I'm not racist, I'm just skeptical of multiracialism

I'm not racist, I'm just skeptical of multiracialism.

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They are literally monkies.. Their mouths, their gestures, their loud sounds and constant fidgeting.

Monkies, nasty violent monkies.

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I didn't become racist until I started riding the train regularly and shit like this happens every day

The worst part is the litter.

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Sorry we just like to have fun. We're loud, expressive people. We like talking and we like dancing and we like fucking. Sorry we appreciate the freedom Olodumare gave us. Sorry we're not a boring, robotic people that have to sit still, speak in a very specific way, speak quietly, and have boring very carefully choreographed dances that consist of 4 steps and get boring the 3rd time you complete those steps. It's funny, as long as Africans and Europeans have been in the Americas, you always viewed us as loud, obnoxious savages with no manners and we always viewed y'all as stuck up square with sticks in your asses who can't loosen up unless we come around to get you to enjoy life a bit. This was the way it was, regardless of country, regardless of which Europeans were there. You were always uptight. Then y'all have the nerve to wonder why mulattos identify with us over you and why white kids these days love our culture. Because we're a constant party.

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>most men minding their own business
>all women staring at them in awe
damn, I guess the blacked meme is true afterall

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>playing loud, obnoxious nignog music on public transit
>swearing being aggressive in large crowds
>littering EVERYWHERE
Nigger, you're not partying, you're just making life miserable for EVERYONE around you

nigger monkey nigger

Don't worry, it's okay to be racist. ((( they ))) created that word so russicans wouldn't be pro russican.
Nogs , spics and other shit skins are almost sub human don't worry user.

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>muh fun
>muh partying and drugs
>muh sex
See this is why you niggers are a blight on humanity. Unregulated hedonism is all you care about, and at other people's expense too. Be a degenerate in your own home, don't do that shit in public and corrupt people with your nigger culture.

Oh well then, I don't know what to tell you. Get a car motherfucker. Sounds like you live in some Northeastern shithole where everyone living there is garbage.

We like being loud, white people like to think that they're the law. Every cultur can be annoying.

They act really different when you talk to them 1-on-1. Are they acting normal to fit in with me, or are they acting like niggers around other black people?

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All intelligent niggers know how to speak like a white person. They are adjusting to you

How about using fucking headphones?
How about not dropping your fucking fried chicken boxes on the ground?
How about not fucking yelling at some poor mook heading to work because you THINK he looked at you?
You niggers are such a fucking stain on society and I have not had ANY problems with any other race in my city, even the sand niggers stay quiet and keep to themselves.
>Get a car
Also fuck that, I live in Toronto and driving here is an absolute nightmare. I wouldn't mind the transit if it wasn't for...
Wait for it...


Sitting on train after a long day at work. Just want to space out. A young gentleman with a darker complexion comes up and asks the somali person ahead of me something and then says "stay black." Then he goes up next to me and shouts "Stay black!" aggressively. Then he sits behind me, starts smoking on the train, and tries to hit on a light skinned black woman that is trying to ignore him looking at her phone.

Doesn't sound like much, but this shit happens every day and your culture condones it.

Black Americans have an average iq of 85, an entire standard deviation below the norm.

It's showing.

Thanks for the paragrah. Gonna bait Jow Forums now

That puritanical "sex is wrong unless for the purpose of procreation, work is a gift from god, dancing and music is satanic" mentality is still pervasive among American whites. Anyone who enjoys having fun is hedonistic to you people. Why spend my life looking at a computer screen, sitting silent, waiting until I die? Life is for the living. In every American country with a black population, all the fun parts of the culture are almost completely products of the Africans. Whether it's the US, Cuba, Brazil. We're the happy ones and whites are the mindless worker bees.

you fucking inbred hideous apes

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My culture doesn't condone it, your shitty Northeastern culture condones it. Anywhere else, everyone knows that the worst of the worst of all races ride public transportation. That's why we drive. Black people don't even like riding the bus.

You just outlined why I'm skeptical of mixing different races and cultures in the same society perfectly. Not that there's anything wrong with any particular race or the gregariousness of blacks, but it leads to conflict, disunity, and a sort of perpetual cold (and sometimes hot) race war.

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Basically some shit city in the Northeast. It's not my fault you're stuck riding buses. Everyone knows that the worst kind of people ride buses.

