Can we get a rejection thread going

can we get a rejection thread going

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The response was "i need to think about it". What do you need to think about you ugly retarded bitch? Fucking tell me "no" already fucking double digit IQ retard.

God damn this shit is cringey. Be direct. Even if she did like you, asking her in such a pussy way is a huge turn off.

Guess I won't be visiting her in Japan over Christmas. She sent 11 messages so far after this.

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Dude stop saying "shan't." It doesn't make you sound smart and interesting. That one word gives away everything

should have simply replied "shut up, nigger"

I've seen this screencap a few times before, so I'm pretty sure it's not actually OP. Still cringy as fuck though

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I've never been rejected because I've never asked a girl out.

Was that you OP? Gay af, there is just so much wrong with this small exchange

You got rejected because youre a bitch

>confess my love
>girl says she just wants to be friends
>keep pursuing her
>end up gfing her

i asked my oneitis for her number in hs to stay in touch and she said no.
Does that count?

this is bait

don't listen to this unless you wanna end up going viral online or worse

Proof or LARPing.

nah the best response is just "cringe and bluepilled", fucking pisses off normalfags way more than it should

>girl I've known for awhile wants me to watch a movie at her place and cuddle
>she kept canceling or had stupid bullshit crop up
>one week later and practically no response anymore
Is it all for attention? She was obviously on the rebound from what she said about, "waiting for someone but now I'm ready to move on". The fuck happened?

I've never asked a girl out either. But I've had gfs. They all began with the girl asking me out.

Explain. Did she eventually realize she liked you? Or (far more likely) did she settle for you?

kek, enjoy living your life in regret then
I swear its true. I am a few points hotter than her though so that probably helped a lot.

What was the content of the 11 messages?
Her english is on the rocks and the moonspeak makes it hard to understand the conversation beyond the parting of ways.

The moonspeak in that image says "it's fine if you don't understand" and then at the end where I cut off she starts to say "even though I knew it would be harder if I let it go on I'm sorry I was weak and couldn't say it."

The other messages are more bullshit like that to make her feel like she is a good person

>Did she eventually realize she liked you? Or (far more likely) did she settle for you?
Could be both, I said I loved her after making out on our second date, which was probably too soon (I was a khv don't blame me). If she is just settling for me then fuck it, at least I got to experience love and relationships for a bit. It's better than just sitting in my room feeling lonely.

>can't get rejected if you only play it safe
>can't get rejected if you never try

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You gotta make advancements in a way the girl can stop you if she's uncomfortable, but not full blown part ways.
This is why confessions are shit. They are too "all or nothing", they don't leave ways for you to keep playing the game because it's not "socially acceptable" anymore after the refusal.

just block her so she knows where she stands, and don't unblock no matter what

Girls date more than 1 guy lol

Hey, if you're happy you're happy. I just hope she is too.

Disgusting, only whores. No sense of hygiene.

blocking is for pussies, just dont reply

That's not living. You gotta take a chance some time.

yeah it sounds like she met someone else, or worse, got back together with the previous guy. that happens sometimes

Here is some fresh OC lads...

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>Meet a girl, she loves talking to me, always replies/messages first. We hang out a lot of times.
>Become fwb, since she's just broken up with LTR
>Few months of bliss, basically fucking my best friend
>She wants to get get back with LTR and does but we keep at fwb for an extra month
>We really stop talking despite her saying she misses me
>She's recently broken up with LTR again
>Says she just wants to be alone, hasn't been talking to me still
I feel confused because the only reason why her and I stopped doing anything is because of him and he's now out of the picture yet she doesn't seem to want anything despite her going out of her way to cheat on him with me

stop typing so gay

Shan't is patrician taste

>not asking this shit in person
what the fuck why

if she's cheated on him it's likely she'll cheat on you in the future

robots will never understand that relationships usually form without any of this "do you like me?" "will you go out with me?"

Well that was blunt

Robots still think that asking people out over text is acceptable. jfl

oh I don't want an actual relationship with her for that reason. But her pussy game was insane and I'm very unsuccessful generally

Maybe she is not interested, but that little conversation required her to have the nerve to say "yes", in case she is.
Never count on the nerve of women. Left by them, you'll never even touch their tits, even if you are bf and gf.

She broke up with him for the sake of a third guy bro

2 things.

1. You never, EVER ask this kind of thing over text. Only in person.

2. You never, EVER ask it in such a faggoty way. It's incredibly unattractive.

>umm us
You deserve to be here

Maybe if you didnt text like an absolute omega virgin youd get anywhere

>this guy got laid and you didn't

you and the op have the same faggy problem
You see
The way to do this is you never fucking confess your feelings
You just DO IT you just grab her kiss her whatever
You dont ducking beat around the bush and send some cringe so lets say I like you so you like me? Or Im confessing my feelings to you
You have to be fucking direct
Im not even serious
If theres one bit of advice I wanted to tell you guys its that
Just be ducking direct

>just grab her kiss her whatever

See like youre right but yikes

yeah it's possible if she can lie to a long term partner she can lie to a good friend.

