#1. There is nothing wrong with being gay.
#2. If God didn't want boys to love other boys he wouldn't have made the prostate feel so good.
#3. If you disagree with any of this you are probably a low IQ republitard incel.

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Other urls found in this thread:


My bible disagreed

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Fags are disproportionately represented as vectors of all sorts of diseases, mental illnesses, and general systemic behavior. They should.not be allowed near children or even mentioned in polite society.

i let the gays meme me into trying anal fingering and ultimately it wasn't either pleasurable or unpleasurable. i tried it until the new wore off and went back to doing it the old way because it wasn't giving me anything, i just wanted it to because regular masturbation had gotten boring. it's a surprising lack of sensation if anything.

post more head pat sluts

1. go back to /lgbt/
2. who cares sex is sex in my books and who gives a shit about other peoples sex preferences

>implying god
>cherry on tp INZULL buzzword
post discarded

American Republicans are really the most despicable homophobes to ever exist. If you go to any place on Earth without them around, you will see that people are tolerant and open to all forms of sexual expression and behavior. There's really something uniquely wrong with these white Christian evangelical types.

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>It's okay to be gay...
Gays are fucking autistic virgins who failed at dating and now decided to date their own gender, not only are you ending your bloodline, you lost your place as the dominant power in the relationship as well as during sex.

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>unironically caring about "muh bloodline"

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Literally make a pipe slamfire shotgun from Lowe's and kys

It doesn't matter what race or sex you are, by ending your bloodline with your queer realtions, any future bussiness or positions that couls be filled and contintued with a strong dynasty is now lost thanks to you. As a hispanic this process ran through our culture before we were turnes into degen monkeys.

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saged and gb2reddit
especially you

literally bottom tier sjw closer
>if you disagree you're a [insert generalization]
There are fucking 100 montages on youtube with hit markers & MLG shit making fun of these arguments.

Reality would disagree with you.

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Even your own community as a whole knows it's just one big mental illness.

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How often are you guys going to spam these threads on here?











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I dont like blood but I like cringe. Can someone please put squares over the blood parts so I can read it?

go away, retardo





Yet you're all one in the same people. Dudes fucking other dudes trying to get dudes to fuck other dudes in dresses.



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cringe, none of those people or things even have anything to do with this thread

>There is everything wrong with being gay
>If God wanted people to buttfuck and be gay, he wouldn't have fucking leveled Sodom and Gomorrah for committing sodomy and other forms of sexual deviance
>if you disagree with any of this and/or don't sage this thread, you are probably a kike or genetic abomination tranny
Reminder that sage goes in all fields and that fags, trannies, and traps should be publicly beaten and thrown from high buildings like the Muslims do to them.

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Can I please get the sauce of that Pic tho?


Jow Forums has build in iqdb searching, you know

Faggotry absolutely is degenerate and a societal disease. There are many things wrong with being gay.
t. repentant ex-bisexual

Evidence shows that homosexuality may be genetic, so letting the end their bloodline is a win win senerio

If you distance yourselves from trannys and keep the gay shit to the 9gay tread you have a better chance of being ignored. You will never be accepted here though, if thats what youre looking for then theres a board for that.

This man is right! Move these boards to /lgbt/ to take back our land, away from these faggots and pedophiles!

there's a child marriage general and you don't say shit about that. you're falun dafa xinjang uyghur tier retarded

Denial of the obvious, get out.

based but fuck tripfags

literally okay schizo

don't make me stand up to you like the tank guy did during the Tianmen Square protests of 1989

Being gay is a sin. It's Degenerate and disgusting. One can very easily compare homosexuality to a mental illness. Fags fuck each other in the ass and lick their anus and suck each other's cocks. It's vile. It's disgusting. Anyone who condones this is being degenerate too.

I'm not discriminating against gays. I don't think they're less than human, or that they deserve any less than the normal person. I don't condone any form of retaliation against gays HOWEVER saying homosexuality is "normal" and"there's nothing wrong with it" is something I just CANNOT defend. It simply is NOT normal.

Homosexuality is degeneracy pure and simple.

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Only normalfags by the literal definition care about people being gay desu, I couldn't give a fuck about what you do.

Couldn't homosexuality be technically considered a mental disorder? I'm just a brainlet fag so I wouldn't really know but it doesn't seem too far fetched to think of it as a similarity to lets say paranoid schizo or ADHD.

