I want this board to be populated only by Catholics and Orthodox Chtistians who know the Truth of God...

I want this board to be populated only by Catholics and Orthodox Chtistians who know the Truth of God. Have you converted yet?

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I converted from Orthodox Christianity to Slavic paganism. It is much more fitting to the traditions in my country and, in the end, I think that the pagan religion is much more reasonable when it comes to many things, such as morale or heaven and hell.

Get out of here, heathen. You don't belong here. Paganism is just degeneracy.

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Why is paganism degeneric? Christianity is a religion that "spreads peace and love" and yet they forced pagans to convert religions or they would be slaughtered.
Calling someone a heathen isn't an argument either. You are a heathen in my eyes, as well. Not that it matters of course: if you are a good person you will live forever in heaven, unlike Christianity, where you rot in hell for doubting in a god.

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I want this to happen to you.

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replace catholicism with islam and you got a good combo OP

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Paganism is an awful religion. It has practically no theology, no philosophy backing it, and is empty and almost impossible to be actually devout to. You have no philosophy and no theology.

>I want this to happen to you.
Fuck you.

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Christianity V2 btw

because the bible says kikes are god's chosen people. I don't buy that crap

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>It has practically no theology
Partly correct. It is true that Slavic paganism doesn't have a book like The Holy Bible (although, the Nordic pagan religion has Kalevala), but it has clear and evident definitions of the gods and their roles.
Also, I find it very interesting that Saint Elijah, a Saint that is very much connected to thunder, is celebrated on the same day as Perun, the god of thunder. This can also be seen Saint Mary, the giver of life, and the goddess Lada, who is the goddess of life. A lot of the saints were simply made up just to convert people.
Also, the feasting tradition in Orthodox Christianity is supposed to represent paying respect to the Saint who is the defender of the person's home - that same tradition has it's roots in the slavic pagan religion where people would organise feasts to pay their respect to their ancestors who were thought to be protecting their homes. This tradition is still seen in the Balkans and some parts of Ukraine and Russia.

>no philosophy backing it
There were many books that existed on the philosophy behind the Slavic religion, but the Christians simply destroyed them in an effort to destroy the religion. Thus, the only remaining information was passed down to generations, other than some pagan statues and buildings that were somehow preserved.

>almost impossible to be actually devout to
In what way is it impossible to devout to? It is like any other religion, you can pray to a god for help, there are certain holidays where you must do certain traditions and "rituals". There's nothing that you wouldn't find in any other religion.

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Take the rational atheist pill OP, space colonies, post scarcity and robot housekeepers await

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>because the bible says kikes are god's chosen people. I don't buy that crap
Yeah, but after St.Paul and the New Theology, the status of the chosen people ceased to belong to the Jews and went over to the Christians.

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>one pagan(slav) argues with another pagan(catholic) over man made religions
not cool guys

>". There's nothing that you wouldn't find in any other religion.
correct guy, worship of the no-god is inherent in all of your guys rituals, traditions, religions, and ceremonies.

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Can you fuck off with these gay religion threads r9k is not a place for some holy crusade

>atheists living miserable lives laugh at christian man enjoying eternal salvation as we speak

Paganism is the absolute epitome of being fucking retard. You are polytheistic so it's arbitrary as fuck. The Greeks literally had a god for being drunk. For BEING DRUNK, for fuck's sake. At least monotheism has a consistent theory of only ONE god and so isn't arbitrary as shit like this dead religion of paganism, heathen.

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No. R9k is heavily populated by heathen that need to convert and find God's grace.

Based and redpilled.

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lmao is that why you pray every day to escape to some 'paradise'

you sound like a muslim, wanting everyone else to be one

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I'm laughing at grown ass men who believe in phantasmagorical shit too. Because a book written by people who thought their erections controlled the waves of the ocean wrote it. You're a joke. You're the most pathetic people on Jow Forums after Jow Forumstards.

most religions of the world want space colonies, post scarcity, and robot housekeepers, what's your point?

