Tall woman here (185cm). Why is it not okay for me to reject short men for their height?

Tall woman here (185cm). Why is it not okay for me to reject short men for their height?

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Just as long as you are also okay with getting rejected for your height.

Short male here (167cm). Why is it not okay for me to pursue women taller than me?

I accept tall girls and so do most guys. Why is it only women who are autistic about height?

It is perfectly fine. No one says you cannot pursue them.

It is okay. You're tall, you can want a guy who's at least even with you.
It's the

go back to /soc/

you people are one of the many reasons this board is slowly becoming /b/.

because you have ogre genes and are using that as a criteria to reject men that healthy women wouldn't

have you considered transitioning ftm?

ignore half the comments, it's incels getting mad at getting rejected.

that to be said, have to agree with
wrong board

>tfw tall
>tfw like women as tall as me or slightly less
>tfw they don't exist or they already are in model or generic money slutting jobs

>Tall woman here-


one roastie down brothers.
go back to /soc/

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Because the male taller norm is immoral and you do not have a right to continue it.

>ignore half the comments, it's incels getting mad at getting rejected.
there is literally nothing "incel" or morally wrong about telling women they don't have a right to discriminate against male height, just like there is nothing immoral or "incel" about telling men they aren't allowed to think black women are less attractive than white women.

you dumb nigger

Actually it's fine if you're a tall girl. What sucks is girls shorter than us rejecting us because we aren't six feet

It is completely ok to reject anyone for any reason you want, you own your life, you make the decisions. Might as well try to be with someone you like to look up to instead of down to kek

no it isn't fine if you're tall. that's literally no different from saying "only whites should date whites, only blacks should date blacks, etc". I know this website if full of race nationalists but I'm just trying to get the point across.
the male taller norm is the thing that needs to die, not short women being discriminatory. ALL women need to get over this height obsession.

Get out of Jow Forums

it is morally wrong to tell someone they don't have the right to not consider someone a partner because they are not attracted to them.
Those are their preferences, you can not expect everyone to be attracted to everyone

To be honest, as I posted that I expected more people to be like: 'No...Uh Don't reject us because we are smaller!'

>that's literally no different from saying "only whites should date whites, only blacks should date blacks, etc".
Except it is different. She's not saying "all tall women should date tall men"; she's expressing her own preference for tall men. It's equivalent to someone saying "I prefer to date people of my own race."

It's okay, anyone has the right to reject anyone for any reason.

However, short men are also allowed to vent and be mad about it. As long as they don't take it out on you.
And it is frustrating that every woman wants the same thing, which means it's impossible to find anyone for a lot of people.

But that doesn't justify attacking you specifially (however, if you come into their safe space that they use to vent, you should expect to see some hatred against tall women in general, and that's okay, because those words were not meant for you and you're just a guest. Be respectful.)

But you are not doing anything wrong by rejecting them.

Technically, any pursuit of any romantic relationship is a form of sexual harassment. Most people accept this form of sexual harassment in limited form, but it's still sexual harassment, and some people will hate you for it and try to ruin your life.

>it is morally wrong to tell someone they don't have the right to not consider someone a partner because they are not attracted to them.
it's not morally wrong to tell a racist white person they don't have a right to be racist.
it's not morally wrong to tell a woman/man they don't have a right to date someone just because they aren't tall/aren't the right race etc.
there is no difference. The male taller norm is immoral and you don't have a right to defend it or perpetuate it.

As a 185cm freak behemoth you have no right to be picky. You're already disgusting to majority of males.

until women as a group get over their discrimination, they do not get the privilege of being treated as individuals.
this is how it works when groups of people discriminate against other groups en masse.

they don't have the right to NOT date someone because of height/race

it is, because those are their preferences. If you don't like Pizza and I tell you that you should like it, then that is pretty darn stupid of me. Same with dating preferences, you might think men and women of any race are attractive, I might think only whites are attractive. You can tell me that it is wrong that I am inherantly discriminating against other races with my preferences but it is not very 'moral' of you to do that, because if the discussion would be about certain character traits you would agree with me

The male taller norm is not also not immoral. It even makes sense in evolutionary standarts and just take a look at the animal world (only mammals)

I greatly prefer tall woman. 185cm sounds like a perfect height.
And there are probably many others like me.
A tall woman has no reason to worry, unless her own standards require her partner to be significantly taller than her.

