Why can't people be honest about their height? I'm 5'6 and was 5'5...

Why can't people be honest about their height? I'm 5'6 and was 5'5.5 last time I went to the hospital to get checked ( I was 17 )
I played ball with guys that claim to be 6' or 6'1 but most of them are like 5'9-5'10. I had a friend that was 6'2 so I knew damn well they were lying
Whats worse is since everyone wants to add 2-3 inches to their height, everyone assumes you're lying about yours
They're too lazy to even measure you themselves and want to believe in the false height they give you
These fucks keep saying I'm 5'4. When I haven't been 5'4 since I was 15.
Is their self esteem so low that they would deny me 2 inches because they couldn't believe that I'm only a few inches shorter than them?

tl;dr: This fucking world of lies has everyone warped. fucking pricks the lot of you

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>Why can't people be honest about their height?
because women are obsessed with it
once women no longer give a shit there would be no reason for men to lie

also short rapper bread

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That's immature and stupid of them, but does it really matter that much how tall a bunch of douchebags think you are? 5'6" is perfectly fine

It's a new day lanklets. We running the game now

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Sounds like you need better friends.

I am overly autistic about my height.
5ft 11.85in
But I feel ya. Guys that often claim 6ft to their girlfriends or other friends end up coming up to my chin or cheeks then they try and play it off like I am taller. I guess lying about height does not bug me as much as the idiots that believe them.

I mean there's no way I could've shrunk. It's just annoying that guys you play ball with think they're 6'
when Stevie Wonder can see they ain't that tall. Thanks user

Im agree. Im autistic about people just making shit up for no reason. I grew up in a culture where people lay about their age
where they grew up, their height and what not. I never understood it as a kid. I just knew I hated lying for no good reason

I do the opposite. I'm actually 5'10, but when someone asks me about my height I usually say 5'6-5'7 just to make those people even more insecure. Shit always brings a tear in my eye.

I am 5'11.5" and like to tell people I'm 5'10". It makes shorter guys really insecure since there are people shorter than me who claim to be 6'. They'll say that I must be at least 6'1" but I insist I'm 5'10", so they must be 5'8" or 5'9".

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I wonder if I should do this shit to guys that claim 5'8
Shit we 5'2 now

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I do that for dick size. I am 8" but tell girls I am 6" so they think their exes lied to them.

I'm 5'10". I mentioned this to someone my same height and he said "no way, I'm 6 feet so you're at least 6 feet." And I told him I know that I'm only 5'10". And he got really angry. It was pretty amusing.

Because women care about the number more than the actual height, and a lot of dudes feel the need to impress women. I'm 5'9" and claim 5'9" every time I've ever been asked since something I can't change doesn't matter to me.

>Because women care about the number more than the actual height
This, seriously
The girls that put "6'2+ only" on their tinder bios are the same girls that demand an engagement ring that costs $10k+, regardless of quality
They're treating their hookups/bfs as status symbols
99% of women do not care about height once it's above 5'7" or so

And because girls are shit at estimating height. I'm 5'6" and they think I am 5'9".

The way I see it, if you're taller than her in heels, then they don't really care.

what's weird for me is I am 5'9 and I didn't even know I was until about 8 years or so ago. I am 31 and never measured myself, but because I had big hair at one point, whenever a doctor and a few times on renewing my ID the people would add a few inches and say I am 5'11 or something. I only know my true height because I said I was 5'11 to some coworker and she laughed at me saying I am nowhere near that. I don't even care about my height like that but it's shitty that people care so much about it that others would lie to other people about it.

same dude, Im 5'8 and some friend of mine is like 5'10, he calls me a manlet and I tell him anyone under 6 feet is a manlet he then says that he's exactly 6 feet tall. My brother is 6'1, I know how tall 6 feet is and that kid is at most 2 inches taller. It fucking unbearable to see how he's coping. Oh yeah and he browses reddit

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Well when they measured me they actually put me on the height measure thing and took a good minute to measure it
The nurse that did it would do this every couple visits until she stuck with 5'5.5 (keep in mind I was 17) and stopped measuring
I haven't been measured since then. I could be 5'6.5 or 5'7 for all I know

They're the most insecure pricks besides women. "Oh my precious 6ft". You're 5'10 and that's all you're gonna be Mack

Anecdotally, I'm female, but I grew an inch from age 18-20
Maybe try measuring yourself against a wall or something?

its mostly because it works, girls are legitimately retarded and cant tell the difference. im BARELY 6 feet tall, like only when my posture is perfect, and i list my height as 6'2 in my tinder profile. girls dont even question it. if youre taller than then, and especially if ur taller than the average man, u could claim 6'8 and girls would believe it

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>They're too lazy to even measure you themselves and want to believe in the false height they give you
no one in their right mind is going to pull that shit
>he calls me a manlet and I tell him anyone under 6 feet is a manlet he then says that he's exactly 6 feet tall
no one in their right mind believes that other than manlets

>tfw no qte 5'8 bf that you can tease about his height but then reassure him as you give him a big hug

manlets have a monopoly on the music industry, especially as frontmen
>Trent Reznor
>Ed Sheeran
>Thom Yorke
>Steve Perry
>Brendon Urie
>Patrick Stump
>Bruno Mars
>Jeff Buckley
>Kurt Cobain
>Russel Hitchcock
>Charlie Puth
>Justin Bieber

I've never encountered any situation where anyone male or female has said anything derogatory to one another about height. I'm pretty sure it's just a product of your insecurity.

T. 24 year old normal fag

My family doesn't shut the fuck up about height and it's pretty annoying. It's even infecting my own mind, I didn't describe how nice or fast the pizza delivery lady was to my grandma a few days ago, I went to point out that she was like 4'5", piece of shit behavior getting to me.

If a girl really cares about the actual number, she's trash. Normal girls only care that you are taller than them.

On a related note, one of the hottest girls in my high school required that guys show her their dick before she could date them. She is now fat as fuck and married to a butt ugly dude who is even fatter than her.

This desu. I feel like, not unlike anxious and insecure women who think everyone hates them and thinks they're ugly, their male equivalent feels the same way and thinks everyone is judging them due to their height. Most people don't give a fuck.