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>The Greeks literally had a god for being drunk. For BEING DRUNK, for fuck's sake.
And I believe in Zeus? I believe in the Slavic gods, not the Greek gods. You don't see me quoting Allah to throw mud at Christianity, so why do you play so dirty?

>At least monotheism has a consistent theory of only ONE god and so isn't arbitrary as shit like this dead religion of paganism, heathen.
Svarog is the "main" god that is above all other gods and deities. This world is, in fact, just Svarog's dream so he can't directly control anything that happens. In pretty much every region of the world, Svarog is considered to be the most important god in the Slavic religion. None of the other gods, in fact, NEED to be worshiped, you just do it so you'll have better crops, less disease in your house...

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lmao he's an atheist AND a leftist. 10 bucks says people around you think you are a tryhard and you have no real friends who care about you beyond the most shallow of levels.

I can be okay with orthodox,
but, never catholic.
i dab on your delusions!

DIES irae, dies illa,
solvet saeculum in favilla,
teste David cum Sibylla.

Quantus tremor est futurus,
quando iudex est venturus,
cuncta stricte discussurus!

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10 bucks says nobody even wants to be around you because of your foul stench and revolting personality

What do you guys think about the "Zohar contains modern science" meme? Christians don't like it because they disagree with "modern science". Pagan roleplayers don't like it because it's rabbinic literature. Atheists don't like any religious text because of modern science's contradictions with them. But the jews made modern science and the zohar, what if the jews are the ones who are right?

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you owe me 10 bucks bud, i'm a very charismatic guy and my top half smells like head and shoulders dandruff shampoo and my bottom half smells like old spice

>old spice

of course

what interests do you have outside of shilling religion and talking about black crime statistics?

History, mythology, woodworking, knifemaking, philosophy, chess, reading, writing, skiing, hiking, working out, and conversing with friends.

Based and redpilled, brother.

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What is your motivation in doing this? Since you are attaching your identity to the posts, I have to wonder if you are truly doing it for God's glory, or for your own.

How's that trip to sentinel island coming?

Hey Degenerate, how are you doing, mate?

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he is a roleplayer "history guy" who cares that the crusades were defensive or whatever

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lmao get btfo out by

Hello child. Would you like a punch from me? It's the only human interaction you will ever have in your life.

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Anderson is almost a socialist in how strongly he rejects Church tradition get ye hence.

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I was gonna make a joke about how awesome you sound to hang around and we can talk about your knife collection and how you like to carve dogs and wear their faces around the house but I felt bad about it and didn't do it. Calm down you sperg. You sound like the single most boring person alive, there is no way any young person enjoys talking to you at length.

>Catholics and Orthodox Chtistians who know the Truth of God
Lol the two couldn't even agree on their idea of god. Some "truth"

>I want this board to be populated only by Catholics and Orthodox Chtistians who know the Truth of God.
>calling people "degenerate" when they actually try to have a conversations
>using curse words and illogical arguments after someone brings out actually believable arguments

You're obviously trolling. No person who is trying to convert people would be so extremely insecure about their religion.

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Because Lucifer is the one true god.

Lmao except for my numerous friends all of whom are in the age range of 18-20, and of course all the normalfags i talk to at length who quickly become good friends. Believe it or not young people love working their bodies and mind even more so than the elderly, its only the losers like you who dislike physical and mental strain.
PS only leftists and losers hate dogs

he changes his persona every 10 seconds

fucking schizo Jow Forumstard who refuses to go back

>calling people "degenerate" when they actually try to have a conversations
You are so fucking retarded, dude. I called noone "degenerate" except for the NAMEFAG Degenerate. He calls himself by Degenerate, user.

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Please can you explain this? I don't know much about the subject. I always thought that the main difference between Catholics and Orthodox was one being from the west and the other being from the east. Is there differences in their doctrines?

