/gfd/-Gentle Femdom

ITT discuss how much you would love to be in a gfd relationship and what your expectations of your partner would be

>tfw want a forceful but kind and caring girl to help keep me on the path of righteousness. She gets to be on top on sex whenever she wants, even all the time

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As for everyday life, I'd want it to be mostly vanilla.
I'd mostly just want a kind gf with whom I could talk and discuss just like with a best friend, support and encourage me to do my best at drawing and writing and generally trying to care for me and keep me in a good shape and vice verse.

But when it comes to emotional and sexual things I'd love her to take control so that it would feel good for both of us and not just me. I'd personally be fine with switching between vanilla sex and a more full time domination with lots of teasing, tying up and calling me a good boy

In other words, I just want a healthy relationship with a gf that truly loves me the way I am.

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This only exists in anime. It sounds nice, but giving one partner too much control is opening yourself up to abuse.

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I'd rather be loved and get abused from time to time then be alone forever.

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I would not mind being abused a little. My body is built for abuse especially from qt girls

T. never been abused by anyone.
Besides, if they abuse you that means they don't love you.

Maledom is better, fuck off cuck

I want to be dominated by a NEET fembot

Please see my previous reply.
I don't mean getting playfully punched once in a while, I mean actual abuse.

Well I would not want actual abuse. If she is angry and wants to hit me a little though that is fine as long as she apologizes

My mom would abuse me a lot when I was a kid but she still loved me.

>Being dominated by a women
Low Testosterone Beta Cuck

My mom did too, and she says she lives me, but she doesn't. I dislike her. Also, what is it with having an abusive or negligent mother and being into this kind of thing? Do you like /ss/ too?
Whatever floats your boat, I guess, but letting someone hit you in anger does not sound like a good idea.

Maybe not. As long as she keeps loving me, really loving me, I could care less

I've talked to a lot of girls online from various communities and sites. Still haven't found a girl who was serious about /gfd/ and either was just "interested" in it or just had a big complex about wanting to take care of people and didn't actually care about the sex side of it

It looks like I can't change your mind, but I hope you never have to experience an abusive relationship.

>Do you like /ss/ too?
yes I do too

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Ackshually I have testosterone levels above my closest lab's reference range of "normal" (1138ng/dl) and I lift 3 days a week, user.
>he doesn't want to get dominated by a NEET fembot who doesn't shower
you're a faggot desu

Me too. What do you think we would have been like if our moms actually loved us?

hi /gfd/-goers.
my bf is really into this kink and our sex life pretty much centers around it, the problem is that i was always super submissive before him and the only thing i get out of dominating him is the fact that i know i'm making him happy. is there any way your gfs could get you to switch it up and dominate them for once, or is that basically out of the question?

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I think I'd still be into gfd because my dad was almost never home and I was raised mostly by her. But maybe I wouldn't be exactly into /ss/ and motherly women in general.

have you tried asking him to do this for you?

Maybe you should try to gradually dominate him less with each intercourse and try to make him more active. I don't know whether he would enjoy "dominating" you but you could probably try to make it more vanilla.

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I've been having fantasies of being the straight-talking, smooth-talking, early moviestar type who can open a conversation with "Hello gorgeous", but I'm too mindful of shocking people in a non-fun way.
The feels have been strong lately, however. I just want to scoop up a man who is shorter than me and fluster him in a kind yet teasing manner.

you have to switch the perspective on him. you can bait him to be dominant if you continue to give him maternal affection and encourage him to top you while you give him that positive feedback for it

how tall/big are you user?

Tell him that you would like him to be more dominant on occasion. He will most likely eventually come to like being dominant on occasion, if he tries it.

Yeah, my dad wasn't home much when I was a kid as well.

no, he's never really asked me about my kinks or anything and i'm too shy to bring it up to him. it's only been 6 months
i would be happy with a vanilla sex life, but do you think that would be a dealbreaker for him?
how so? i'm a genuinely maternal and affectionate person which is why i think he liked me in the first place but it's more because i want to serve him instead of mommy dom gf him :(

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Five foot nine.

you gotta flip the script and make it seem like him fucking you hard is serving you and going to earn him that affection. context makes a big difference for this kinda stuff

asdfgh UGH meanwhile 5 ft 6 here

>i would be happy with a vanilla sex life, but do you think that would be a dealbreaker for him?
If you were to introduce him to it slowly, I think he would be absolutely fine with it. You would just have to guide him through it and make him more confident to do it on his own.