>worst kind of people
funny how those people causing the trouble on public transportation tend to have the same skin color

>literal nigger has never heard of the weimar republic

I'm glad my ancestors cared to make a good, strong country. Otherwise we'd be living like Africans in mud huts.

Be thankful to whites for allowing you to act like a nigger and not hang you, like every other race would do.

All the races seemed to be getting along fine in America until recently. White supremacy groups started popping up out of nowhere in the mid 2010s, so did SJWs and pro black/black supremacy groups

>The white dudes in business suits heading downtown
Never a problem
>The white women in their trendy coats
Never a problem
>Indian dudes that smell like curry and shit
Other than the smell, quiet and amicable
>Asian dudes
Never a problem
>White homeless guy who smells like piss
Other than quietly asking for change and smelling like piss, no issues
Never fails

So what you say is true...The worst people DO ride buses/public transit. But its always niggers

Why would I know about some country in Europe that existed for a little over a decade? Relevant history is taught in American schools, we don't learn about every obscure "country" in the world.

That's not at all what he's. He's saying you constantly seek out drugs, sex, and parties, rather than meaningful relationships and activities. Sex without the purpose of procreation isn't wrong, it's the fact that you seek out random strangers purely for it.

Why anyone would willingly invite these problems is beyond me.

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Because black people with sense drive cars.

>Black people with sense
>Not niggers
Fact of the matter is: The ratio of niggers to "sensible black folk" is horribly skewed in nearly every major city at about a 10:1 ratio

Again, do that in your own home. You niggers always act like loud apes in public and disturb everyone. Your irresponsible and care free way of living negatively affects others and your niglet children who take after you. You're effectively dumbing people down and making society worse with your way of life.

i thank the stars every day i was born in a country without niggers

americans, keep your guns, your mcdonalds, your big land and big money jobs, i would never trade them for living with 25 million niggers

my god thats like an entire african country in your borders

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>it's the fact that you seek out random strangers purely for it.
>implying this isn't white college culture
Yes we constantly seek out a good time. Because why wouldn't you? What is a meaningful activity? How are these meaningful activities any more meaningful than a neighborhood block party? This is why whites love shooting up schools and festivals and shit like that. Your people have no sense of community. You don't even know your next door neighbor's name. I know white people are like this because I live in a white neighborhood now and I watch how you people live. You don't talk to each other. You just lock yourselves behind your door and try not to make eye contact with your neighbors.

>Fact of the matter is: The ratio of niggers to "sensible black folk" is horribly skewed in nearly every major city at about a 10:1 ratio
Quick mafs and stuf

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Why are those evil roasties trying to steal that mans bag?

We have 46.3 million black people in the US. That number is projected to be 74.5 million by 2060, constituting 17.9% of the nation's total population.

>shoots up random innocent people
Pigskin logic

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Not everyone is disturbed by it. Your youth certainly like it. Your mom likes it. Our culture is one of the most popular in the world.

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Curious what you think of this?


Holy motherfucking shit you guys actually fell for that bait. Are you guys retarded? Seriously what the fuck. I'm keeping this moment forever whether it was your average retarded Jow Forums user or not it's too good.

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do you really wanna bust out the shooting crime statistics jamal its not something youre ever gonna look good in

>The way blacks speak English is entertaining. A black man once explained to me the difference between "He sick" and "He be sick." "He sick" is chronic- someone who is bedridden or in a wheelchair- while "He be sick" is a temporary condition like the flu
This is stupid and wrong. Either he's making this up, the black guy explained wrong or the writer remembers wrong

>he has a folder full of graphs, charts and infographics that he saved from Jow Forums

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And look how degenerate and shitty the world is. All because people have been corrupted by you niggers.

Mass shootings and wars are what your overrepresented in Greg and you ain't gonna look good either

>hurr verified statistics are Jow Forums

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Yeah, the world is a lot more degenerate now than it was when a warlord could come through your village on horseback, behead all the men, rape all the women and enslave the children. These are literally the worst times in human history. Has nothing to do with climate change or the corrupt American government, black culture is the problem.

spicy new pasta, thx friend


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>be me
>shopping for clothes
>went after work so i'm wearing a suit
>looking at ties and shit
>2 blacks come up to me
>one of them playing music from his phone without earbuds so everyone has to hear
>ask me if i work here
>say no
>are you sure you don't work here?
>no i say sorry to disappoint you
>damn one of them says, how's your day going bud?
>fine i say
>do you need a hug?
>uh no i'm fine i say
why would i lie about working at a store? also none of the other employees wear suits at this store. pic unrelated.

