Here's a tip from Chad on attracting a girl...

Here's a tip from Chad on attracting a girl. Plenty of you are justifying your own failure with women by claiming that they are just stupid for being attracted to certain traits (the ones you think you don't have) . They're shallow, they should go for nice guys not men who beat them, why can they have height requirements but I can't want a thin girl, bla bla bla. Well guess what: women are the gatekeepers of sex. They decide what is attractive in males. You know the saying you can't win if you don't play? They set the rules and they aren't changing. You can either learn the rules and play by them, or ignore them. If you do the latter then you have zero right to complain that you're not getting laid.

Instead, play by the rules her brain is wired to pick up on. Be masculine. Which means: stop playing video games, work out to get big, and play sports. Women are attracted to physically larger and fitter males who can protect them. Have goals in life that are more important than her, don't treat her like a queen or that you're lucky she's talking to you, act aloof, flirt with her (which is just teasing her by reminding her of her girly feminine traits). Don't explicitly mention anything sexual but use innuendo. Let her know you're talking to other girls. Comment on how hot other girls are. Don't be nice (women see it as manipulative). Rarely ask for her opinion unless it's a topic she knows well. Criticise her in a matter of fact way but also sometimes praise her to see her smile. Don't whine. Get angry and sometimes violent with other guys.

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Oh and plenty of you guys are using an obsession with feminism to self sabotage. I keep seeing you get triggered by stupid shit that crazy feminists write online about toxic masculinity and rape culture. Stop. Only a small percent of women are really feminists and even the majority of them, when it comes down to it, will betray their beliefs. Ignore that shit completely because "male feminists" are not attractive to women at all. The things they say will only hurt your chances.

>Get angry and sometimes violent with other guys

This just comes across as insecure to women

>heh... I used to be like you. Being "depressed", mad at the world, listening to stuff like The Microphones and Radiohead. Then I did some thinking, and realized it just wasnt worth it to mope around all the time like a little BITCH. Now I listen to Boston's self titled debut and Tom Petty. Life is pretty sweet, and yours could be too if you stopped caring about that braindead arthoe in your english class and manned up. Grow some balls and listen to T. Rex.

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>They decide what is attractive in males.
except they dont. men in high skyscrapers deciding what media is made and sent out to the masses are who decides what is attractive in both males and females.

I couldn't care less about women, you thirsty subhuman.

or you know I could just go MGTOW and forget all that bullshit

she isn't pretty enough to cut her hair like that, and he looks like a comic book character

this is good advice. definitely act aloof and stop giving women much attention

it's better to just forget about women altogether

only people without a career chase women constantly. if you have a good job, focus on yourself, women come later

>just play by the rules bro
>just stop being an ugly manlet bro

Nope. There are human universals to attractiveness.

By the way the reason black rappers are so popular with women is because black rappers show unrestrained masculinity

You are a massive faggot.
t. Femanon

Cringe, it's because they're famous. People like Elvis acted all soft and vulnerable in "Love me Tender" but he was still the biggest chad in history.

It's true. There are tons of fratboys in my college who fuck up their future cause they were too busy partying and having fun. In the end, it's no different than if you were to fail out because of video games

>stop playing video games
Dropped. No pussy is worth that.

>Here's a tip from Chad on attracting a girl.
Be silent, subhuman.

Lmao at this "chad". If what you preached was true I wouldn't see girls with shit tier partners every time I go out, and no, most of the time they aren't interesting, confident, tall or attractive. I bet you don't do anything of what you said in your post and you're just some random neckbeard who thinks he is redpilled after reading some how to be alpha shit from the internet.

>Nope. There are human universals to attractiveness.
The only universal is symmetrical faces

Some guy made a fake tinder profile pretending to be chad. He then told the women he matched with that he had molested a small child as part of the experiment. All the women agreed to a relationship anyway. There is definitely a bias towards chad stereotypes.

Nice 80s caricature of masculinity.

ok, that was epic

You wish you uggo

that makes no sense. if I were ugly, why would I want symmetrical faces to be universally attractive?
it's also not my opinion. the only universally attractive feature is symmetrical faces. this has been empirically tested multiple times.

That old photo can really only be taken as an anecdote at best, but I do agree on how vain they can appear.

Most guys that work out are stupid and insecure smalldick fags.
Girls like businessmen.
Girls like money being around them.
You dont even have to spend much on them, just having money turns girls on.
They are weak creatures, i dont like sex that much but i like company.
I have sex with my girlfriend every now and then to keep her happy but at heart i just want to make businesses hack shit and play video games.

Guys like me make chads like pictured look like little boys.
Be smart and strong minded, roids are for losers that dont know what to do with their life.

Trying is for idiots, use your autism retards.


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>women get wet over bill gates

No. I've known a homeless Chad who got lots of pussy, and one while living in a van

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