How was your thanksgiving robots? I spent mine in my room. My mom broght me a plate and I fapped to pic related

How was your thanksgiving robots? I spent mine in my room. My mom broght me a plate and I fapped to pic related

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Spent they night at work, while creepshotting all the sluts who were out and about shopping.
Got so many fresh ass shots

>ran out of weed, beg cousins for some
>take 2 hits of cousin's super strong vape pen
>green out and vomit a 10x in toilet and during car ride back home

that is a beautiful picture. look at that thick strong bull

Grandparents came over for fuckin 4 days straight (they leave tomorrow) and I had some turkey and roasted ham. Overall pretty good but my grandma kept taking selfies with me which was horrible, but overall it was good. Also fapped

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Damn. Magneficent picture..

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looks like shes takin a shit

Whats it feel like to fuck a hot girl in the ass?

My parents took me out for lunch and then I returned home. Later I fapped to pic related.

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All the Chads are wageslaving right now, and it's the weekend, so they might not be back to answer until Monday.

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Already posted my Thanksgiving story, but here goes:
tl;dr: told sister not to touch me, which caused your typical Thanksgiving Day fight.
>be me, nearly 30
>still live with mom cuz neet
>have thanksgiving dinner over here, because I avoided the last ones, and they decided to bring it here
>if you want my opinion on thanksgiving, I consider it the most miserable day of the year
>when it sounded like everything was quiet, snuck out to chug as much booze as possible
>sis (home from college): "oh, hey there!"
>me: standing at the table, mouthraping a bottle of jaeger
>"your hair's gotten long" as she reaches out to stroke it
>annoyed, look at her, and blankly said "don't touch me"
>she retorts with "why the fuck not!?" in a manner so harsh, her voice deepened
>me, who doesn't like being touched, tells her it's weird
>"why the fuck would it be weird?" she asks, voice slowly returning to normal
>relatives come in, asking what's going on
>sis explains, while I want to say something, but am too busy holding back tears
>they start bickering for what sounds like it was just between them, before turning on me
>then came your cliched flurry of accusations of whether or not you like the family, that you don't find them good enough for you, that you're ungrateful and an oddity, that this is why you're an unlikable failure, and finally ended with diatribes about who you're a disgrace to everyone
>after that, still choking on tears, walk back to my room, and slowly lock door, while they kept going outside it
>essentially had to curl up in bed, and plug my ears like an autist having a meltdown
>everyone's left, but I'm still cooped up here, pissing in a now empty bottle of jaeger
H-happy Thanksgiving.

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Such a nice cock

It was just another day for me

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Fuck that bbc looks delicious. Post moar

yikes how autistic are you

Not very. I'm only like this around my family, not friends.

Nah bro you're definitely autistic. Your sister was greeting you after not seeing you for a while and you started crying because she touched you?

Instagrams only true meme lord

I would have cried my eyes out fucking hell

Literally nuke your family

Anyone feel free to stop by and share BBC pics, share BBC fantasies, etc
Kik: blackcockobsessed

or maybe his sister shouldn't be touching people in general.

By that logic, all introverts are autistic.

If my uncle tried to fondle me after not seeing each other in a while, I'd cry too.

You have good taste in porn

>Nigger porn is good.

I thought this was fucking Jow Forums.

black cock is the best cock

Julio Gomez just has a really nice cock. It has nothing to do with race. His cock would be just as nice if he was white.

I spent mine with family, thanking the Lord for my food; not like you, spending it racebaiting on Jow Forums. Pathetic. If posting Blacked porn to falseflag racewars is your only hobby why not just kill yourself at that point white "robot"?

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who's that girl because i would like to masturbate to her videos pls no more mute

>Grandma is 95 and in hospital get her transferred to hospice she should die sometime tomorrow
>mom crys alot and tells me I am all she has left now
>eat some $25 restaurant meal

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Spent it working till one for Black Friday. Some white guy got triggered because I didn't know who some wrestler was and my response to his questioning was "I'm not white". He tried to get me fired by snitching to my manager like some little kid in elementary school. Just goes to show white people are just as sensitive and faggy about race as blacks are. It pissed me off so much I quit on the spot. Fuck Retail.

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IKTF user I am 25 and hereI guess once grandma is dead I will start a plumping union apprenticeship so I wont be a neat anymore

Sauce is Valentina Nappi and Julio Gomez

Valentina Nappi. Reminds me of an ex-gf, only way hotter.

ty robots
i'll be back in 2 minutes

I got paid just in time to go food shopping before the thanksgiving and black friday cucks could fill up the stores. Then I gorged on White Castle as played through my MMO backlog and listened to my mom thirsting for this Scottish dude in Outlander. Besides listening to my mom's fantasies of fucking a ginger half her age after 20 years of not having sex, it really wasn't a bad time.

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I wish it was in my ass