What? You want me to say that they're killing Jow Forums quickly? It's going through a slow death.

lmao at this niggermanlet

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preferences for food is not morally equivalent to preferences for human beings.
>The male taller norm is not also not immoral. It even makes sense in evolutionary standarts and just take a look at the animal world (only mammals)
empirically false, the male taller norm is 100% socialized



even among mammals, something like 15+% of mammals feature the females larger, although that's not the point. The point is, cultures and individuals that discriminate against race, height, sexual orientation, gender identity etc. do not have the right to exist anymore. It's not about individuals. The utilitarian argument is too strong.
I'm 5'11"

>any pursuit of any romantic relationship is a form of sexual harassment
Not really.
For it to be inappropriate it needs to be humiliating, demeaning or embarrassing, and it's something that is not "okay" socially.
As long as you keep it polite, not harassment.

there is literally nothing wrong with tall women you bigot

Women who don't want to date short men don't consider them inferior or worthless, they just don't want to have sex with them.
It's not immoral to not want to have sex with someone.

Alright. You called me out. Still if you do take a look at most mammals (generic ones, please. Do not whip out some weird shit you find in the jungles of africa) the males are mostly taller/bigger than the females. And even if it's 'just 75%'

So what I understand is you should just prefer anyone no matter how they look, behave, how you are related to them, etc, etc cause otherwise you are discriminating?
So yeah. Go on. Fuck your mother, cause otherwise you are discriminating. Oh no, wait. That's sexist. Fuck your Father.

It's okay to reject anyone for anything.

It's a wonder he can reach the keyboard that's all the way up on his table.

makes no difference. They perpetuate the male taller norm and therefore they are acting immorally, and have an obligation to end it.
your argument is retarded and you're grasping at straws. You know I'm right and you know the research proves me right. There's no shame in admitting you're wrong and then joining the morally and scientifically correct side.
im 5'11" and wrestled in the 220lb category in highschool. I'd literally break your neck.

>it's not morally wrong to tell a racist white person they don't have a right to be racist.
This is true, because you choose to be racist. A girl doesn't choose to be attracted to certain guys over others.

>it's not morally wrong to tell a woman/man they don't have a right to date someone just because they aren't tall/aren't the right race etc.
This is true. No one has a right to date anyone.

as a 6'2 male, anything more than 5'10 I cannot be seen in public with
you can walk about 20 feet behind me
and maybe (maybe) i'll be nice to you out of public sight if you suck my dick
but let's not pretend you aren't a freak

Just well, that I am not admitting it. I am not wrong with saying that preferences are preferences and not inherently racist/sexist/discriminating.

And I am sorry to say that. But 5'11"is not tall at all.

>This is true, because you choose to be racist. A girl doesn't choose to be attracted to certain guys over others.
you can train yourself to find men shorter than you attractive if you didn't before just like you can traint yourself to stop being racist even if you were raised racist.
>This is true. No one has a right to date anyone.
I corrected myself here

Manlet rage would be funny if it wasn't so heart breaking

>you choose to be a racist
other races choose to live in white countries

>They perpetuate the male taller norm and therefore they are acting immorally, and have an obligation to end it.
The male taller norm is perpetuated by the fact that men are, on average, 5" taller than women.
If we assigned women and men to each other casually without taking in consideration their height, 10.5% of women would be as tall or taller than their partner. In reality, the number is 7.5%.
So while there's a slight difference between how it'd be if there wasn't a social norm that pushed for men to be taller, the man taller norm doesn't make a huge difference.

