Misaki Friday

2018 is ending, how was your year so far?
>still no misaki here

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It fucking sucked. Fuck 2018.

Nothing much important happened, same as last year really. Only things of note are that I bought a new camera and some new computer parts for a computer build I'll start doing in a couple of weeks

100% wasted. My life at the end of this year is exactly the same crap it was the year before.

>My life at the end of this year is exactly the same crap it was the year before.
now imagine that for 5 years

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it fucking sucked

An absolute disaster.

I had a crush on a girl in a new class to which I've transfered in February and it ended in me trying to kill myself because of some stupid outbreak I had and then in the end she rejected me.
I almost failed my year, started to hate this world even more, had to go on antipsychitics again for a short time which fucked up my mental health for over a month.

Had to work my ass off for 2 months of my vacation just to save up money to buy a tablet to get back to drawing after a long break.

And now I've switched to homeschooling (aka nobody gives a fuck about me until the end of semester where I have to pass exams from every subject from the entire semester) as I just can't stand my class.

I haven't talked to anyone for almost a month and feel extremely lonely.
At least I can try to go back to drawing and learn at my own pace in peace

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Started off great, now I've recessed back to old bad habits and same bad mental state I was in a year ago- Except now it's getting progressively worse and I'm starting to feel like the end is approaching.

I loose my virginity with a free whore
Some guy in my uni sent me a message because he thinks I'm cute (I'm a male)

Loosing almost all my friends
Will fail uni

Pretty funky year

Terrible. Practically did nothing for 7 months except a small horrible job as a dishwasher. Have to stop procrastinating or just end it

Awful. Seriously considering putting a bullet through my brain before the year is over.

Hey user I got a dish washing job too. It isn't too bad , just listen to a podcast or something so you can learn whilst getting paid.
But also have a plan to get a better job like I am saving up for

Do you have any drawings you could post?

Failing uni as well in senior year. Hopefully not, when I started I saw it as my only chance to escape NEET-Dom. And no misaki here as well. That's pretty shitty.

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terrible. graduated college and have no ambition or anything to live for.


jpifhboasbdha kldashbasl

thank you for not letting misaki threads be forgotten
i think I might kill myself before the end of the year
there is just nothing life holds for me anymore
im only getting into a worse and worse mental state

dropped out of college
stayed at home for 6 months
went in new course for 2 months
dropped out again

My Dad died.
Cleaned out his house and sold it.
Got a quarter million.
Leaving commiefornia for glorious mountains in North Carolina.
>snowed in NEET playing vidya.jpg

>no friends
>no pussi
>life is so monotonous that my brains no forming any new memories so this year felt short asf

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fhoaisbdk,n hndkjaisbhdask

pretty bad
i quit my first job i've had for the last two years and have been unemployed ever since doing fuck all
i'm the most unhappy i've ever been and drugs are the only thing that make me feel normal and happy
slowly drifting into suicide territory here

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Just broke up with my GF, might have been worst mistake ever but at least I won't have to deal with the self hate I was having due to her

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>how was your year so far?
most of it was /dep/ression. i started reading, going to the gym being more social and disciplined over last 2 months. nothing's changed and i'm still laughably pathetic.
>still no misaki here too
gonna unironically anhero if mine doesn't come till 2020.

started the year with what's left of my family going bananas. finishing the year with zero friends, no one to talk to. Love interest going apeshit because I objected being treated as garbage.

2019 seems to be a good number to end it all

As the growing trend, a little worse than last year. At least I only need to push through another 4 of them.

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Remember Holidays are just around the corner

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Pretty shitty but then again when has it not been

You're right, maybe I should end everything before holidays!

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I said I will change my study habits so I won't fail uni this year... I've got a bunch of essays and thesis waiting for me to start on that is due in a few weeks, Fuck doing a /lit/ degree man

Just remember
With the Vain for Results
Across the Stream for Attention

Being Edgy on the Internet
I've got Medical Knowledge Unlike You

Go fuck yourself

we're working very hard to make misaki gfs reality for all you lonely guys over at tabula rasa

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wasn't trying to be edgy just say if you do it in the tub and just bleed out it makes it easier clean up.

Told myself 2018 was the year for self improvement and healthy thoughts but it ended up the exact opposite. At the beginning of the year I could do 12 pull ups, could only do 2 today.

>graduated high school
>started smoking weed
>eventually more often
>made friends through it
>dropped out of uni
>became a barista in my hometown
>I smoke weed and I forget about what a useless piece of shit I am
>then go to
>grandpa won't gib money that I was promised from grandma
>so I can't migrate with big bro
>in order to be like everyone from my country
>go work his ass off in western Europe
> comes back buy an old car I dream to have some years ago
I believe I am in a simulation , everything seems easy to predict , even before starting to smoke weed . Also I think working at a cruise is a good idea , but half of the comments about such jobs are hard as of adaption .

Just failed Uni and dropped out.
not much.

dated a girl who I have liked for years for a few weeks. what a fucking disaster it was, still not over it after months. otherwise its the same futureless, hopeless shit as always

I actually dropped out of high-school after a failed suicide attempt and being too shamed to show my face in public for 7 months

hikki/neet of 2 yrs, every day really is the same and passes without anything eventful happening. I am trying my hardest to burn time for no reason, theres nothing around the corner that im waiting for.

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Im away a lot due to my job spend days without interacting with other people
Fearful that i am slipping tougher into rampantcy with dark thoughts

Im not a bad person send help soon

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Hey guys I need some advice, I am in a relationship with a girl and she super kind and that but I don't know if I deserve my own Misaki.

Hell she is a more sarcastic plus sized Misaki and honestly lately I question if I deserve her.

What should I do?

Pretty good year. Had to suffer with no Internet for the first five months, but then got it finally installed, and have been satisfied with life ever since.

In Reply to my old post > Sad
> Crashing at friends place until I can move into new place
> Listening to "El Manana - acoustic version"
> My own Misaki sends me photo of her that melts my heart
> Maybe I do Deserve her

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Post invite to spiral kyler

bump yeah this is low in content

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Just a NHK quote from a Anime Quote blog

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We can't let this thread die guys

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hikki/neet/misaki threads just aint what they used to be, r9k has been taken over by faggots and normies

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honestly I am thinking of just setting up a chat board for our kind

created a discord chat calling it "Hikikomori Support Network" for us old bots

discord dot gg /m6EYady

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Someday we will all find our Misaki's we can't give up

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that name is almost as retarded as the idea of having a discord server itself

tfw no misaki dakimakura

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Actually how much would people pay for it? I bet I could get some made up

I really feel for you, I'm so sorry that this shit happened to you, user
Sorry for your loss but looks like things turned out well and thank god you left that shithole state

I love the fall, but I hope that I will not live to see next year's

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Please do. It makes me sad when misaki threads go to the last page and die while threads about absolute degeneracy go forever