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I know I would probably be a slightly better adjusted person. Maybe less ugly from monger up birth defects. Different fetishes

If you are taller than the average woman you might have a chance femanon. Also cute!

How about overpowering a big boy?

Tell him he has to be a good boy and hold mommy down and fuck her daylights our until mommy is panting and begging for mercy. Make the idea of him dominating you seem hot while at the same time giving him the impression that are forcing him to do it. Dominating him into dominating you, if you catch my drift

Literally Amazonian tier. You are a good 4 inches taller than me and I would love to get picked up by a girl, so clearly you should go for it and embarrass some sweet short qtboi

Even if I were to find a gfd gf, I would still feel like I'm too tall and not small and cute as I'm 6'0 . I wish I were shorter honestly.
Do gfd women like dominating taller guys?

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i'm pretty much the opposite of you(besides the cute part) and honeslty from my experiences it feels like even dominant girls want bigger and more muscular guys.
so don't give up user

>tfw want a gfd gf but am getting older
Fembots how old is too old before you will not dom a guy? I look 5 years younger than I actually am but I would hate to be one of those creepy older guys with a younger girl. But I would want a qt girl who is younger than me so I never have to live without her

I would love to have one, even if it meant i could never cum again. I want to be her plaything and call me a good boy while giving me head pats and edging me over and over again till she decides i had enough and decides if i get to cum and how depending on what she feels like doing or if i earned it. She can cage me, ruin my orgasm or let me cum and if im really good or on special occasions maybe a special treat. Them she gives me a goodnight kiss and we snuggle till we fall asleep

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The ideal wife. You would have to be sure to make her happy because a woman like that deserves to be happy

Please. I just want a comfy older weeb mommy gf to give milkies and play vidya with.

I basically just want a regular sex life but with some good boy and mommy stuff thrown in. Hell, my favorite position is missionary.

Like an 80 - 20 split with me being more submissive is literally ideal

Oh i will, im good at cooking and cleaning

>tfw no gf to feed and give foot massages to

at tabula rasa we have AT LEAST one girl who may sit on your face if you behave

What is tabula rasa?

>majority of gentle femdom is /ss/
Is it really too much to ask for two normal people?

I'd say it depends. I guess max of 5 years older than me? Mainly due to maturity and life experience. So for example, I'm 19 and never held a job or had any friends. 25 seems like I'd be way too behind and more of a pain to your goals.

/ss/? What's that man

Gfd isn't something normal people do.

Straight shota
Really? It seems like such a normal vanilla fetish

>starts talking to a boy
>has a nice normal conversation
>brings up history
>he spergs over ww1
>actually interesting and learned some stuff
>teasingly calls him a nerd
>he gets flustered
>i get flustered
>keeps calling him dork and dweeb from here on out
>gets shy responses from him
>god dammit this feels really nice actually
>a week later, starts calling him "my prince" and "my little kitten"
>nervously calls him a good boy
>he can hardly reply to me anymore
This feels amazing, I want to make him a nice meal and hug him after we are all nice and full. I want to pat him and call him a good boy irl. I want to give him kisses on the head after a hard day of wagecucking and let him nap on my lap. God dammit, I never knew how much I enjoy being motherly to a boy till now.
I wonder if this is due to taking care of my miserable parents and craving a more happy wholesome relationship in my life.

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Why would you post this? Is this bait? Good on you if it's real, I guess.

Nice story, gives me wholesome feels in my heart.

I love/hate getting bullied on discord, especially when they do it in a public server

I need something like this, why can't i find girls like you

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Because you're boring, unremarkable and only defined by your thirst for a relationship

You can't find them because they're extremely rare, to the point where they might as well not exist. You're probably an alright person, it's just that these type of women are practically nonexistent.

Not bait at all. I met him on Maplestory 2 and we started to talk daily. After a while, we got each other's contact information.
Because they're usually hiding. Not on ""fembot""" threads. Not on /soc/. Just hiding, maybe playing a MMORPG once they work up the courage to contact humans.

>tfw your a solo and anti-social player in mmorpg's

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oof. Try to play some girly MMORPGs user. But watch out for the classic guy pretending to be a girl ruse.

