Dog is excited when you get home because it knows it will be fed

>dog is excited when you get home because it knows it will be fed
>"my doggo loves me!"

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Other urls found in this thread:

you are such a garbage poster user

>owning high-maintenance animals
>not reptiles or fishes
Fucking hate normies and their shit pets.

When I come home my kot jumps up on the box I keep next to the door and grabs my head as I walk in, then rubs her face all in my hair and purrs loudly.

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Roll for your class anons!
>mad because people love their dogs more than you and too brainlet to understand canine social structures
legitimately sad life

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>not high maintenance

you ever had to clean lizard shit off your golf clubs boy

roulette time cyka blyat

Stop sticking golf clubs in your lizard's ass, faggot.

oh boy i hope its not a shit class

dogs really do miss and love you user


>implying they can fit in there

its tighter than your lil sisters coin purse you cake boy

Your kot is adorable, user

OP if you sincerely posted this I'd encourage you to meet some dogs, otherwise we have some fantastic bait for a thread.

>he didn't offer his dog food 24/7 as a pup
>he has to put his dog on a schedule for food instead of teaching his dog how to stay at a healthy weight
Lmao loser

>fantastic bait

boy this site really has hit rock bottom


Humans also only show affection to other humans because of what the other humans can provide them (shelter, sex, money, social bonding which is necessary to well-adjusted humans, as social animals). The real level of altruism displayed by a dog in this situation is the same as that of any human making a loving, affectionate display of any kind, that is: precisely zero. That is the extent of what love really is (brain-chemical induced good feelings received as inputs/outputs associated with positive animal behaviors), so there's no hypocrisy in describing what the dog is doing as "love".

It isn't that the dog isn't displaying affection, it is. The trouble is that love, in any of its many forms, isn't actually what it has been idealized as in western culture.

>doggo bowl is always
>dog always cries excitedly when he knows im back

u are wrong faggot

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no u



Aha! You fell for my trap: the post you replied to was bait itself.

dogs are annoying nigger animals and for low iq beasts, cats are high iq and for the sophisticated

>tfw never feed dog
>tfw she still loves me and greets me

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get back to Jow Forums you unironic slobbering fat mutt

Lmao you really kicked the normies nest with this one, OP.

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The people hated Jesus because he told them the truth

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I was going to try and refute this, but you're right. Holy shit.

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the fuck? cus he said nigger? who the fuck do you think you are? some kind of racism police or something? lmao get the fuck out of here kiddo this place isnt for you tumblr up to your speed

boop the pupper snoot xD

Kill yourself faggot, my dog cries in excitement when I come home, even after being fed

Cats cannot be compared the dog master race
It's over

also he prefers cats over dogs and proudly flaunts it

only Jow Forumstards are this low t

Anything that eats literal shit cannot be described as "master race".

That means cats too then

youre objectively low t if you think owning some kind of small animal makes you a big man you fucking faggot

I'm sorry I insulted your hideous low t buddy from Jow Forums you thin skinned bitch.

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rainbowy tringol

hes not my friend and you didnt insult anyone except your own masculinity you effeminate twink

>i got a BIG DOG im a BIG BOY unlike those evil racists online who own a different small animal!!!

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>dog has food in bowl at home
>dog has doggie door to go potty outside anytime he wants
>dog also has water
>still happily greets me when I come home from work
Your move, OP.

Rolling but also original.

>leave food out for dog 24/7
>dog still gets excited when I look in his direction
What now, autist?

Give me something spicy.

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>Conjecturing that people prefer pets that complement their own personalities, we predicted that dog people should score higher than cat people on traits relating to dominance (i.e., social dominance orientation [SDO], interpersonal dominance, competitiveness, and narcissism). Two samples (ns = 506 and 503) were recruited online and completed these measures, as well as a question regarding their pet preferences. Findings for SDO and competitiveness were consistent with predictions in both studies, but no differences were found on interpersonal dominance or narcissism. The association of being a dog person with SDO and competitiveness persisted when gender differences in pet preference and personality were statistically controlled. We concluded that individuals who are high on these traits tend to prefer submissive pets such as dogs, whose temperament complements their preference for dominance.

Happy now?

You act like it's a depressing thing. Doesn't have to be. Selfishness is the true core of altruism. Selfishness and caring about my own feelings of guilt are the reasons I help every single person that comes along (Although the feelings of guilt itself derive from negative selfishness that would be the case of me not helping them, as well as me genuinely fearing they might be worse off if I don't try and help). Of course, that and the fact that I can't see any legitimate reason not to help people and do think it's important to be kind and courteous simply for the sake of being kind and courteous. But endorphins and selfishness being the root of much of kindheartedness is far from something that should make you feel like that image of wojak, my good user.

yeah that "study" by two literallywho students is gonna convince me youre a hyper masculine guy because you have a dog lmfao

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Throw a stick, and the servile dog wheezes and pants and stumbles to bring it to you. Do the same before a cat, and he will eye you with coolly polite and somewhat bored amusement. And just as inferior people prefer the inferior animal which scampers excitedly because someone else wants something, so do superior people respect the superior animal which lives its own life and knows that the puerile stick-throwings of alien bipeds are none of its business and beneath its notice. The dog barks and begs and tumbles to amuse you when you crack the whip. That pleases a meekness-loving peasant who relishes a stimulus to his self importance. The cat, on the other hand, charms you into playing for its benefit when it wishes to be amused; making you rush about the room with a paper on a string when it feels like exercise, but refusing all your attempts to make it play when it is not in the humour. That is personality and individuality and self-respect - the calm mastery of a being whose life is its own and not yours -- and the superior person recognises and appreciates this because he too is a free soul whose position is assured, and whose only law is his own heritage and aesthetic sense. Altogether, we may see that the dog appeals to those primitive emotional souls whose chief demands on the universe are for meaningless affection, aimless companionship, and flattering attention and subservienc; whilst the cat reigns among those more contemplative and imaginative spirits who ask of the universe only the objective sight of poignant, ethereal beauty and the animate symbolisation of Nature's bland, relentless, reposeful, unhurried, and impersonal order and sufficiency. The dog gives, but the cat is.