Also women have every right to date who they want. There's nothing immoral with picking a partner who is taller than them, if they want it.
There's no reason to obligate women to be unhappy in a relationship so a short man can date whoever he wants.

I'm a man
>Just well, that I am not admitting it. I am not wrong with saying that preferences are preferences and not inherently racist/sexist/discriminating.
you ARE wrong for saying that. by definition, racist/sexist/prejudiced opinions and preferences are still racist/sexist/prejudiced.
I don't care about virgins talking shit when they wouldn't say these things to my face. What I care about is people allowing discrimination to continue in society. luckily people like you will not be allowed to continue very soon in the future.

>you can train yourself to find men shorter than you attractive
Like you can train yourself to like sucking dick? Are you suggesting some sort of gay conversion camps?

Tall women have a legit excuse to only date tall guys.
Women under 5'8 have no excuse.

>The male taller norm is perpetuated by the fact that men are, on average, 5" taller than women.
that's not what the male taller norm means.
>Also women have every right to date who they want. There's nothing immoral with picking a partner who is taller than them, if they want it.
The problem is them wanting it in the first place. That's what needs to end.
false equivalence. There is no evidence of people training themselves to be gay/straight. There is massive evidence of people training themselves to not care about race or height or hair color or any other irrelevant thing.

>you can train yourself to find men shorter than you attractive
I'm not aware of any effective methods of doing this. I could be wrong.

>other races choose to live in white countries
...and racism is not a rational response to immigration.

>muhmuhmuh discrimination muh racism muh prejudice
you are worthless
go die in a hole (preferably outside of my country)

>that's not what the male taller norm means.
The male taller norm is the fact that women in general prefer partners taller than themselves.
It is perpetuated by the fact that the norm for men is to be a lot bigger than women: taller, heavier, stronger. Most men also like women smaller than them: shorter, lighter, frailer. That's what men and women associate in western culture with masculinity and femininity.
And there's nothing wrong with it and no strong need to change it, since while the difference between random pairings and actual ones is statistically significant it's not tremendous.

>The problem is them wanting it in the first place
There's nothing wrong with it. That's how they are.

>There is massive evidence of people training themselves to not care about race or height or hair color or any other irrelevant thing.
There isn't "massive evidence" of people training themselves to feel sexual attraction towards anything, and I don't think it's anyone's place to police who people want to fuck as long as it is consensual. It's a private business.

Sure they do. You can't force yourself to be attracted to someone lol.

Preferences are not racist/sexist or anything! Those are preferenes!

jesus christ you are so soft and naive
these people hate you and you want to sympathise with them?
why should you? why should anyone?
seriously, why are we obliged to care about these scum?
fuck them

Women who are 5 8 and under who only date tall guys have an inferiority complex. Now its no longer about caring about the person. He becomes an accessory and status symbol. Women like that should be pistol whipped.

>It is perpetuated by the fact that the norm for men is to be a lot bigger than women: taller, heavier, stronger. Most men also like women smaller than them: shorter, lighter, frailer. That's what men and women associate in western culture with masculinity and femininity.
>And there's nothing wrong with it and no strong need to change it, since while the difference between random pairings and actual ones is statistically significant it's not tremendous.
Except there IS something wrong with this, if I can construct a superior society without this. It's objectively inferior compared to a society where men and women don't care about it, and thus you put yourself against the side of moral progress by defending widespread discrimination.
>There's nothing wrong with it. That's how they are.
Yes, it's how they are, just like thinking black people were inferior was how white people were in the past (and how many modern alt-right incels are now lol). Either way, they have an obligation to get over it.
>Preferences are not racist/sexist or anything! Those are preferenes!
There is literally nothing special about preferences that make them immune from being racist or heightist or immoral. Widespread de facto discrimination is still discrimination.
Yes, women are being immoral by outright refusing to date men that are shorter than them when they would date them if they were taller than them. That shit has no right to continue to exist and it literally doesn't matter if women don't like it - they will get over it very quickly.

>tfw I'm 186
Ayo, wanna fuck, shorty?

