Hi robots what do you think of this picture of me and my gf?

hi robots what do you think of this picture of me and my gf?

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I think that you should run before she goes all psyco.
She's the type, trust me, i know from experience.

how did you type this if youre just a cat?

Me and my gf are better soz.

Attached: aggie_pepe_santa.jpg (700x700, 63K)

You f****** her too? Haha high five my boy!

its not a cat, its a raccoon you retard

Lucked out, lad. Congrats.

True. She obviously is not the psyco type (unlike op's gf) but the funny type.. Also the depressed type..

tell me about your experiences then, what makes you sure that she's a psycho?

Attached: crispy26.jpg (640x640, 75K)

You're dating a Mexican Lesbian?
Sex must be great.
Since she is the femme you must be the fat, clipped hair dyke with the artificial penis.

there's no need for an artificial penis user, if you stopped using adblocks you could learn a lot from Jow Forums ads

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She has a LOOOOOOOOONG head it's creeping me out man

cute but doesn't touch agatha, she's a cunt

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>them aggie boobs

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Looks like a rodent.

she's for huggin, not fuggin

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yes huggin yes hmmmmm i liek huggin very tight

Attached: apu fug anime.gif (790x837, 675K)

>tfw no half jew goddess gf
brutal lad
can't even upload the best shit due this shitty site's file size limit

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>tfw no half jew goddess gf
i know
it hurts my soul

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she'll be back, t-trust me

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i hope so, im still waiting

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shit aside i hope she doesn't, said it in another thread but most girls turn out to be cunts when they get a certain age, so i'd rather have the "memories" (as gay as that it is) and yt archive, she can't pull a ciara

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