It says they both have phd's in psychology and work in research. Like how fucking autistic do you have to be not to notice things like this in society? Obviously not every dog owner is a masculine chad, and not every cat owner is an effeminate low t Jow Forumstard but for the most part it's easy to see that there seems to be a correlation between more dominant individuals preferring dogs as pets(including women).

>Implying having a dog requires any knowledge or brain when they're the equivalent of abused housewives

how fucking moronic do you have to be to think pic related is some groundbreaking factual study LMFAO

its a fucking microsoft word document students make for class you dipshit jesus christ you would fucking know this if you ever wrote a paper in college

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So people who love you only love you because they love you? ok.

This is genuinely one of the dumbest things I have ever read on Jow Forums I think. Do you know how studies and thesis work? Honest question.

5years left until magic powers
lets speed this up

>Independent, doesn't need attention 24/7
>Kills any rodent or pest stupid enough to come near your house
>Buries its own shit
>Cleans itself
>Soft fur
>Instinctively knows not to be a fucking idiot
>Cheaper to own
>Respects peace and quiet
>Respects personal space
>Loves only the family they belong to

>Always needs attention
>Barks like the obnoxious cunt of an animal it is
>Will slobber all over you whenever possible
>Eats its own shit
>Shits everywhere and expects you to clean it up
>Will run away if it gets out of your property
>Has to be trained heavily otherwise it becomes a piece of shit
>A reflection of its owners shitty behaviour
>Stupid as fuck
>Stupid as fuck 'dog people' will defend shitty dog behaviour and traits
>No respect for personal space, needs to jump on you at all times
>Will try to become leader of the pack if you are a weakling
>Loves everyone it comes in to contact with if they pat it or give it food
>Smells like shit

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>kid is excited when you get home because it knows it will be fed
>wife it excited when you get home because it knows it will be fed/fucked
>husband is excited when you get home because it knows it will be fed/fucked
>parent is excited when kid gets high-end job because they can provide for them
What the fuck is your point faggot

dogs are the untermensch of wolves. what christianity did to white man, domestication did to wolves

He's saying that people love each other because the object of love gives them something they desire, not because the object is its own entity worthy of love. The dog loves you because it gives you food and people do altruistic deeds because it makes them feel good or will profit them in the future. This is "real" love as opposed to "traditional" love professed by western ideals.

studies work by getting peer-reviewed and rectified and corrected and published in a real journal not fucking "ANTHROZOOS" lmfao you dense motherfucker you're trying to use a """study""" published in something called anthrozoos

imagine being this low IQ going on research gate and thinking publishers like bloomsbury that literally published harry fucking potter (look it up) counts as legit scientific information

heres pic related your "researcher" scientist LMAOOOOO

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Rooooooll krig

>this level of panic

you had no idea what a thesis is did you? you called it a word document and now you're losing your shit upon realizing just how ignorant you are. god damn retard.


a single google search:

"A multidisciplinary journal of the interactions of people and animals "

how the fuck are you this dumb my dude? you're too lazy to do basic elementary school research.

>hurr durr because its called a thesis it means it smart and scientific hurrdurrr

jesus fucking christ LMAO you stupid fucking retard you can write a thesis on anything whether or not it stands up to scrutiny is what matters


heres another gem by "multidsicplinary" anthrozoos pic related

kek you fucking simpleton you literally thought you could google "are dog people more masculine than cat people" and copypaste the first link didnt you

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Dogcuck detected

Your lack of attention span is your undoing. This is what the study is about. It's still about human-animal relations you retard. He just chose a funky title for it. God damn you are too stupid to insult. You are looking for any straw to latch onto and failing miserably even at that.

For your information this is the publishing house behind anthrozoos

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I'm certain that at least half of all dog owners fuck the disgusting mutts.

I got summoner last time

>give dog a treat and lock him in his cage to go out
>come home and the dog presents the uneaten treat to me and buries his face in my shirt

ay lmao let's go



rolling for merchant

Let's see what I end up as before I end.

What's wrong with that? All relationships happen for shallow reasons if you strip away all the meat and look at it in a barebone kinda way. You don't like your friends just for no reason, one guy may be funny and that's his service, other dude may be cool and good at getting pussy and because of that it helps you out in the social setting so he's a service too and blah blah blah it's normal



t. Punches and kicks his dog
Why are you so cruel, user?

roil n boil

Imma steal your Kot lmao

I want banshee pls

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>Kernal Sanders was a cat person

>The state of cat owners
Fucking wew

>love is chemical reaction in the brain
>you feed dog
>dog associates you with being fed
>dog loves being fed
>thus dog loves you

Dogcucks ITT are not smart and always seething but it's a fact that dogs were just bred to be ass lickers.

> western culture

TL:Dr some khv weeb thinks life will be better when he moves to Japan for that teaching position

This is exactly what I've always believed. Thanks for putting it into words so well.

Dogs make better pets for robots in contrast to cats. With dogs, you have to walk it and give them proper exercise, as well as play with them. Cats can just sit around all day and do whatever so long as you feed them

I'm a dog person, but have you ever seen a cat eat it's own shit?