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pls someone love me I'm in sydney ;,) female 19 kik @ baifufulaca
add me
you dont need to be my boyfriend if you dont want but we can talk still :)
There's a cute blonde Australian on here somewhere idr her discord tho she called me "brown" and i deleted her before she could go full pol
Perfect ammount for this one lads *click* BANG *click* BANG
Any other ausbots play old school runescape?
Fuck off normalcunt go to /soc/ and find a beta over there to provide for you.
where my fellow neets at
>being NEET in a country with a minimum wage of nearly 25 dollaridoos
>being a wagie in a country where cenno gives you 700 bucks a fortnight
Hi frend
> free money forever
>no obligations to ever do anything ever again
yeah but you're retarded
I'm just here to watch the banter desu
I need a GF so bad, but everyone in Sydney is a fucking shitskin/gook.
Lucky bastard, Im seeing a psychologist soon. what the fuck do need to have to get out of this shit? Im not mentally stable to wage slave or socialize it too late for me.
We both know it's more like 400 buddy
Only if you're like 18 mate
Dsp = 9000
Why is the Jobsearch website so useless? Most of the jobs listed in my area don't even count toward your monthly jobs applied for. The worst thing is that if you actually want a job, recruitment agencies literally don't give a shit. My brother asked for help on his resume at Best Employment and the bitch serving him blew him off. I guess he isn't brown enough to actually get help finding work.
I've had enough NEETdom and I need to escape, but there obviously isn't anyone out there who wants to help at all.
If you qualify for autismbux but want to do something with your life apply for a disability employment agency
>tfw more than 65$/hr literally doing nothing in (((IT)))
>got here just about 3 months ago
Feels good to cuck you whitebois. Hope the 400$/fortnight I pay you niggers in taxes is enough to pay your rent when your parents inevitably kick you out
In looooooooo
What is that smell oh it stinky pajeet
Oof must suck to have your country run exclusively by pajeets and Ching Chongs. To think that they actually expanded on the immigration policies to bring in new blood because all you niggers are concerned about are you dyed hair, cigarettes, weed, and misgendering pronouns. Let the big boys run the country fag, go back to sleep in your unlaundered sheets that mommy doesnt bother to clean anymore lmao
>Got here 3 months ago
> IT
Fixing the computer at 7/11 doesn't count,man.
are new zealanders welcome here or is there a thread for us
Jokes on you mum will wash my sheets any time I want
Haha nice try dipshit 7/11 would never pay that high even for IT.
I assumed you were lying about your pay dipshit
Is Canberra the most robot city?
Melbourne and Sydney normies need not respond.
Kiwis welcome.
>> free money forever
lol our government is constantly kicking people off all types of welfare, making the requirements harder then reassessing people (i.e. denying as many as possible), handing out debts found automatically by a computer, announcing the amount of people kicked off DSP as if it's a great achievement and announcing how many they want to kick off, making it so you need to be longer in treatment so you get automatically denied unless you have years of recorded treatment, making it so even if you're on DSP with certain conditions/abilities to work you may still need to go see a job network provider, albeit a disability one. Then some people kicked off DSP that get put on newstart have to eventually be put into work for the dole which they continue to increase the amount of hours you need to attend this slave labour for - it's currently sitting at 50 hours per fortnight you HAVE to attend and you only get $20 extra.
Anyone not trying to get a casual/part-time job while on any type of welfare, even DSP, is a fool. What are you going to do when you're kicked off with a HUGE employment gap? The best case scenario with welfare is you're on it and getting the money consistently yet the cost of living continues to increase while your payment stays the same. Minimum wage in this country is great and you can earn money from a job that either doesn't affect the amount you get from centrelink or your payment is only partially reduced.
Even DSP is a pittance.
AUS is pretty cucked in general with how much you guys pay. I do make 65$/hr in a hospital lmao
>Imagine living in the most promiscuous western culture country as a robot
Post made by midnight ameribot gang
uhm, technically poopeeland and binlan have us beat out
Seppos get the fuck out
>on centrelink, $293 a fortnight
>got a job, $26 an hour
So basically if I work 1.5 days (a grand total of 12 hours) per fortnight I'll already make more than I would on neetbux. And I have 3500 working credits so I can make $3500 before my centrelink starts getting reduced
>tfw work in construction industry
>no uni degree
>no education after high school
>less than 1 year experience
>get $1600 cash-in-hand per week
This is not possible in any other country in the world.
How the fuck are you guys so ungrateful and depressed?
>hurr durr leave normalfag
I have no friends, but I am renting a small studio flat, have a $2000 gaming PC wtih a fucking expensive gaming monitor and a $10k lexus
Also, spend around $200 per week on cheap asian sluts to satisfy my sexual needs
Fuck off, I bought the expensive shit for myself and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am living the dream, this is how I like shit to be. I literally brought the shit that I truly wanted and desired.
Wake up to yourself you fuckwits!
