Well guys... Would you go for it?

Well guys... Would you go for it?

Attached: Capture+_2018-11-23-18-36-13.png (720x1187, 746K)


But let's consider options.
Are you a lonely ugly beta male faggot?
Then maybe yes.

she looks more CRT than flatscreen,

So you're saying your answer is maybe yes?

no she's ugly but I got nothing against midgets.. some are ugly some are hot

Don't do it nigger, you might split her in two if you put it in

Uh, no? I may be a robot but I have standards and self-respect. Swipe left OP

>some are hot
Hot midgets don't exist you fucking idiot, you just have a baby fetish

She's not unattractive...idk
if I was an adult virgin? 100% yes

Does she originally want the D?

Attached: Capture+_2018-11-23-19-17-13.png (720x1187, 148K)

This was her profile. Stuck up bitch

Attached: Capture+_2018-11-23-19-17-05.png (720x1187, 591K)

Only if she is down with fucking pic related

Attached: tall mommy.png (720x1280, 693K)

kind of annoying. You fucked up on wooing a qt office worker

That female pattern baldness ruins it for me

you fucked up, not that stuck up fella

1 stand night and then ghost..why not?

oh dude run

Bitches love when you treat them like shit. Dumb niggas

Attached: Capture+_2018-11-23-19-58-04.png (720x1187, 151K)

Midgets have the perfect proportions, plus they make your dick look massive. She's kinda ugly, especially with that hairline, but if you're into midgets then you should go for it.

Either she's lying or she's in "settle down with a nice guy" mode after riding the carousel for too long. Neither one looks good

Good rack
Not too fat
Forehead, not so good
Nose and eyes indicate (jewish)
Hands would make your small penis look large
She is the type of dwarf that has a normal sized head and torso, just small legs and arms, so her "front and back hole" are probably normal in size
If your filling up your "experiences" card go for it
Looking for a relationship, take a pass
Kind of old, sounds desperate or she is a certified whore
Good luck

Here's your original answer. Probably riding the carousel since 17... And now 10 years later...

Attached: Capture+_2018-11-23-20-14-10.png (720x1187, 143K)

She cute. She seems funny. I'd be down if I didn't have a girlfriend.

If you're not really into her OP, don't waste her time because there are plenty of people looking for tiny gfs.

Well, i tried guys... Unless you have something else to woo her

Attached: Capture+_2018-11-23-20-54-31.png (720x1187, 152K)

Ask if she has a penis.

she Iooks Iike she fucks bIack guys

I'd fuck her but I'd be too ashamed to take her in public. Midgets tend to be thickies.

>Bitches love when you treat them like shit. Dumb niggas
Have you fucked her?

"I don't know if you think I'm still worth talking to but the fact is I can't hide not want to be intimate with you. If you can' accept then I'll move on"

No, but I have fucked your mom and she loves it when I treat her like the nasty whore she is

Very highly underrated.

Shame you can't do better, either irl or on an imageboard.

Better than your mom? That's alright senpai, whores need love too