>racist/sexist/prejudiced opinions and preferences are still racist/sexist/prejudiced.
The problem with your point is that it isn't a prejudice.
If I see a short man, and I'm not attracted to him, I'm just not attracted to him.
I'm not judging him as a person based on his physical appearance, I'm judging his physical appearance based on his physical appearance.
Racism is judging a person because of their race, and treating them unfairly because of it.
Sexism is judging a person because of their gender, and treating them unfairly because of it.

In this case
>you're not judging a person, but just their physical appearance
>you're judging their physical appearance based off a physical trait
>there's no unfair treatment
It's a silly parallel.

No, user. They are driven to pair with the best genetics.

What you don't seem to understand are that these preferences are more than just social constructs. People like you think you can socially deconstruct everything, but you can't socially deconstruct millions of years of evolution.

>The problem with your point is that it isn't a prejudice.
it is a prejudice, and just saying it's not doesn't mean it isnt.
>If I see a short man, and I'm not attracted to him, I'm just not attracted to him.
If the reason you're not attracted to him is because of height, yes you are being prejudiced and immoral. If you were to ALWAYS pick a tall man over a short one (or the reverse) then you are being immoral.
>I'm not judging him as a person based on his physical appearance, I'm judging his physical appearance based on his physical appearance.
No difference here.
>Racism is judging a person because of their race, and treating them unfairly because of it.
And in this case you're judging him based on his height, and treating him unfairly because of it.
The rest of your post doesn't make sense. You're judging his physical appearance (which is what racists do with other races) then deciding his worth that otherwise wouldnt be different if he wasn't that height (just like racists do with race).
You artificially separating the behavior when they aren't different.

How about you work out your trauma of getting rejected by women by not being tall at a therapist.
Would you date someone that is racist? No, you would not because they are discriminating against someone. But you are discriminating against someone in return.
Maybe this was too extreme.
You would not date someone that is 600 pounds and looks like the secret love child of jabba the hut and shrek. Why not? Cause you are not attracted to them. Are you discrimating then? Heck yes you are. But will anyone hold you acountable for it? No. Cause it's your preference. Same with heights.

I literally posted multiple articles (that themselves link to multiple other articles) proving attraction to taller men is not innate/biological/evolutionary and instead completely socially constructed. While there may be evolutionary psychological behaviors, women's attraction to taller men (or more accurately, their disattraction to shorter men) is not among them.

>these people hate you and you want to sympathise with them?
Sudeep, my venture capitalist neighbor from India, does not hate me. Neither do my other immigrant neighbors: Michael from Iran, Marie-Anne from Haiti, or Lucy from China.

>why should you? why should anyone?
All humans deserve sympathy. Immigrants aren't bothering anyone anyways. You have to be a hard worker to come to the US.

I am not short.
The comparison between height and weight isn't accurate. Weight is more similar to someone who rides motorcycles and has a lot of tattoos. It's a lifestyle choice that also has a physical look associated with it.
Also, it's not short men's duty to deal with being discriminated against. It's women's duty to stop discriminating against them. It's not the place of the victims to cope, it's the obligation of the ones doing the discrimination to stop.

>All humans deserve sympathy. Immigrants aren't bothering anyone anyways. You have to be a hard worker to come to the US.

That is true. Immigrants are great. Illegal ones aren't.

Not that user but regardless of attraction to tall men being a social construct, you can't say it's discrimination because not having sex with someone isn't discriminating against them.

>No difference here.
How there's no difference here?
If I see a black person and I think he's a thief, that's a prejudice. If I see a black person and I think his skin is dark, it's not.
If I see a short man and I think he's a cunt with a short cock, that's a prejudice. If I see a short man and I think he's short, it's not.

>And in this case you're judging him based on his height, and treating him unfairly because of it.
I'm judging his physical appearance because of his height (which is a part of his physical appearance). I'm not treating him unfairly because of it, unless you want to negate that physical appearance is an important factor when you want to have sex with someone, and if their physical appearance isn't good enough for me I am entitled to not have sex with them.

