Lower your standards, bucko

Lower your standards, bucko.

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Do you think he regrets it now that suddenly became internet-famous in his mid-50s and could probably find a prime young pussy fangirl to fuck?

fuck you, you just want grandkids

Of course he does.Sexuality cannot be reasoned with easily.

that video is ironic you autistic sperg

god damn peterson fans truly are the most autistic bunch

Peterson is an unfuckuable beta faggot, if it wasn't for his borderline arranged marriage he'd be a genetic dead end, if he was born after 1990 he'd be driving a truck of peace into a crowd of people

>the autistic sperg calls others autistic sperg..

ohh the irony

No can do. I had a relationship with a girl who was way too attractive for me and now I won't accept anything less.

That video is a flash back to high school. Womyn can be so cruel ;_; *sobs*. And they call us creeps.

>tfw you can't even match a below average girl on tinder

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I'm not the one who's so autistic he can't tell when someone is being obviously factitious on a fucking video.


original correction

he slays the dragon everytime they fuck

They're both fairly ugly. They belong with each other

I can do that, and above average girls.

This bitch went on a date with andre Drummond and proceedee to make fun of him on a radio show, she is heartless .

If it makes you feel better, I match with very attractive girls sometimes and it always goes nowhere and they ghost me and all or never respond, matching means nothing 99% of the time

Very nice picture of JBP and his mother.

What a fucking repulsive last name. Seriously, I think she is a knockout but good god the last name makes me want to fucking castrate myself it's actually disgusting.

Im sure she looked better when she was younger. Their daughter is gourgeous

It honestly is good advice, there are plenty of women in the 5-6 range who dont look awful and are fun to date. It worked for me.

5-6 isn't lowering your standard, your average instagram thot is a 6 abusing make up, wearing yoga pants and filters to look like an 8.

Jesus Fucking Christ dude.
Holy shit man.
Is that really his fucking wife? JFC man.
Note to myself : always check the wife of public speakers before buying into their bs. There is NO WAY he had sex with that. It contradicts everything he stands for. Why a great mind like him bellow himself to such disgusting creature. YIKES.

I recently cleaned my room, but I've also read Culture of Critique, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, On The Jews and Their Lies, and half of 200 Years Together. Does Peterman still hate me?

Attached: Jordan Peterson Prime Minister Goals.jpg (1200x691, 156K)

does anybody else think this girl is kind of ugly?

I mean she has a nice body and she's not unfuckable but in the grand scheme of things she is 5/10 at best in the face. It's amazing that just because she's famous from icarly she's the subject of many fantasies.

I'd rather bleed than settle for less

Is she Jewish or what? Getting that vibe from her.


I never cared about him, but now I just cant take him seriously. I don't find her that ugly, but no real thinker did ever get married.

You can let antisemitism rot your brain, that's fine, but please look at and grasp this.

Attached: jewish_iq_distrib_comparison.png (918x119, 5K)

You can tell a guy is unconfident based on his wife/gf. Petersoy is full of shit

She's a smug bitch but she's got a sense of humor at least. Low on agreeableness. Peterson would approve

They're like 50+ years old she's not bad looking for her age, how many chicks over 40 are even actually actracite? Like 5% even if you can kinda tell they used to be good looking, they're very rarely great.
Also he's not a bad looking guy and again, they're older.
Case in point:
their daughter

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What does it actually take to just get a 5 out of 10?

I'm 25, earning 45k a year (UK, outside London), own my own flat in the centre of town, lift, 5ft10 and think I look fairly standard (I'd give myself at least 4 out of 10).

What else do you have to do?

Honestly, find an Asian girl. They like guys who aren't conventionally attractive to white girls. That's the only solution ive found.

Replying to myself: I am assuming this post was made to point out his wife isn't great looking?
Also just want to post more Mikhaila

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Nah, I would unironically rather be alone than date below my standards

Totally average roastie.

Same. I remember the first time it happened I got so excited and emug. Thought I was a Chadlite or something.

What else do you have to do?
Be sociable and confident to the extreme and you can fuck even as a no future, no education, average looking manlet. I am talking about a real case that i know. So most of the things that you have are just extra, if you fulfill these 2 criteria. If you are not confident and sociable, tough shit. In that case your only way out are FAT STACKS (This goes from 4/10 all the way up to the 9/10)

meh she's just my type I guess

What is worse, this or >tfw no gf?

true it doesn't matter, not when you're competing with 30 other guys at the same time

They're in the same league stupid.


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Is being with a woman below your league a sign of good character? Or stupidity? redpill me here bros


When the only thing a woman has to offer is her genetics through child bearing and her looks are a directly reflection of the quality of her genes what do you think

How the fuck can u say u look fairly standard if u lift and rate yourself 4/10

That's your problem, you are ugly as fuck if you are true
Fairly standard + lifting should atleast net u a 6-7/10 easily If u started out average

Average for someone who doesent get out enough to know whats average beyond porn*


Failed normie here. She's honestly average or below average, she just isn't fat which automatically raises her status a bit