Hunger Games Jow Forums edition. First 24 characters, plus their pic, are in

Hunger Games Jow Forums edition. First 24 characters, plus their pic, are in.

Attached: hungergames.png (175x115, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: of3urXk7_400x400.jpg (236x236, 12K)

Enjoy boy

Attached: 1542552981893_1.jpg (218x277, 10K)

Dana White

>Not smoking cigarettes

Attached: 1C6186C9-09A9-4ED9-A11B-39FCAD2D9E69.jpg (376x376, 45K)

Racist Jackie Chan

Attached: 1BC72F62-0673-4275-B430-B23D103114B7.jpg (506x578, 65K)

deconstructed apu

Attached: 1466534730718.png (640x400, 114K)

best hero gril

Attached: 1097212.jpg (731x776, 241K)

supreme gentleman himself

Attached: 1541640548104.jpg (634x732, 62K)

pussy smoke

Attached: 1538343994708.jpg (184x184, 5K)


Attached: C235z-X5_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

Ascending Homer

Attached: 1542048840625.png (500x250, 8K)

Ivan Ivanov Ivanovich

Attached: dcswmol871z11.jpg (871x837, 466K)

xander thundercoch

Attached: 1540809432527.png (114x113, 10K)


Attached: 1510717127748.png (348x362, 175K)

REPORTING AS "Dragon Quest Slime"

Attached: VWYHPrvs_400x400.jpg (240x240, 10K)

Mr. George Sodini

Attached: image5229733.jpg (620x465, 49K)

"the bang man" joins the fight

Attached: 1542641667040.png (610x917, 89K)

Dan Backslide

Attached: DanBackslide-312682_480_360.jpg (480x360, 50K)

Seven more spots left

Attached: tregregdsfgsf.jpg (637x477, 57K)

Fox Henry McCloud

Attached: download.jpg (252x142, 5K)


Attached: 1542072933739.png (2000x2000, 1.21M)

El Fudge Joins The Battle!

Attached: 1539889961143.jpg (311x175, 6K)


Attached: d33.jpg (537x737, 52K)

Todd Howard
A very original contestant.

Attached: 1493877488656.jpg (1200x1800, 246K)

Matteo Salvini

Please don't shoot, cute suit!

Bill Wilson, C.I.A

Attached: Bill_Wilson-0.jpg (716x768, 79K)


Attached: 1497273089292.gif (352x600, 100K)

Red Megumi

Attached: wink.png (502x502, 234K)

please update us op

orangutan titties

Pants.gif was the last one. One user didn't post a pic unfortunately.

Attached: teyrthbfghfhg.jpg (616x582, 83K)

Let the games begin. This shit is gonna be a pain with the mute rule.

Attached: hfdghgfsd.jpg (413x553, 32K)

Bunch of fucking pussies right here.

Attached: fuckinbitches.jpg (376x529, 29K)

Just post random combinations of words or actually comment on the action.

Alliances have been formed and there has been no deaths yet.

Attached: fuasohadhjas.jpg (592x528, 39K)

Mandalore and Dana white are some bitches.

Attached: whywontthisshow.jpg (517x519, 33K)

Not worth the extra captcha

Attached: asfashasiuhda.jpg (294x139, 12K)

Bump for OP's sake. Thanks from all the lurkers out here.

can someone just fucking die already

first blood has been drawn

Attached: riptodd.jpg (571x603, 36K)

>dies from an arrow to the knee
Like pottery.

Never a dull moment it seems with these characters.

Attached: uneventfulexperiance.jpg (325x568, 29K)

Multiple deaths and Pepe bout to fuck someone up with this shit.

Attached: alrightthen.jpg (556x480, 36K)

>suicide pact

Four out of five deaths were suicides...

Attached: 4fuckingsuicidesandonly1kill.jpg (552x523, 72K)

>group suicide
Alpha from a robot perspective, absolutely beta trash from a hunger games one.

