Are you guys actually racist in public

Are you guys actually racist in public

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I'm not even racist at all because all robots are frens and we will rule the world one day. Together. And we shall lose Virginitt together.

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no but i openly use the word nigger with my friends and family. Whenever i hurt myself im like NIGGER! Im an edgelord

I bet some oldfags are, maybe. Sometimes people actually brag about how they're overly racist in public. But I'm not racist in public nor overly racist in threads. If some roastie gets me mad I may be racist to her and pull off a few insults.

i'm not racist at all but i do use edgy words online and irl with friends such as "nigger" or "faggot" or my favorite "porch monkey"

Why the fuck would I be racist in either public or private you retard?

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I bet people here just pull some racist insults online just to appear edgy or cooler. If people actually pull some insults irl, which I bet some do, then they're probably just incels.

>no but i openly use the word nigger with my friends and family. Whenever i hurt myself im like NIGGER! Im an edgelord
Are you underage?

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Im not racist at all, though I am somewhat prejudice depending in the situation.
I feel like people dont even know the difference between the two anymore.

fuck pol fuck pink boards

This is why races are inferior and Jow Forumsfags are right about that it's also why Jews rule everyone . This. Right here

fuck off man
just be peaceful

Go back to 4channel redditor, based hirohimoot already moved all the fag boards to their rightful place.

you get back to Jow Forums you inbred shit sucking gnome

obnoxious underaged little cancerous shitstain

You didn't check the link did you? Goddamn it this is my favourite thing to do and rarely anyone goes on the link.



>waah back to Jow Forums
how to catch a redditor 101

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You should know I'm not user. Fucking Jow Forumsfags are annoying it's all of you, you destroy threads and make this place shit added with your fucking influx of BASED reddit users and your need to tell everyone who tells you fucking retarded cunts your annoying a redditor. It's why no one likes you faggots so fuck off already.

I can't stand to be around blacks at all, they disgust me but then that goes for ~70% of white and ME people too.

As long as they do stay away, I'll just do the same and all is well. Not about to talk shit to them, or make their life a hassle. Not to their face nor behind their back. Simply wish they would not exist, period.

>I can't stand to be around blacks at all, they disgust me but then that goes for ~70% of white and ME people too.
speak for yourself you brainless hoglet

Learn to read you leftist cockgobbler.

tch tch tch, if seeing the word nigger sends you into a blind rage then you clearly haven't been here for very long. i'm not even racist bud, its just a well known fact Jow Forums boogeymanning was created and perpetrated by redditors who aren't used to uncensored words/opinions.

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>Already said leftists and uses an insult with sexual connotations that may link to being submissive
You cockroaches come out the wood work too fast. Not user btw but still this was fun to watch.

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the vast majority of whites hate your inbred backwards ass who the fuck are you trying to fool cletus

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antifa kids tying hard to be relevant, what a surprise

>your Antifa
Are you retarded? I don't even care about politics. Why the hell is this your only comeback?

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it's only what every fox news boomer wakes up screaming in the middle of the night and Jow Forumstards are reeing about them daily

bro just leave him be
he retarded

At work yes. Also if I'm with friends or family and I see an ugly nigger or chink I'll tell them to look at the ugly monkey

everyone's racist, at least subconsciously

>implying I'm ever out in public

I'm only antisemitic and I'm favor of ethnostates not racist.

>everyone's racist, at least subconsciously
*Pfffttt* *skreeeet* well guess what? This guy right here came here to tell you I'm not. *Click* *click* *Skreeeet* *VRROOOOOMMM*

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No but I enjoy racist humor
I craft bespoke n word song request music using Your Favorite Racist White Kid's sound bytes. My tunes have been played over 200,000 times (on several accounts and reuploads) and have got ice, dwayne, and many more.

get back to Jow Forums you literal chimp

With my friends, to joke around but it has also affected me in a non joking way, so I guess I'm slowly turning racist

get back to leftypol you e-activist wannabe embarrassment

No, but I go everywhere in a replica SA uniform

Only as a joke. The gf fucking hates it and gets embarassed and that's funny to me.

I see you called for backup lmao

pussy ass nigga, Jow Forumstards are the biggest pussies alive

Im generally not explicitly racist in public but I still have and express ideas that others may find racist

hello my transgender friend, did you shave today?

what the fuck are you talking about you schizophrenic retard

go fuck a poltard and get your shitty faggot politics off this board along with them you dont belong here and you never have

Fuck Jow Forums fuck /leftypol/ fuck your mothers and fuck everything to do with Jow Forums. You have your own fucking containment board don't fuck this thread up as well you utter faggots.

>don't fuck up this thread that's a glorified rallying call for Jow Forumstards to come virtue signal about how ebin racist and brave they are irl

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No. Neither online.
Ain't nobody got time for that.

>>don't fuck up this thread that's a glorified rallying call for Jow Forumstards to come virtue signal about how ebin racist and brave they are irl
That's what I don't want though. It's fucking shit.

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I'm not racist anywhere
Racism is dumb and based in feelings, not facts

That is a absolute lie and this video will show you why LEFTIES BTFO

Isn't that the best part? seeing NPCs enraged is quite hilarious

me and my coworkers make fun of niggers and gypsies all the time and out in the open and most people will make fun of nigger or muslim if they see them in public

cant imagine what its like in a western country where you get arrested for those thoughts LOL

Are you openly racist in public, OP?

Fact. I feel it's the other way around too. Like some people wont talk about or recognize the issues with other cultures. Like with what we've seen in Europe

Throwing out Roman salutes on the streets of New York be like

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>Jow Forumsedditor calling someone else reddit