
rude scottish weebs edition

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get tae fuck desu

schadenfreude is an exhilarating feeling

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any sore bum man in?

why is everyone hating on the scots all of a sudden?

Read this lads. Important Brexit information.

scots are cunts


For anyone who was confused about Tim's status with Shopper Bear. Shopper Bear is the one who talks in the tweet and refers to Tim as "kid".

F-fine, n-not like I w-wanted to hear your p-patter anyway b-bawbag!

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I agree. fuck scottish weebs.

Any working class subhuma- I mean, lads, here?

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>What is the biggest problem you're facing in your life right now user?

I'll go first. 10k gambling debt. About to start missing payments. Shits about to get real lads.

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yeah when i dislocated my finger

really? havent you ever heard of the french?

Wow have things gotten that bad that May has to start a patreon to pay off the EU?

would be interest to hear the thoughts on English weebs

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French people don't come here
how would we know

no, don't even do that please
get tae fuck covers the rude scottish bit, and desu was for the weeb
i was playing along for your edition
*skulks away*

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I'm one of them but nobody knows lad.

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owe my friend about a grand, paid him back 300 so far but it has ruined our friendship pretty much

Would lock that shit down desu

>French people don't come here

stupid 4channel shite

walk on, jap

Fuck English weebs.

I have added one person from here and we are now best friends that talk everyday.

didnt see new thread because im a mong

>Scottish weebs
Two wrongs don't make a right

cant wait until the /n/ autists come over here with their train threads, but gutted as to how the entire thing will effect the 4ch cup though

who cares ? the point is talking to each other, enjoying the time we spend on discord not to be rude all the time seriously

this place is full of failed normied, its only natural

scottish weebs needs to fuck off reeeeeeeee

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added to where?

very nice who's your waifu

don't think that's very nice lads but i think you're entitled to your own opinions and respect them even if they're rubbish

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I never ghost people on discord, I make them ghost me because I'm extremely rude, condescending and a generally bad person.

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How is it not nice? I'd bf him and we'd live happily ever after

>added to where?

discord lad

I suppose this is my incredibly obscure waifu.

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Jow Forums declared reigning champions. it's the only way lad
c'mon ya neckbears

I've a few thread frens and they're all nice and loads of friends from Jow Forums in general. If you don't just whore out your discord to randoms and get to know people a bit before adding them places, you usually get on pretty well.
Just swapping discords with some fag that likes anime from Jow Forums is never going to end well and Scottish people are proudly cheeky as fuck. N whit?

fun fact: Scottish cats are genreally more homophobic and judgemental than their English/Welsh/Irish counterparts

well that was a waste of time. the fuck are we meant to do about it now?


he was pretty despite saying the opposite, he even liked idol animes and shit what a manchild

i felt bad for his parents more than once that has to see his room filled with anime girls figures


fuck them you are right

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Me too, it's down to about 15k from 25 for me. Taken a long time to bring it down but all being well I'll be clear by this time next year.

I could beat any britfeel user in a one on one fight with no weapons.

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you are talking about the desperate gay lad from here arnt you. I'm sure he said he was Scottish.
bloody hell

How you managing that mate? Working lots? Cutting down on social spends/clothes and shit?

Any advice

Fun fact, north of england is basically just the same as all the south and full of wee poofs

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I fucking hate porridge wogs.

>he even liked idol animes
You don't have an IQ high enough to understand them lad.

Quit drinking and doing drugs but I cut off my old gearhead friends. Weren't really mates, just drinking partners that did drugs together too.
Feeling a bit lonely lads. How do you make friends IRL if you can't at work and don't go to school and also have no hobbies?

Making friends is hard because I have really short hair, and look a bit like a neo nazi since I started gyming when I stopped coke.

No one realises me for the harmless autist that I really am. Gonna go back to play eu4 in a bit.

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yer mum's a wee puff

fucking hell lad here we all having a laugh and you had to make it all serious by saying things like that, harsh, very harsh, no one deserves comparing to southerners

Shopper bear was sent to Tim anonymously in the post, and Tim almost sent her to Oxfam

he also gave her a highly visible vagina

You've always got us hypa, get some new fridge vids up lad

'ate scots
ate niggers
'ate japs
'ate catholics

love me wife
love me country
love me sausage rolls
simple as

not gay from my knowledge

they are quite boring and childish compared to other anime genres

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Bit cold for ice cream innit.


Where are ya from lads?
North Yorkshire checking in

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glorious West Lancashire ofcourse

Essex, mate.

fite me softyin

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>ate niggers
Can't imagine they taste very nice.

an unspecified area of wales.

The next step of human evolution will be the death of emotion and familial attachments, of course this'll take another few hundred thousand years.

Also why are northerners so retarded? Inbreeding?

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oh youd like that wouldnt you, lad? *removes tie and cuban heels*

sblobfloposhire reporting in

Stop being a big fruit or I'll set my cats on you gayboy

Reminder lads if you live anywhere above this black line you are literally inbred scum and are a net negative to the economy.

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everyone knows the east lancs road marks the north/south boundry, they built the straight road along the foundations of a wall, that was, in the middle ages, used to keep dirty southerners out

my cheeks are way too chubby for my liking. used to have a nice angular face, and now its gone all chubby. not put on much weight either, still skinny.

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>tfw /brit/ is no longer on Jow Forums and never will be again

Feels like victory

I taught my Chad friend how to identify a roastie just by text he tells me he can't unsee it now I think I've unironically redpilled him lads

Also finally getting bar training I can now make 8 doubles in 30 seconds from a minute 30

Just got back from my favourite chicken takeaway place. On 8000 calories today

Need a bf to rub my bloated tumtums

What if I was born below the line but live north of it now?

>implying i give a fuck about the economy

hahaha keep paying my way slave boi

>tfw made this thread as a rude scottish weeb and soon the north and south english cunts will be arguing about who's more poor or stupid

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Then I feel deeply sorry for your. You're tainted now.

Banbury, North Oxfordshire

What blue boards were takwn away?

i, for one, quite like the scots

What if the shippy we know is not one of the original 2 harold posters?
But he just took up the mantel?
What if the origina two harold posters killed themselves by simultaneously giving each other lethal does of morphine?

Best Midlands is the West Midlands (region)

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u a scot m8?

Everyone thinks I'm posh or rich, but I'm neither.
Hate my accent desu.

I just want one (YOU)

what if ur chatting pure shite? ye fruit

I'm probably on about 2000, feel incredibly fat

Anyone in the west of Essex?

one day the /westlancashirepandemic/ will leave all you plebs behind

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Normies aren't welcome

What have you eaten today, user? I had a pizza I posted earlier, some chocolate biscuits and the takeaway I mentioned. Had three bags of crisps, and a chocolate gateau earlier in the day too

Chinese takeaway and some sandwiches I can't seem to stop making

There are no brit feels here anymore, this is just a Jow Forums outpost in Jow Forums

Its time to get out

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How do you figure that one out mate? Seems to me emotional people with strong family values are the ones most likely to reproduce

>user comes into the surgery
>concerned about the number of shippy's in the thread
>asks for clarification on the matter
>give him a lethal dose of benis instead

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iktf lad. i'll be your friend, we can be teetotal neo nazis together.

I'd rub that and more for you.

Thanks lad, you're ok
>mfw he wants to blacked the whole country

thought this place was created fom Jow Forumsfugees. or so the lore goes


a bit off topic i know but
is this one of those strategy games? like age of empires but a bit more complicated and simulationish?

What are you going to rub? His massive bald head?

How much did you lot get paid this month?