How would you feel if you lost all the files on your PC? All your music, porn, images, etc?

How would you feel if you lost all the files on your PC? All your music, porn, images, etc?
Would you feel loss, or relief?

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My Jow Forums images are almost all women so I would be glad they're gone.
Music would be annoying because I have a lot of electronic songs from unknown french composers from the early 90s.

my hard drive failed on me multiple times ive gotten used to it, this is why i save everything on an external hard drive as backup

I would have to rebuild from scratch, I think I could get everything redownloaded and backed-up within days. 350 mp3s off Youtube, 1.5 GB of books, and 2.5 GB of magazines

I'd be done in no time.

>My Jow Forums images are almost all women
Damn.. thats sad. You are KEKED

>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack shills on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched spaghetti agency spooks glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those memes will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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I'd lose a huge amount of porn but in a way that'd be a relief since I never even look at it and don't know why I bother collecting it, maybe I'd stop then.

God I wish I had a woman and a child, would make my life less depressing.

>assuming i don't have it backed up
i'd feel annoyed

Got back-ups, in some case multiple
And would be quite a loss, some is private shit or hard to find again

Ive been collecting JAV & Idol vids forever, so Id be kind of devastated. Just because Ive amassed such a huge collection and all that time spent saving and fapping would be gone

i have backups because im not a moron

Well I have a backup USB with most of my images so Id be pretty fine with it.

The only thing that would be shit is losing all of the programs I've made. I should probably back those up.

>>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. JIDF shills on fire off the shoulder of Jow Forums. I watched reddit fags glitter in the dark near Jow Forums. All those memes will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

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This has happened to me 5 times now and as long as I have access to the Internet it's not too terrible of an obstacle

I have the cringey school project video my friend, another classmate and I did on YT(set as private ofc) so the most important thing wouldn't be reliant on what happens to my PC.

Aside from that, I'd lose some movies, games, music and, arguably most importantly, images I tried hard to find or collect over the years. It'd suck to lose it all but I would just start a new collection. I should probably be uploading stuff and writing down the most important stuff, now that you mention it, feeling pretty lazy though.

I would be despondent. I really should set up backups somewhere.

>External Hardware
>USB Flash Drive
>My current computer
>All files copied in those three
>Plan to buy a laptop this xmas

Nope i'm never losing anything lol

I get my images from jewgle
I get my porn on /gif/, panda and momless
My HDD could die at this moment and I wouldn't really care much

I'd be pretty damn pissed, and it would take quite a while to re-download the 5 TB of data I currently have (hell, some stuff I might not even be able to find so easily anymore)

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>he doesn't have multiple mega accounts for backup