Im out of vodka

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Buy more vodka

store closed on sunday

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You're in South Africa, that shouldn't stop you.

Ayo hold up

You weren't king niggy?

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i could go to uncles house and watch rugby and get drunk

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im not telling the story again

That's why you should have a secret/emergency vodka stash in your house

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i just drank it all today

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That's why you should have a second secret/emergency vodka stash

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Ew rugby.
Just get high on life man.

of coarse norgay doesnt watch rugby

>lives in south africa
>just get high on life man

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I'm not norgay!!!
And i don't watch any sort of sportsball, i think it's dull.

More possible than the possibility to enjoy rugby.

You're a moron

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You just don't get it.
Rugby is baaaaaaaaaaad.
And boring.

i'm not

how is the nigger invasion senpai

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He lives in south africa you 80 IQ brainlet, rugby and Jow Forums are probably the most exciting things he has in life
Well I hope not, but fuck dude it's fucking south africa they still have babies dying from malnutrition and shit it's not like it's an easy thing to just be high on life

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Lmao look at this alcoholic twat!

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stinky smelly braphog

I expected Flanny to say something like this... about feet.

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i'm just calling you stinky and fat
idk who flanny is

I refuse!
Dying of malaria is probably more fun than watching a single match of rugby!

Nothing... nevermind.

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You anger me with your bourgeoisie bullshit norway
One more snappy line from you and I'm getting the hammer

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*sips champagne*
Come get me if you think you can get through my robot butlers pleb.

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I'm gonna fucking kill you you fucking faggot just watch me
I'm gonna kick box my way through your robot butlets as if they were butter robots you cheeky fucking cunt
Eye of the tiger you little nig watch my words

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just reread that and i said butlets instead of butlers
and watch my words instead of mark my words

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>rugby and Jow Forums are probably the most exciting things he has in life

the truth hurts

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I'm sorry dude
It just genuinely triggered me when he said
feelsbadman, it'll get better soon I promise
At least I hope so

acting that everything is cool when its shit is our way of life

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>he is czech nigger

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Coors lite and fanta

So is south africa in australia?

its in Mississippi

Right of course