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Where'd you save this image from?

i know your people didnt have recorded history for a while but im pretty sure you had and still have a shitload of genocides and wars in africa too bud

I have some stats on SAT scores.

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To be 100% honest, my post was bait. I knew it'd catch some (you)s. But they were way more boring than I'd hoped.

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>i know your people didnt have recorded history for a while but im pretty sure you had and still have a shitload of genocides and wars in africa too bud
And where's your evidence of these great genocides and wars that killed so many people?

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>Mass shootings [...] are what your overrepresented in Greg

This is actually a myth.


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heres one you probably didnt know about when you larped as shaka zulu last halloween

>Im not racist
You should be
Provoke the white man at your own risk

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basically blacks are outperformed by whites and presumably asians in every state. blacks are outperformed by hispanics all but 2 states, puerto rico (which doesn't really count because i assume a lot of hispanics claim to be white there) and new hampshire.

>Sorry we just like to have fun. We're loud, expressive people. We like talking and we like dancing and we like fucking. Sorry we appreciate the freedom Olodumare gave us. Sorry we're not a boring, robotic people that have to sit still, speak in a very specific way, speak quietly, and have boring very carefully choreographed dances that consist of 4 steps and get boring the 3rd time you complete those steps.
whites and asians and other races have fun too we just don't do it in public places where there's an expectation of decorum. whereas africans don't seem to have a problem disturbing the peace. nobody is complaining about black behavior at clubs but outside of them,
>You were always uptight. Then y'all have the nerve to wonder why mulattos identify with us over you and why white kids these days love our culture. Because we're a constant party.
um no sweaty it's because jewish ideology in the k-12 system teaches whites to hate themselves, as in getting rid of columbus day and the entire concept of white guilt, not to mention that jews had a higher likelihood of owning slaves than did whites in the civil war era, like 40x high likelihood

Asians are outscoring whites in nearly every state by doing slightly better on the Reading and Writing portion of the test and significantly better on the math portion. On average between 80-90% of Asian students are meeting the benchmark on the math section, whereas only 59-70% of whites are.

>we just don't do it in public places
>you're only allowed to enjoy yourself behind closed doors

why are you assuming that outward physical manifestations of enjoyment are the only ways to show enjoyment?

The Asian category probably includes random things like Pacific Islanders too.

Multiculturalism and Multiracialism has been a failure.

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oh no i hope these researchers didn't get shoah'd

Pacific Islanders were not included. They were a separate category, but it does include Southeast Asians: Laotians, Filipinos, Cambodians, Vietnamese, etc., who don't typically do as well as Northeast Asians.

Quiet, Bad goy.

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>You don't even know your next door neighbor's name. I know white people are like this because I live in a white neighborhood now and I watch how you people live. You don't talk to each other. You just lock yourselves behind your door and try not to make eye contact with your neighbors.

white americans used to be friendly and neighborly, because they were surrounded by other white americans and they trusted their community. then you moved in, and jose, and daquan and ping pong and suddenly instead of friendly greetings they were met with stabbings and burglaries. and their kids grew up brainwashed in fear of saying anything bad about this situation else they lose their jobs and their livelihoods

theyre like that because you're there, daquarius. that's why.

Proper news source or official statistics lad it's like me pulling up BuzzFeed.

This is still not on par with the wars whites have created even at that time.

Slate is an anti-white leftist rag. The sources and data are in the article. But do realize that even though whites come out underrepresented, it still features trickery such as counting Elliot Rodger as white.

do you honestly believe if blacks had the same technological advancements they wouldnt kill on the scale of whites

rwanda left 800,000 people dead with machetes and grenades in a single month dude

I'm the only black person in my neighborhood. Nobody even knows I live there. But I ride around my neighborhood and I never see people outside. There's the occasional old couple walking a dog, but others than that, there are no kids playing, no house parties, no barbecues. It's boring. It was like this before I moved here and it'll be like that after I leave. Meanwhile, I go to my old neighborhood and kids are riding bikes, playing basketball, guys are outside working on their cars, old people are just sitting on the porch with a beer, enjoying the air, someone's having a party in their backyard, there might be a live band there.

