>15 racebait threads up currently
15 racebait threads up currently
fucking retards are annoying and they wonder why no one likes them.
It's *almost* 2019 and people still get a kick out of starting these kinds of threads.
What if I had a cool anime move called nigger riot
You'd still be a faggot and your mother will still be a whore.
it's what their entire personality is based around. they literally have no other interests or know anything. they're racist and they wanna tell you how racist they are, repeatedly. that's Jow Forums in a nutshell.
and they say lefties are the only ones playing Identity Politics.
B-but rascism is cool and aesthetically contrarian!
then why is your board so hated and filled with the lamest and least funny people on Jow Forums?
we unironically allowed Redditors and literal Boomers to join because we wanted Trump to be elected... after getting what we wanted, the state of the board went to shit.
>we allowed them to join
don't sell yourself short my friend. you specifically went out of your way to shill all over the internet 24/7. I was there. I remember. You were making accounts on twitter, you were shilling on reddit, you were shilling on youtube, basically everywhere you could. And you're still doing it now. And for what? So that retard could shit himself on live television? Jow Forums is absolute cancer and the idea the election is what made it shit is ridiculous. It was always irredeemable trash made up of people who had no business being on Jow Forums.
Obvious threads started by retarded tranny lefties on here so they can have a false flag to point at.
Liberals try to deflect like this all the time. Not conservatives that actually respect the law.
>ignores all bbc threads
libtard detected
*lefty makes a obviously racist thread* "Look at what Jow Forums is doing guise!"
>implying they aren't also made by Jow Forumstards to justify making more racebait threads and rally up his braindead brethren to keep raiding Jow Forums
/RRmxum2 nothing wrong with race baiting or pol. what do you want? more trap and tfw no gf threads?
No, just leftists. Strawman arguments like yours are also typical of lefist since they have no values & are not grounded in reality.
Im a racist leftist
leftists do these things so they can say things like this, while demonizing those ebilwhitpepl
>gets called out for being cancerous
>doubles down on the cancer
just shameless, soulles, inhumane beasts. not even spambots. Jow Forumstards are below spambots at this point, they are like sentient spambots with a gun to their head.
you mean a dumb faggot
>no argument
>no proof
typical leftist
You mad that the democrats were the party of slavery in America?
This bait is so low-quality you're probably an actual Jow Forumstard
>I can't refute your hard evidence so I will resort to name calling.
Keep it up. It's why you keep losing elections.
Imagine being gullible enough to believe that bullshit. Most Jews came here after the Civil War (~1880-1959) and their populations were centered in northern urban areas where slavery was uncommon. There were very few Jews in the US, and even fewer Jews in the south.
>Jewish population exploded after civil war
>Still doesn't refute the fact they owned most of the slaves & slave ships, as well as the cotton trade.
leftists just love to project.
Just one family's slave ships. that brought over many hundreds of thousands of people.
The problem still persists to this day.
And that's why you don't reply to these retards. They will just spam any picture they can find. It's called gish galloping. It's a technique invented by religious retards in the most desperate attempt to defend their ideology. Throw everything you have at the wall. Immediately disregard anyone doing this shit, they are below chimp intelligence.