Who the fucks confesses after 8th grade? Theres no way of doing it right, its pure faggotry, if you want to fuck someone you make yourself clear since the start, dont waste everybodys time like a huge fucking bluepilled beta faggot

Oh boy, I get to dig this old fucking dinosaur out of the garbage again

I got another one that a friend sent me

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This guy knows it, I confirm this works 10/10

>hurr durr (hipotetically))) !
fucking pussy ass bitch im glad she said no to you. faggots like you dont deserve shit. youre not a man, now stop making threads about your worthless life you attention whoring cunt and fall back in line with these other pussies who wont stop bitching until they bring a gun to their mouth

Maybe it was you and she was just playing it safe, who knows

Oh shit here it comes

Sometimes I forget what board Im posting on

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Nah, the rest of the conversation makes that pretty clear.

This shit was from like 2014 and I still dig it out every now and again to help remind me of my place.

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Lol holy fuck you guys are beta and have NO GAME. Jesus christ this whole thread is cringe.

I never had a crush nor i have ever confessed feelings that obviously didn't exist.
Can someone tell me why you normaloids even think that doing the whole "i hev feelz for ul" ever works?
I never had a gf but I observed normies around me and it's obvious you can't "win" a girl over, she simply choses someone and it's up to guys accept or not, that's why turning a girl down is always met with hostility and insults like "u ghei or wat".
Everytime i see these confessions or grand gestures i feel my cringe, cringe itself.
Shits fucking fucked.

>blocking is for pussies
See, the thing is that she's still sending him messages to make herself feel better. take that away from her so she can't use you to make herself feel better. you're not making yourself seem like a bigger person for not blocking her, you're basically just leaving the door open for her to keep messaging you and giving you false hope

>i have a weird question
>man this is turning bad fast
>no need to apologize
god, you're such a pussy. how did you even have enough balls to type all that feminine shit?

Right? Holy fuck

I thought that was the whole point

Like I said that was my friend (who has lost his virginity before I have). I figure if a beta cuck like him can get laid, so can I, and thats what keeps me going.

Hes a bit of a dick now but thats okay. He fulfilled a specific purpose, and I still want to have him around.

You can win girls over, but only cool master manipulators like me can do it.
If girls really only worked that way, nobody would date. Sure, they can feel attraction on first sight, but they can develop feeling over time too.

>have NO GAME
ya think? Having game requires one to be socially adapt

>like i guess yeah
holy fucking shit ive never seen someone get utterly btfo'd that hard by two simple messages. jesus christ. that was painful to read
that girl is a weapon

at least she didn't try to sugar coat it and possibly lead on the poor guy, unironically /our-girl/

Lmao, fucking womemes. Let me guess he was taller andor had muscles, or he has a lot of money

>tfw to smart to be socially adapt

Damn dude, sorry to read this shit, this shit look like a black pill text book example damn, fuck life.

I tried so hard being nice

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>tfw still friends with her
>she still messages through snapchat sometimes
>still jerk off to her insta on occasion
>asked her out last year while on painkillers, she said yes but nothing came of it

Youd be surprised how little I hate her, considering. She still considers me one of her good high school friends.

OP, this post is just a gentle reminder that you're a cuck and beta orbiter with no self-respect if you ever talk to that girl again.
That goes for everyone else in this thread by the way.

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how hard can it be to ask a girl out VIA TEXT of all things. the easiest way of them all. at least you just ended the convo right then and there and didnt say some beta shit like