Only white neighborhoods are like this. And I mean white, as in everybody except one or two families are white. This isn't the fault of minorities, white people just don't have a sense of community. The people in the houses around you aren't real people, they're just NPCs to you.

I know this is bait but... white people kill for a reason, nigs are just violent animals

You shouldn't speak like this, it's bad optics.

>Slate is an anti-white leftist rag. The sources and data are in the article. But do realize that even though whites come out underrepresented, it still features trickery such as counting Elliot Rodger as white.
It sums it up at we don't know who's white, it's America no one is a pure white Aryan Kang meaning if you're counted in those stats your probably white. Either way this site covered it

like a bucket?

thats because white people have jobs and responsibilities during that time you ride around you dumb monkey, theyre not unemployed leeches having their 10 mulatto kids run around all day screeching and partying all the time because uncle sam gives them a check for having black privilege

So, basically.. Racist people fuck every over?
Lmao you're fucking argument is that because other racist exist, people will be racist and bring everyone down.
You're so incredibly stupid that you posted a self defeating study that basically says idiots like you are the problem and not a bunch of niggers.
Good God man, how hilariously pathetic can you get? Why don't you do that thing you do where you bitch about niggers IQ's in an attempt to derail the discussion ignoring the fact that even if true, it means absolutely nothing.
>thanks for that genuine laugh.

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>do you honestly believe if blacks had the same technological advancements they wouldnt kill on the scale of whites
>rwanda left 800,000 people dead with machetes and grenades in a single month dude
You think wars in Europe haven't surpassed that amount even when they had limited technology? There's no way of arguing past that.

Yes because as we all know, white adults and children are always working on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. And if what you're saying is actually true, whites are more pathetic than I thought. You people won't shut the fuck up about (((them))), but you dedicate every waking moment to making (((them))) richer.

(((Them))) is magically causing interracial cuckold scenarios. Don't you forget that.

there is no war in europe that killed that many people in that short amount of time with swords

and again its not europeans fault they actually record their history and have a written language they can document everything instead of click click mbatutu oral history

Did you even read the article or just the first two scentences. Dumb nigger.

>Racist people fuck every over?
Well, kinda. People fuck people over. Because Social Cohesion is lowered by ethnic diversity because different races just don't get along when living together.
>You're so incredibly stupid that you posted a self defeating study that basically says idiots like you are the problem and not a bunch of niggers.
I'm not saying blacks are a problem. I'm saying multiculturalism is a problem. Social cohesion would be lowered with Asians too.
>Why don't you do that thing you do where you bitch about niggers IQ's in an attempt to derail the discussion ignoring the fact that even if true, it means absolutely nothing.
You seem very insecure.

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And, according to you, (((they))) are making you and your children work your fingers to the bone, even on the weekends, and you think this is some noble act.

Only 0.3% of whites are virulently antisemitic. Please don't lump the rest of us in with them.

just ban niggers, mosques and synagogues

Ashkenazi Jews and Nordics are my favorite members of the white race.

I'm talking about the number of total deaths you fucking tard and the hundreds year war surpassed that. Yet again your guessing there were genocides and wars deep in Africa because everyone there is from Africa. If you haven't got evidence for your claim shut the fuck up already.

>in this unusually large encounter between 4000 estimated cavalry and some 35,000foot soldiers, 2000 men lost their lives
I read everything you stinking pigskin.

There is nothing wrong with disliking a religious group of people that can legally mutilate boys' penises and sometimes even suck out their blood afterwards. But hey, antisemitism is the real problem, fuck off rabbi!

I wonder ((who)) started pushing multiculturalism, just when all races were doing just fine.

>(((them))) are the reason why my wife got fucked by some niggeeezz

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Not the user you were replying to but
>the hundreds year war surpassed that.
The Hundred Years War was more like four separate Wars grouped together. And they cover a period of just over 100 years. They killed what, 2-3 million people? The other user's point that
>no war in europe that killed that many people in that short amount of time with swords
still applies, no European War has killed about a million people in 100 days.

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I dated a couple black men back in the day, and they're some of the nicest people I have dated. Black men are not "monkeys", or whatever you people like to call them, and honestly the only "money" way they were was in bed, where they were all very good at. While I've now married a successful white man, and have dated multiple races, I can safely say there aren't many differences between races. My mixed son from my previous relationship is a great kid, just like the other white kids at the elementary school that we send him to.

t. nigger

too many niggers

Gallic wars killed more people in total laddy and that war applies.

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