It's FFXIV isn't it? I got fed up with FFXIV due to how lonely the community is. MS2 was brand new so it was fun playing it with everyone for the first time!
Although, the community is dying, the RNG is awful. I love the social aspects like housing and the customization but I don't know if that alone will bring in new players.

That is not true

Your probably right and the ones who are maybe hiding it

I never played ffxiv, but i played maple story 2 a bit but stopped because i didn't feel like playing it anymore

Which ones do you suggest i should try

Weebish ones. Maple story.

I ready played that one before but i stopped because i don't feel like playing it anymore

Try Blade and Soul or WoW

>Really? It seems like such a normal vanilla fetish
You think that because you're not a normalfag.

Well with women becoming more dominant and hardworking in general it is entirely possible that this fetish could grow.

See but in return, it seems they are rejecting being "feminine" and "motherly" as if you can't be hardworking and motherly or something.

Don't fall for the old canard that feminism will benefit marginalized men. Women are looking out for themselves and they generally don't want "unmanly" men.

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>ywn receive headpats while resting your head in the lap of your partner
I hate this timeline

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I hate modern feminism so god damn much.

I know mommy gf's are kind of a thing but do Onee-chan gf's exist irl?

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This just sounds like a mommy gf but you get bullied sometimes

>Onee-chan gf's exist irl?
RISE my fellow nee-chan friends!

With our superior taste mommy-fags will surely crumble

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>See all these nice pictures of headpats, resting heads on welcoming laps, and "good boys"
>Will never experience any of it
End my life

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but-but-but I love mommy just as much as I love nee-chan

Why not both?
Mommies and nee-chans can share

No you wouldn't.

It destroys you inside and you don't realize how deep the damage goes until years after you've left them (or they've left you) when you begin to understand that you have deep-seated psychological carrots and sticks directing your behavior and thought, and you realise that your ex from a decade ago fucking reprogrammed you and trained you like a dog to make you act and think the way they wanted you to, for their personal benefit or amusement.

It leave leaves you stuck with behavioral patterns that often actively harm you and others around you, that you can't break out of because it's been drilled deep into you.

You wake up one morning feel absolutely violated, knowing that that person still basically defines your sad existence even though you haven't spoken in years and they most like haven't had even the slightest passing thought about you since they last saw you.

You don't even feel like a human being.

Live vicariously user. And just pretend that we are all gonna make it

oof. Sounds like my kind of woman

That is degenerate!
Why would you cuck your mommy or you nee-chan?

The caring love an older sister feels for her imouto, along with the intimate sibling bond creates a duality of nurturing with the power level being mostly equal allowing for plenty of bants.

When you get down to it, mommy gfs will never have the intimate and nuanced bond that onee-chan gfs have!

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Why not have her be your mommy and your big sis?

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At least it isn't boring like my life currently is.

I'll take being emotionally destroyed over boredom any day of the weak, at least then I know that I'm living.

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Having a sweet in live, but domaint in bed gf would be nice.

Real question, like with all this gfd shit. Do girls who are into this like having the roles reversed too? Like alternating roles and whose the gentle dom?

Because I gotta admit, while I'd really love to experience this shit, I'd start to feel guilty at some point I'm indulging myself all the time and perhaps she would like it too. But fuck head lap cuddles, it's all about the side hug cuddle under a blanket.

All cuddling is beautiful user, and head lap cuddles let you look up to see her pretty face.
I do side hug my daki all the time to go to sleep though and it feels so wonderful.

And yeah, I'm with you in those /switch/ feels.
I'm sure everyone likes being treated and feel like they're truly being appreciated and loved.

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boast Discord, loser. I'm a NEET with a lot of free time to bully you.

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Personally I'd like to have someone open to domination both ways, but when it comes to femdom, I want to be hurt. Easy as that.

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>Throwing out those cropped images of lolicon porn.

10$ on the fact this is a MTF.

Hmm. Posts like these make me wish I worked normal hours and could come home, hop on discord and get bullied by a femNEET

you just lost $10!

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Gimme that proof then, because I have yet to meet a female whose into lolicon porn. Straight shota, sure, but never lolicon.

Honestly, I didn't know it was loli related. But now that I know, she looks even more smug than before.