it if they get upset
I prefer to just laugh at them without ever letting them know and then just ghost them one day once I'm bored of it

Why would you feel bad for trash like that.

>on Jow Forums
That's not how you use this site motherfucker

I'm actually autistic and got doxxed by a guy I met on here, I never maliciously do it to people though.

He and I talked in private and I gave him my info to prove I wasn't a catfish

I don't know
People like that never had a chance anyway
I just let them pretend they had a friend for a minute, and then leave them wondering why I disappeared
Doesn't really matter to me

I don't really socialize with people I don't also know in real life, and I never join random Discord servers. I find the whole culture of that app and its use around here to be distasteful.

Sounds like you deserve it. Maybe learn your listen and pull the trigger when the barrel is in your mouth next time.

He's the one who doxxed me and thought of a mentally disabled person as lesser, ironically enough I got. A few supporters from people who witnessed the thread

Might as well become like him and do the same. It feels better that way.

Nah, he didn't give me any real info. I assume he's still on r9k, he acts like he knows me but he's the one who blocked me and refused to talk to me.

We're both adults too, e-drama is wild. I'm literally mentally disabled and he's obsessed with me

I never do that. It hurts me to see other people do these kind of things. If you don't like someone, just leave them alone. I don't understand why normalscum can't wrap their minds around this concept.

Yeah same, it's not that hard.

Whats your discord so I can ask you more about this in detail if you dont mind
Empathy doesnt get you anywhere in life. It'll only bring you down.

It's not even empathy, I just don't interact with people I don't like because I don't see the point.

He made a malicious thread about me, im worried about his mental health if he's that offended that a mentally disabled person has freedom.

He only made one and he gave up on me, a nice user who got my contact from him told me that people were shittalking.

That's it, I don't know much. I don't know if he's still on r9k, he's the one who started the e-drama. I only talked to him. For. A few hours

That's about it, it was all him.

I doubt he's offended. He's probably laughing at you

Nah, he was offended. He was shittalking and ranting about autistics on r9k and was upset that I was actually autistic and not the funny cute XD autism

He's the one wasting his time, since he doxxed me maliciously. He didn't get any backlash from doxxing me

>ITT a bunch of oblivious autistic losers picking on, and making fun of other autists.
The absolute state of Jow Forums

It's been like that for years you aspie

this is how it's meant to be