
Why haven't you guys looked for a cuckold couple that you can be a bull for? It's an easy way to lose your virginity and even if you live at home you don't have to host.

Feels good being a big hung bull

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1. I'm not black
2. My dick isn't particularly big
3. I'm a skelly
4. At this point I'm too anxious to even think about sex
5. Even if I had sex with someone, having another person watch would make me super nervous (I can't even take a piss if someone is in the same room)

im actually really into this shit if im the dom , way to short though

How tall are you? I'm 5'9

I'm not black either but it's not for someone that is not confident

Here's the photo of the mistress that I'll be fucking, I just started talking to her on kik when I get more photos I'll post them

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If you've never had sex before how the heck do you expect to perform at their standard?

how hung are you op?

Because my peepee isnt big enough.

7 inches usually except when I'm really horny then I'm a full 8 real inches not internet inches.

I dont think that fat white trash will get you to those 8 inches buddy

She's asian though and not fat just a lil chubby at 35 years old

we are referring to right?

Yeah here's a half face pic

Attached: Screenshot_20181123-143218_Kik.jpg (1080x1920, 294K)

do you just not have full body pics and you think she isnt fat or you have them but dont want to send because then we all know she fat ?

I don't have full body pics yet but I'll post when I do, IDK dude she doesn't really look fat to me

I dont know man im betting this a fatty but keep us updated on whale watch

Doesn't look fat but 3/10 face desu

For sure

What do the rest of ya'll think?

She looks like a whale dude, girls are exceptional at hitting their angles to make their faces look skinny

This girl is no exception

yeah exactly what I was thinking, she spent hours getting the angles to take the pics but you can still see the fat

Well what if i like em a little bit thiccer instead of sticcer

you and me both but I think thats a little more than thicc

If this is thiccc to you then I am confused. Shes got no ass but looks fatter than thiccc