Be me

>be me
>have the highest iq's and lowest crime rate
>mfw master race

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You forgot one

>have the smallest dicks

I thought godshkenazi jews had the highest iqs

no they were made as money managers

well we make our dicks bigger with science

But Asians lack ambition, creativity and physique
Those are the reasons why Asians haven't reached the level of art, science and warfare that the west has achieved

art is gay and they did remember ww2? the japanese were one of the strongest if only the carriers were in pearl harbor the japanese might of won

Master race indeed...kek

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>still cucked by the european man scientifically, creatively, military, and so on and on
>adapt to our thinking and how a society shall be ran

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>if only the carriers were in pearl harbor the japanese might of won
And if they had waited a few years with that shit, they might have curbstomped them with with fw190 export models instead of suicide zeros.

I know. To bad they are all so ugly.

>be based White race
>doesnt send niggers back to africa
>keeps importing niggers into their countries


>Unironically overlooking the nature of geography and historical context to believe this

KYS Nigger-tier brainlet

>y-you're dicklets
>y-you're ugly betas
Getting toasty there, roasties?

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>he thinks a white woman is spending her friday night racebaiting on Jow Forums

you're never gonna make it brah

I'm a white guy retard, and they say your people were supposed to be smart lmao

Heres the real question are you gonna subjugate other races with this newfound knowledge. or are you going to be a good ruler

That's even worse if you're using such roastie-tier tactics.

>Asians have the highest iq
You're using Lynn's data, data that has been noted to be methodologically unfounded. Also
>racebait thread
Quite an IQ for somebody in norman range
Creativity and IQ have a correlation until a threshold, so no, Asians can be creative. What the "West" has a achieved was not due to inherent creativity, ambition, and/or physique, you pseudointellectual troglodyte. You're unknowingly creating a paradox you probably can't even understand

Shit thread

Lmao, white supremacists get so triggered by this its funny.

i mean, he's not wrong
the asians at my uni are basically the perma-virgins
even the white dudes in CS fuck more asians than the asians there

How do i get an asian femdom master?

>be me
>steal up your qt asian girls
>breed them with big white cock
Feels good

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>"I'm a guy, by the way"

>be me
>see your anigay
>overpower your skinny twink body and rape your mouth
Feels good

>cringey weeb maga hog
>stealing anything other than a roast ham

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Asians who make it to the West are almost certainly 'smarter' on average.
Doubt all the NEET Asians in China/India are included in such stats

>ooga booga muh dick nigga

>might of

You really ought to be ashamed.

I wish I was rocking the twinkle aesthetic. I think I will start the cute boy diet once Thanksgiving is over. God it would be hot to be held down and overpowered. Are you a cute guy?