>You're judging his physical appearance (which is what racists do with other races) then deciding his worth that otherwise wouldnt be different if he wasn't that height (just like racists do with race).
I don't get how you don't get that it is completely different.

nbc about you faggot SJWs here or muh discrimination

5 11 is short.

So if you don't want to date someone because of lifestyle choices is that not also discriminating?
You are discrimating against people because of their choices they might have done a while ago (for example getting tattoed).

>giving a fuck about nonwhites
y tho
what do you gain from that

>you have to be a hard worker to come to the US
no you do not
and this is really bad argument anyway

>I know some nice people from other countries
I don't care
if you think they aren't all thinking on a group level, you're fucking naive
they'd all backstab you in a heartbeat and they don't care about your country, they only seek to exploit it

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It is discrimination to continue the male taller norm.
If you see a black person and think he is less attractive/unnatractive because of his race, that's racist. same with height. Nothing wrong with thinking of a black man as black or a short man as short. There IS something wrong with thinking short men aren't attractive due to their height.
>if their physical appearance isn't good enough for me I am entitled to not have sex with them.
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You are literally saying "short men aren't good enough because they are inferior and not attractive to me" which I have proven is societal prejudice and not innate and therefore you do not have the right to continue to think anymore. Short men are no better or worse than tall ones just because of height and the realm of sexuality is not immune from this truth.
>I don't get how you don't get that it is completely different.
because it isn't any different.
You will never be able to compare life choices to genetic characteristics. Notwanting to date someone I don't get along with isn't the same as rejecting a woman just because she's black when I would date her if she were exactly the same but white, and you know it.
The male taller norm does not have a right to continue to exist and you women have to get the fuck over it. Just chill it's not a big deal, why do you get so defensive?

>5 11 is short.
I'm taller than the average man btw. I dont know what the fuck you're talking about here.

>It is discrimination to continue the male taller norm.
Please explain. Who is discriminating, and in what form does the discrimination take place? Again, not wanting to have sex with someone is not discriminating against them.

>manlet cope

>Please explain. Who is discriminating, and in what form does the discrimination take place? Again, not wanting to have sex with someone is not discriminating against them.
women/men are discriminating by demanding to only be in taller-man relationships and continuing the male taller norm.
Women who would not date a man who is shorter than them, but if the same man was exactly the same but taller than her and she'd date him then, is discrimination on height, treating men differently because of height, perpetuating heightism and the male taller norm. Yes, not wanting to have sex/date someone in this case ID DISCRIMINATION and you will not be able to argue otherwise.

Not wanting to have sex with POC is racist.
Not wanting to have sex with trans is transphobic.
Why are short men any different?
Discrimination is discrimination. Period.

I am not taking the b8

it doesn't matter either way but I objectively am taller than the average man my age. and you didn't respond to the other stuff I wrote which was more important.
unironically this. get over it.

>There IS something wrong with thinking short men aren't attractive due to their height.
>You are literally saying "short men aren't good enough because they are inferior and not attractive to me"
I never said they're inferior or not good enough. I'm just saying I find tall men attractive, so a very short men is not going to be attractive to me. Or, at least, not attractive enough.
>I have proven is societal prejudice and not innate
There's nothing wrong with having a preference if it's not innate.
> therefore you do not have the right to continue to think anymore.
I have the right to think whatever the fuck I want.
> Short men are no better or worse than tall ones just because of height
I agree that they aren't.
>and the realm of sexuality is not immune from this truth.
It is tho. I need to be sexually attracted to someone to have sex with them, if I'm not I cannot have sex with them. If I don't find short men attractive, despite thinking that they're as good as human beings as tall guys, I'm just not going to have sex with them.

>Not wanting to have sex with POC is racist.
>Not wanting to have sex with trans is transphobic.
No it's not lmao. It's a matter of attraction. Lots of people are not attracted to certain races or to women with dicks/men with vaginas.