But how did you get the job? Most likely, through a relative or family friend.
Based. Much respect.
t. That pajeet IT fag
>Imagine living in a cunt where you can't own real guns
Very cucked desu
Yeah but you're going to grow to hate your job, you're gonna end up spending most of your paycheck on booze, pokies and other shit. The work is going to break you and it's risky stuff. Honestly not worth it, thought at this point I don't know if uni is much worth it either. Neets have the right idea. Anyway what the fuck are we doing tonight fellas?
Same dude, my last one left me for a tranny :(((
Not all of us are blessed with good connection, user.
Offer to work for free no-strings-attached for 2 months to learn the trade and ask for big hours once you start getting paid.
Anybody will give you a job.
Yes, it is retarded, but I got nothing to lose and was on neetbux at that time anyway (still are, as I am getting paid cash) and I thought it was a way better time investment than playing Minecraft on my shitty laptop.
Newcastle here. Who wants to be my crime buddy?
I must find this woman.
Adelaide reporting in 5043
Im to much of an autismo to go and do that shit.
Who perth here? I'm surrounded by normies.
5045 reporting. Comfy raim
5038. Been a long time since I lurked Jow Forums
5044 coming in. Weather has been comfy almost all week
Feels good to be a Victorian lads
Yeah dude its so comfy
Want to come over and watch teen titans go?mum is staying late at her boyfriends and she left money for dominoes
>Be Anzac
>Get colonized by Chinks
Lmaoing at your lives from my comfy safety in America
Sup burger just been enjoying my foreskin
Sup burger just been enjoying my public education and healthcare
5351 reporting, why wont pete kill me
Of everything wrong with Australia, you had to pick the one thing I hate most.
In the major city where I live I saw the gooks lining up for a fucking clothing store to open, I never saw something more npc. Asians aren't humans, they're either fish people or insect people but I don't fucking care get THESE RICE SQUATTERS OUT REEEEEEEEE
This is the only valid criticism I ever see from foreigners desu.
It sure is nice being able to keep more of the money you earn, own firearms to stave off tyranny, and not die waiting for a hospital bed. Public education = public indoctrination, and that's universal everywhere.
Reminded me of my dad );
I will find you cunt
This town ain't big enough for the two of us.
>not die waiting for a hospital bed
Any life threatening problem is fast tracked mate. No one dies waiting for a bed. It's not like we don't have a private medical industry either, we have both!
Asian girl here. Add me on discord Touchstone#2025. I really want a bf.
Let's try taxing the poor, that's a good trick.
Not your personal army m8
Leave her alone
What type of Asian girl are you... Do you play violin or piano?
Ok boys I got this one
Doing Gods work son. I salute thee
Why would they not count towards your monthly jobs applied for? What would happen if you listed them anyway?
Are you saying that from personal experience?
Anyway, I can't imagine being so obsessed with guns that a country's gun restrictions would deter me from living there.
Someone asked the CANBERRA MOB to make an appearance?
Well here we (I) am!
Belco Boys?
Woden Lads rise up
2902 cunts, Kambah represent. College is out come Monday, time to perform a little 'art' around northside centres.
Did you make it inside albermarle before the demolition started?
What the fuck is albermarle, what demolition.
You mean that building they're tearing down near the bus station?
No, the abandoned APS offices near the library. I was lucky to get in before the cops started patrolling, and the construction crews arrived
Oh that shit. Only ever gone around their once, shit was fucking gay.
any inner west lads here?
Any Melbourne CBD girlers here? God its fucking lonely
Do fembots even exist in Canberra?
Why havent you guys joined the dole army yet?
I lit a few fires and torched a bunch of crap there, left the junkie camps alone though.
Are you from CC or APS?
Fembots don't exist period son, but here's a good place to start if you want a reserved girl.
think you fucked up that link, but I respect your intentions. up cenno
Yo I bet this is Doc lmao. CC
Fuck, my bad here is the link
Thought I'd find you here
How's Tim? I think I traumatised him slightly
How so? He seems to be pretty normal as far as I'm concerned. He's currently on a scout trip for venturers, I dodged that shit cause fuck that.
Gotta keep your head down for lifetime bux
neet khv gril looking for a robot bf, can be anywhere in aus,
I'm kinda chubby and shy though, so feel free to ignore this post
discord please. Pwxm qa akcnnml#1340
I basically held him and a bunch of his incel mates in the back room and abused/ molested them for a couple hours while ingesting chemicals I stole from the lab.
Also die roastie
Nice going dude. Were those incel mates of his Jasper and the Jew? And why the fuck were you molesting him you under cooked spaghetti rat.
I just felt like it, and they were too effeminate and indecisive to stop me, the only one who stood up to it was the tard, and that was after I memed him and told him I raped his gf.
Yeah the jew, the one with a massive nose and the shit acne guy
i dont want to play with you
The tard? Who the fuck was the tard. None of those losers have a GF.