>one girl
>fuck life

jesus man get over her

Worst rejection of my life
>be 19 year old desperate virgin
>get introduced to 18 year old randomslut
>we talk a bunch
>she basically says that she'll let me fuck her brains out that weekend if I'll get drugs
>gives me the phone number of a "J" that should be able to hook me up, she only wants his stuff, and ONLY a specific brand, because all other pills are risky, but that "brand" isn't
>call J
>he tells me she talked to him but he didn't think it's for this week, and that MAYBE he'll have some next month
>I know she'll just forget about me by then and fuck another guy (she told me she's desperate to fuck while high, and frankly, I'm not interesting or attractive)
>beg him
>he tells me to meet him and he'll find something to do
>get to his place
>shitty messed up apartment
>he shows me all his stash
>see the fucking brand I need
>he tells me he can't sell that because it's reserved
>offer him 100$ for it
>he says he still can't give it to me, but if I'm willing to pay 100$ then we can work something out
>takes a white pill
>covers it red
>no brand on it tho
>this is for randomslut, I can't give her bad shit, this is safe, just not the red brand, she's gonna have her friends check it out before she'll use it, so I need to fake it properly
>fuckyeah, that's great, thanks a lot man
>there's a catch though
>it'll cost you 150$ (I nod in agreement)... but it'll cost me my dignity... you see user, I have a name, and if people will know me as a guy who covers up pills and rebrands them I'll be dead.. can you get that user, dead
>he is obviously somewhat high or just really stupid
>I nod in agreement
>I need to know you won't tell about this, to anyone, ever
>yeah ok, I won't
>"oh "you won't", that's good then..."
>"listen, you pay me the money, I give you the drugs. that's fair. but if I risk my dignity for you, you need to risk your dignity for me"
>he locks the door behind me and I get scared shitless
Char Limit...

>>one girl
>implying the result isn't the same every time for every girl
Not that user but it's always the same shitty story, the names just change.

shan't is literally a meme used in /brit/ ironically

inb4 you get butt fucced

>user gets raped by a drug dealer for stacey

Im at the edge of my seat, homie, popcorn in hand.

This is the most pathetic way of saying I like you, dude, come on

>sit down
>I obey
>my dignity and the pills, for 150$ and your dignity
>he takes my hand and puts it on his crotch
>WHAT THE FUCK MAN I stand up in an alpha moment
>instantly sit in fear
>you need to lose your dignity for me, that means I either shit in your mouth, fuck you in the ass, or you suck my dick, just be thankful I chose the easy way out for ya
>no way dude, no way. let me run naked in the street or some shit
>not the way it works man, it's about dignity. you understand, right?
>intense eye contact
>he takes off his pants and shoves my head in his underwear
>that smell of balls
>he starts speaking while grinding his crotch on my face
>"besides, you'll get to fuck randomslut, seems worth it"
>he takes off his underwear and rests his dick on my face
>too scared to do anything
>he starts slapping my face and mouth with it
>shoves it in
>go on then, just suck it
>I do
>he pulls out a few seconds later
>"hold on"
>"lie down"
>I do
>he positions me so my head is hanging off the couch
>puts his dick in my mouth and holds my head with his hands
>facefucks my throat
>gagging constantly, teary eyed
>try to push him back with my hands
>"put your hands on my ass and keep them there"
>I do
>can't breath, crying like a bitch at this point
>he is thrusting into my throat remorselessly
>after a few minutes of this torture he starts jerking his shaft with his head on my tongue
>grabs my cheeks with his hands
>cum sprays covering the inside of my mouth
>I start squirming in disgust
>he won't take his dick out or let go of my cheeks
>starts shoving his dick in my throat
>can feel the cum getting shoved down my throat with every thrust
>he pulls out
>I sit up
>"clean me up" shoves his dick in my face
>in the most beta moment of my life I clean the cum with my tongue
>pay him
>take the pills
>call randomslut and say I have the pills
>she says its vitamins that I'm a complete faggot, hysterically laughs and hangs up
I stopped trying that day

>user gets raped to impress a stacey
>theyre vitamins

This could be the plot of some really fucked up porn dude, Im really sorry that happened if its real.

Women don't deserve to live

I have no idea how you managed to make this mistake

>not knowing about basic medicine
>not googling this shit at least

I don't know how something like this can happen but I'm cracking up

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Nigga if you have gay fantasies just tell us. No need to make up an elaborate story

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>at friends house
>him, myself and another friend
>all piss drunk and high
>work up the courage to finally text this one girl who I had liked for years
>friends egg me on
>I had her number from school projects and such as we had classes together
>text her something like "hey I'm drinking with some friends and was just seeing if you wanted to come over"
>no response
>number blocked
>wont talk to me
>wont even look at me
It's been years and I still think about it almost daily. She was perfect and I ruined any small chance I had in the first place.

I'd reject you too OP, if you asked like a super pussy in text like that.
This should be a what not to say to roasties you desperately want to fuck thread.

Sounds more like her problem than yours. Be proud you didnt go full autistic like the rest of the bois in this thread.

please be real
>Letting a druggie fuck your mouth for the chance of sleeping with a druggie

its called playing hard to get andt hey even do it to chad.
when they "reject" you, they really just want you to show effort.
like coming over to her home some time and not leaving her home until she says yes

you had it coming

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Doesn't matter man, she was a fucking 10/10. There's nothing I can do now, and maybe if I just waited a little longer I could have got something.

cringy beta approach, but that sucks nonetheless. never say shan't again in your life

You should unironically kill yourself, my god this is embarrassing.