BASED ASCENDED HOMER, Ivan is forced to kill a frog meme, and Elliot Roger is doing about as well as what you'd expect of him

Attached: Pepe'schoice.jpg (513x595, 46K)

Nothing worth noting here after shit went down before.

Attached: uneventfulexperianceafteraneventfulone.jpg (545x505, 35K)


Attached: AHHHHHSUHIUSDUHDA.jpg (498x582, 36K)

kekked originarrrilly hard

Attached: 1535609203745.png (433x433, 214K)

>ascended homer
>being scared of anything

Elliot prepares to achieve what he couldn't in Isle Vista.

Attached: Elliotprepares.jpg (429x365, 26K)

After killing four characters no less.

So we got four suicides, two unintentional murders, and Homer blowing up four people.

Attached: only4intentionalkills.jpg (548x542, 70K)


Attached: unvensts.jpg (536x588, 46K)

Not worth the additional snip and captcha

Attached: notworth.jpg (346x122, 13K)


Attached: scrim'sanidiot.jpg (501x589, 41K)

bumping because we're in the endgame now

I'll zooming out more for the next rounds.

Attached: ishouldzoomoutmore.jpg (459x140, 17K)

Not the time to get fucked up scrim..

F for frog memes.

Attached: PressFtopayrespectsforfrogmemes.jpg (548x546, 71K)

G59 G59 G59

You'd think that these people would try to murder each other in their sleep. Especially Elliot.

Attached: UUNNNNNNNNNFUNNNNNN.jpg (447x597, 36K)

Dan Backslide and Ascending Homer in the final round.

Shit's bout to go down right quick

Attached: shit'sgottagodownnow.jpg (354x582, 28K)

Checked. Trips decide fate.

Attached: 1531674361244.jpg (750x1024, 122K)

fucking checked. trips of destiny predicting the future

For fucks sake man. Proceed better start some good shit.

Attached: nothinghappens.jpg (396x548, 28K)

I shouldn't even be bothering with this one.

Attached: nothinghappensagain.jpg (274x244, 15K)

White x Jiro I guess...

Attached: WhitexJiro.jpg (495x611, 43K)

Not a fan of Homer working with others. Homer's probably killed more people than everyone else combined.

Attached: don'tlikehomerworkingwithother.jpg (450x600, 36K)

There has been only one death the past two nights. Place your bets now as to who wins.

Attached: only1death.jpg (556x552, 71K)

Still backing enjoy boy
Slow and steady

Noone's gonna kill my punk rock waifu

Jiro gotta

xander v homer final round

So nothing is new with Elliot Roger

Attached: what'snewwithelliot..jpg (528x487, 34K)

I blame LA Fitness

Attached: blameLAfitness.jpg (305x367, 21K)

Elliot still never scored...

Attached: heneverscored.jpg (345x594, 26K)

Ivan assuming the role Elliot was supposed to fulfill.

Attached: Ivanfurfillingtheroleofelliotitseems.jpg (383x467, 26K)

You gotta love that both of the mass shooters both died stupidly

Attached: ripmassshooters.jpg (507x518, 62K)

>half the deaths are all suicides
Yup. Definitely a robot hunger games.

Still betting on my bois dan and homey!

has op abandoned us? will we ever know the winner?

waiting on OP to deliver...
>original comment blox

homer killed op

at least we know who won

I was late but considering what OP has done, glad I didn't waste time

>hunger games
>no ice machine 24.0
This is a disgrase

Also as op of a majority of these threads on r9k this year I can safely say that op is a faggot who does not take the time to do custom scenarios

OP here. Computer hard crashed. I saved the code for the scenario, but the events are different with charcter like homer dying. I'll start a new room with the same alive characters

What about dead characters? Do we get a chance to enter

thanks for the update, i'll try to keep the thread bumped

If it ends up being that I can't start a session with the alive characters. I'll redo the whole thing. If the original state gets saved somehow. I'll be sure to share the conclusion.

Okay OP, I'll bookmark and check this thread for updates