You're not a woman, you are either a crossdressing gay man or a 185cm bitter virgin male.

for the same reason thinking a race isn't as attractive or good. It's socially constructed, spreads out to more bigotry, and doesn't need to exist.
>I never said they're inferior or not good enough. I'm just saying I find tall men attractive, so a very short men is not going to be attractive to me. Or, at least, not attractive enough.
You in the same line said "they aren't not good enough" and then LITERALLY WENT ON TO SAY "they aren't attractive enough".
>There's nothing wrong with having a preference if it's not innate.
Yes there is. It pushes discrimanatory beauty norms, causes short men to kill themselves exponentially more, makes them sad, and doesn't need to exist. YOU. DO. NOT. HAVE. THE. RIGHT. TO. MAKE. THEIR. LIVES. WORSE. JUST. BECAUSE. THEYRE. SHORT.
>I have the right to think whatever the fuck I want.
No you don't. You don't have the right to be racist, or sexist, or heightist.
>I agree that they aren't.
You clearly dont or you would be just as fine dating a shorter guy as a taller guy.
As for the rest of your stuff, get over it.

>Yes, not wanting to have sex/date someone in this case ID DISCRIMINATION and you will not be able to argue otherwise.
No. Discrimination implies that someone is treated in an unjust or prejudicial manner. It's not unjust that someone isn't attracted to a short guy, nor is it prejudicial - women can have no prejudice against short men and still not be attracted to them, much like they have no prejudice against other women and still are not attracted to them.
When a heterosexual woman turns down a lesbian, that isn't discrimination on the basis of sex.

Yes, lots of people are racist and transphobic. What's your point?
The fact that these attitudes are normalized to the extent that they are is deeply problematic.

Sexuality is innate whereas the male taller norm is not, and thus your comparison is false.
Immediately rejecting all men who are shorter than you IS treating them unjustly due to height and acting in a prejudicial manner.
If a heterosexual woman is never attracted to any man just because he's shorter than her, that IS A PREJUDICE based on height, she does think of them as worse, and she doesn't have the right to continue that opinion.

Racial preferences don't necessarily come out of racism. You're mistaking indifference for hatred.
For example, I am white and I am mostly attracted to Asians and Indians. I don't hate any certain racial group, and I have no control over it.

because you don't want a man who's blood circulation can't reach both his head and dick

Exactly. None of these things are innate and they make society much much worse than if they didn't exist and if we forced people to get over them.
The utilitarian argument still has not been refuted. The only counters are "b-but I hate short men and don't want to have to get over it :(((" too bad. you are not entitled to these opinions and this sentiment is becoming more common. Get over it now.
the difference is, would you automatically reject any woman of another race if you liked her?

>for the same reason thinking a race isn't as attractive or good.
Even here, I agree on the "good" part, not on the attractive one.
If you don't find a certain race attractive or find one more attractive, nothing wrong with it in my opinion. As long as you don't treat them like shit, when it comes to who you have sex with I don't think it's anyone business to tell you what to think.
>You in the same line said "they aren't not good enough" and then LITERALLY WENT ON TO SAY "they aren't attractive enough".
Because I think they're two very different concepts.
They're just as good, they're not as attractive. Like a woman who got acid thrown at her face is probably just as much of a good person as one who hasn't, but not as hot.
And they don't have the right to have women find them attractive.
>You clearly dont or you would be just as fine dating a shorter guy as a taller guy.
No. I think they're good people, not people whose dick I want to suck. Who are you to tell me that I need to have sex with people I don't find attractive?

>Sexuality is innate
There's no proof it is.

>Sexuality is innate whereas the male taller norm is not, and thus your comparison is false.
Yes, the norm of tallness is socially constructed. No, that doesn't mean it's discrimination to select sex partners because of it.
The root of discrimination is denying a group something they deserve - for example, civil treatment, voting rights, or the ability to pursue certain careers. No one deserves to have sex with other people.