You'd get some too if you knocked doors and evangelized like your holy text commands or at least actually went to catholic mass regularly for the cracker dispensation instead of posting on the internet about dead white men to put up a front of extreme cultural conservationism to impress yourself like the rest of the catholic/orthodox meme larpers history guys, go talk about church tradition and church fathers and crusades and kings and whatever that you have never read let alone "the bible that you gave us."

He actually doesn't believe in literally any church tradition accept specific practices he has personally cherry picked for his local congregation only based on which ones he thinks is biblical.

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Well you can make any claim you want online and it's not like your kind isn't know for lying every minute of every day for no good reason. That said you do sound off. Like I wouldn't be surprised if you were into some fucked up shit.

Not so well. I try and I keep failing. I'm not good enough for anything in this life. I know I need to do something to save myself but I'm afraid it's too late to start now. Too much pressure.
Running out of options.

Yes a shit ton

>he changes his persona every 10 seconds
Tell me ONCE when I have changed my persona. I have a variety of views, but none is contradictory or have I ever tried having more than one persona. Plus, multiple personalities "disorder" is pseudoscience and doesn't exist.

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>Well you can make any claim you want online
true, you will have to take my words in "faith" xd
>That said you do sound off. Like I wouldn't be surprised if you were into some fucked up shit.
I am off and am into some fucked up shit you are right, one of the reasons i have a hard time calling myself a christian despite believing in it 100%

Wait youre just a leaping atheist right? This isnt funny anymore you seem to serious. Youre not joking about the paganism right? Please dont be this retarded.

>Catholics and Orthodox Chtistians
>who know the Truth of God
Pick 1

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didn't you just make a thread about video games calling everyone a faggot? that sounds like a true man of god lmao

What fucked up shit are you into? It's torturing animals isn't it? You retards are always either full blown pedos or total psychos.

>thread about Christianism
>some fag always post this pic

Nah i love animals with a burning passion. I'm into lying. I'm a literal pathological liar and often do it for no other reason than its own sake. I lie to manipulate others into liking me or doing something. I sometimes don't even notice that i'm doing it. Its one of the things i need to work on because i know its a horrible thing to do.

See >Paganism is just degeneracy

>Youre not joking about the paganism right?
No, I'm not joking about the paganism, and, whenever I'm asked about my religion, I obviously say that I'm a pagan.
>Please dont be this retarded.
Why is paganism "retarded" but a religion like Christianity isn't? I never got an explenation to this question, so please be the first one to actually give an argument to it.

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He has no points so he has to keep posting that same fucking quote because he's a total retard. Satan.

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ha now that i think about it your liar accusation really did hit too close to home, bravo user.

A Jew here. Sorry to bust your vibe. Serious question though. why do you guys pray to a Jew?

Damn, degenerate. I'm sorry. My life also is going downhill fast. It's fucking tough.

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Have you considered suicide yet? To get closer to your lord and all that shit?

you're not jewish you inbred rat get the fuck out

>I want this board to be populated only by Catholics and Orthodox Chtistians who know the Truth of God
Why not Protestant?
>deriving logic from omnipresent, omnipotent, infallible systems of information that are basically divining the thought process of God
explain yourself

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Suicide is a sin, brother.

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suicide is a sin and will probably lead to damnation, you

sad but true.

>save myself
I think this is your problem. Think about how is a 'wretched degenerate', as you call yourself, supposed to save themselves? It has to come from outside. Pray to God for salvation, just a few sincere sentences or two every day. All that is needed of you is a sincere desire, you can do it user. Remember that God loves you as you are, "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.

That's not even an argument. What did you expect? And me disliking Vidya but being Christian isn't contradictory. On the contrary, it is consistent that I wouldn't waste time with Vidya.

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I don't like what I'm becoming.
I want time to stop. I want everything to pause for a while.

I'll just focus on their concept of god. Catholics believe the holy spirit spirates eternally from both father and son. Orthodox believe that holy spirit eternally procedes from the father only. Catholics believe god is pure act, and grace is created. Orthodox believe god is essence and energy, and grace is the uncreated energy of god

Other than that, is right. They even disagree on type of bread to use at mass lol

Why would a respectable christian man call someone a faggot?