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>Couldn't homosexuality be technically considered a mental disorder?
No, but it kinda sounds like it. It's not how it's actually supposed to be. It's so vile and disgusting it's very similar to some mental problem but nothing like being a schizo or anything. I wouldn't go that far.

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kys fag enjoy your aids

I don't mean it in a "there's goblins under my bed and they stole my virginity" type of way. Just a "brain is doing abnormal shenanigans" type of way.

>vile and disgusting
Aren't those subjective terms, though?
Also, I will admit there are a lot of faggots around but there are also more than enough alright and non-degenerate gays in the world. Problem is they are a lot less vocal since they don't see their sexuality as a defining characteristic intrinsic to their identitiy.
I will give you that the part of the gay community you can percieve in society as a whole is a wretched abomination unto humanity, though.

A person is gay because he had less testosterone during prenatal development. Noone chooses to be gay. It's because the brain had developed differently during the crucial years, so yes, you can consider it as a neurological problem, or better, a problem derived from a neurological "anomaly" or unbalance

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I think that's sort of what I mean.

Launchie .-.

>I'm not discriminating against gays. I don't think they're less than human, or that they deserve any less than the normal person.
This is why the church is falling user. They let the fags in.
Kill 'em all, I say. All they ever do is blaspheme and fornicate. It's hedonism incarnate.

>If God didn't want boys to love other boys he wouldn't have made the prostate feel so good
Wong. It is so I know who to send to hell.


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You're wrong. It's that fags are discriminated that the redditors get angry and rant on r/atheism "Christians are evil :((" but it's not right to discriminate against gays. Doesn't change the fact homosexuality is almost a mental illness, it's vile and a sin.

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You gonna see if I should go to hell by banging me in the butt?

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The fags are not grateful whatsoever for anything given to them. They always find a way to bring God and the church into their sexuality, saying that they were "repressed" by our teachings and doctrine, and that they left the church and felt like the "good guys". Plebbitors are no better, all leftist kikes who will take any opportunity to slander the church. They're heathen dogs that should have been put down long ago, but instead clog the veins of society while righteous men die.
I am glad that they will burn for their arrogance. They deserve nothing more than damnation.

Gays do not fulfill sexual reproduction which is the end game in evolution
shut the fuck up you retard incel libtard

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what does spiralled mean?

all the fags in this thread....

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>realize I'm gay
>also discover I'm a furry
>join furry discords
>Everyone constantly talking about sexual stuff
>discords are full of erpers
>people constantly flirting with eachother
>feel completely out of place and uncomfortable
>Try to talk to people from furry communities they all ask sexual questions and try to erp with me
>constant drama and "raids"
>When trying to talk in furry discord everyone is passive agressive towards me because I'm new
>it comes out a few months later that a group of furries raped and killed a bunch of animals
>distance self from furry community

>also try to join gay communities
>frequent r9k gay threads
>full of circlejerking and drama
>people who contactfag 90% of the time ghost you or are creepy
>everyone erps as an anime girl
>try to join gay communities
>communities are full of sexual talk
>people constantly flirting and erping with eachother

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god is not real, but i do believe that gays are not correct since they server no purpose in this life. They will never help the gene pool but will gladly eat up resources. abominations, the lot of em'.

God isnt real retards

tfw I made it on that image.
Feels good


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You are me except that I have worked up the courage to join the communities yet.

I was linked this, I'm guessing i know you.
message me and I'll explain anything.

>This fucking retard thinks he can sage a comment

Very poor bait user, honestly ashamed of you

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Absolutely sugoi user is on the dot. Meido on Sudoku shift.

[citation needed]
Reminder that being a judgemental and violent prick is wholly unchristian.

>b-but muh lulz

women are shit and being gay is bad

>needs citation for known abrahamic stories about God leveling Sodom and Gomorrah, hasn't even read scripture
>faggot sodomite preaching about a faith he isn't a part of to the faithful
Can't wait for the jihad to come here.

You don't really know me. I just thought it was weird seeing your discord handle here is all. Anyways, don't feel like you have to explain anything to me. It's not like I know enough about your situation to judge you based on a couple of pictures. Besides there's nothing wrong with doing HRT as it is. Your body your choice, at least that's how I feel ^_^

give me back my fucking sissy threads you niggers
if I could beat the fuck out of you I would
my life is shit and you're making it worse

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Let me aid you in this war.


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you can help by curbstomping a bangnigger's teeth right down their throat