There are people on Jow Forums right now who wouldn't marry this girl and have 3 children with her

>There are people on Jow Forums right now who wouldn't marry this girl and have 3 children with her

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The fact that there are naked pictures of her on the internet is enough to not marry her retard

That body is a 9. but since this is Jow Forums you're going to overlook her
face is a 7

I wouldnt marry her, but Id fuck her poopchute.
Marriage is overrated

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No ape genes 4 me sorry

Disgusting roastie pussy.

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Would love the withe or ligth brown latina model tho

The better hole is a inch above it anyway

You don't have to marry them.

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what's her name roboto?

Damn those kids came out white.

I don't know anything about her personality.

Like me. I just can't get hard for sheboons. I mean, I can see the appeal of her body, but it just doesn't do it for me.

it really is this simple
she'll do literally anything for money

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Got more ??


Couldn't agree more.
Absolutely this.
Based and redpilled.

Maybe she was in a 7-year relationship with someone she thought was the love of her life and liked to send her future husband nudes, but then she caught him cheating and broke up with them and he put her pics out as revenge.

I mean, she's more than likely just a slut who uploaded her pics to the internet but who really knows

>People still denying themselves this when Grindr exists

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ewwww he looks like sam hyde

>The better hole is a inch above it anyway

scholar and gentleman

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She looks like she fuccs white bois.

t. white dad & black mom

fpbp indeed

I can always tell that a black girl dates white guys just by looking at them. They just look so much less dirty and don't have that feral look in their eyes. It's the opposite with coalburners, who tend to adopt black mannerisms

>implying this isn't perfect for robots

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Why are you not on Grindr getting this RIGHT NOW

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Why are you letting Stacy win? It's not complicated it's ez

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Oh yeah i definitely want to marry a girl and have kids with her so when they grow up i can tell them how their mother is a whore and her nudes are online for them to see and be made fun of for by their friends. Also nudes she posted of herself in her prime and peaked. This is what sje decided to do with herself at her peak. Great girl.

I'd give her a good old fucking, if you know what I mean ;) ;)

>Not taking hrt and finding love

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Love is a Grindr download away you dumb sissyboi

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>wanting to have kids
>with an ape
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Is that Trent?

Doesn't matter. People don't change. Personality is genetic. If he was the kind of person who would send out her images as revenge, he was always that person, and thus she is shit at picking partners. And only shit people are shit at picking partners.

>he doesn't want to fill black womens pussies up with his white cum
Get out

Lol bro I couldnt to black girls to save my life

I don't know if I could live with myself if I forced into existence a euro-mutt/nigger child. Such a creature would look wretched and live a wretched, pain-filled existence. Why would I do that to someone?