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lol i didn't knew about any of this. Thanks for the info user.

Faggot just means they're made to be burned which the bible says about Sodomites.

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What's a sodomite? Give me the official definition you pussy ass subhuman.

not him but since your chimp mind can't figure out google
a person who engages in sodomy.
Sodomy is generally anal or oral sex between people or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but it may also mean any non-procreative sexual activity. Originally, the term sodomy, which is derived from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Book of Genesis, was commonly restricted to anal sex. Sodomy laws in many countries criminalized the aforementioned behaviors. In the Western world, many of these laws have been overturned or are not routinely enforced.

I know exactly what you mean. Time is passing too fast. It's fucking November 24 already and the year is gonna end soon and it's gonna be two thousand nineteen. I can't even believe my life has passed so quickly.
Life is really short, you know?

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Ok so statistically if someone has had sex there's a 99% chance they've engaged in sodomy? Blowjobs, anal sex, other non-procreational sexual activity. So who exactly are you trying to burn and who are you trying to save?

Based and redpilled.

Protestantism is cancer though. Its art and the churches suck. Absolutely suck.

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a part of me likes that quote, but another part cringes at the association of Jesus with a 19th century political ideology. But now I see where Marx got his "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". Very interesting.

Blowjobs, anal sex, other non-procreational sexual activity is totally degenerate. Again not him so i don't think they should be burned but they should definitely at least be talked to.

Does that include coptics?

That was my first post in the conversation friend idk if someone before me made you mad but sodomites in the bible are those who practiced either homosexual behavior, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia, or an orgy with child sacrifice to a false god. A lot of moral restrictions in the old testament law are specifically overwritten in the new testament but the punishments for these sexual immoralities aren't and get referenced to in Romans 1 and 2 Peter and Jude

> its art and churches suck
why does this matter? Christianity isn't about admiring the works of man, no matter how religious it may be.

I think that's kind of the point, many are sodomites, and all are sinners. All need saving.

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i dont know my dude i read the bible while in conscription and honestly i couldnt get much out of it besides be a good guy ok, its like those childrens tv cartoons where they talk about how bad lying is and not to fuck a sheep, baby stuff really.

The guy who makes threads with a pepe with clock gives me a kick in the nuts.

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Based and redpilled, brother.

>Does that include coptics?

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you're either retarded or lying and didn't read the entire thing

>I think that's kind of the point, many are sodomites, and all are sinners. All need saving.
Nobody needs saving by you you disgusting freak. Just get the message. Let people live their lives and stop being a part of a brainwashed death cult.

was meant for but i messed up

of course i didnt, as a book its rather uninteresting if i want a interesting story il read a actual book.

He fucks me up too, degenerate fellow. Good things come your way, my friend.

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there are large narrative parts of the old testament if you were looking for mythological stories

You read it wrong, but that's okay just straight up reading the Bible is not going to do much for you, its just a collection of books. There is an element of morality in it, but your definition of good and Christ's definition of good are worlds apart. This also is normal, man is blind to sin for the most part, this is because we have a anthropocentric mindset, but as soon as we have to be coram deo, in the presence of God us being good, honest people is blown away and our true ugliness is revealed. People hide the darkness away from others, themselves included, and put up facades of normalcy. But God sees who we truly are, every decision we would make, our entire true selves.

Imagine if you were born in a different time or different situation, a poor guy in a slum in some city. Your morality would be different, demonstrating its relativity, and you would very likely sin in more open ways. All from a change in circumstances. "God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." Matthew 5:3

>conversing on a basket weaving forum
>preventing people from living their lives
what power is this? pic unrelated

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Based user

>Its art and the churches suck
Heaven forbid something as serious as religion was handled with a measure of austerity.

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Wasnt Kierkegaard Lutheran Protestant?

By making them consider what to do with their lives beyond pursuing carnal pleasures you are oppressing them, you damned bigot.

Yeah, Kierkebot is a massive pseud.