The fundamental problem here is you both artificially separating sexuality from the rest of society. There is no difference. Society is just the sum of all the interpersonal relationships and interactions between the people in the population. There is literally no way to separate individual behaviors in jobs, or friendships, or sexual relationships, or governments, with the rest of society as a whole.
Thus, women en masse refusing to date shorter men and perpetuating the male taller norm DOES IN FACT make society worse, does it fact deny short men their rights of being treated as equal citizens, and is not as morally good as a society where there is no male taller norm. Just like treating anyone for their race differently in your personal life is just the same as the government discriminating on race.
Yes, it is discrimination to automatically reject shorter guys - in fact, it's discrimination to find shorter or taller guys more attractive at all, expecially when nintey-six percent of other women also do. If NINETY SIX PERCENT of white people were treating black people differently, that would still be racism even if it weren't the government doing it.
Yes, not finding a certain race attractive is not innate and you are racist and morally wrong. Not finding guys shorter than you attractive if heightist and morally wrong. You do not have the right to do this anymore. It literally doesn't matter if you treat them decently in your life if you still think of them as ugly/unattractive/undateable, you are still objectively making society worse and you are not entitled to that.
This sentiment is only becoming more popular. I'm not saying this as a threat, i'm just saying that other people are getting fed up with this shit too. Join the morally righteous already.

>And they don't have the right to have women find them attractive.
yes they do. Women do not have the right to continue to discriminate against short men just for how their born. Short men's right to not be denied equal livelyhood takes precedence over socially constructed bigotry and always will

>The root of discrimination is denying a group something they deserve - for example, civil treatment, voting rights, or the ability to pursue certain careers. No one deserves to have sex with other people.
all people have the right and deserve to not be artificially made less attractive because of racist or heightist beauty norms. People do not have the right to continue to artificially make one group of people less attractive just because of race or height when this is provably not innate.

If society is going to go all in on a ban on speech that exposes, or tends to expose, persons or groups to hatred we MUST do something about the suicide epidemic amongst Men.
Preferences are fine. You're free to live your life privately.
But it should be illegal to publish hate speech that encourages men to kill themselves - young children are super impressionable to advertising and society is definitely sending them a message from a very young age that short men are essentially subhuman.

>does it fact deny short men their rights of being treated as equal citizens
Having sex with other people is not a right. Lots of people don't have regular sex and are still treated as equal citizens. It's ludicrous to claim otherwise.
You really need to get your head out of your ass and realize that the only thing women dislike about short men is this attitude of entitlement that so many seem to possess.

>all people have the right and deserve to not be artificially made less attractive because of racist or heightist beauty norms.
Lol. Do me a favor and cite the human rights accord that lists "being considered attractive" as a human right. Some people are ugly. It sucks, but it's not discrimination.

I'm not the person you were replying to but you can public hate speech towards short men and people will wave it aside as sarcasm when it's really not. Publish the same thing and just ad-lib it be towards Women? You might get banned from traveling internationally. I have no sympathy for PUA-losers with their Misogynist blogs, I just wish that obvious misandrist writers got treated the same way.

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>Having sex with other people is not a right.
No, but as it is, the reason short men are denied is literally mostly because of the male taller norm. If there was no male taller norm, then I wouldn't be saying this. AS it is now a fucking shitload of women will automatically reject a short man, call him a midget, laugh in his face, post tweets like pic related. NO, this is NOT ACCEPTABLE and until women as a group get over it, it is not just "individual women with indiviidual preferences" but "society and women as a whole treated an entire sect of the population in a disgusting discriminatory manner"
shorter men are only seen as ugly because of the male taller norm, literally no different as black people being rejected from jobs because of their names. You still have not once countered the utilitarian argument. You just keep saying "our right to make short men's lives artificially worse is more important than their right to not be seen as less attractive!!"

Attached: hatred_against_short_men.jpg (1024x576, 123K)

Also, rights are a social contract. If we agree that women aren't allowed to think of short men as less attractive anymore, that becomes the human rights. That's how it works.