Strangled my first cat today

Strangled my first cat today
Felt kind of weird when he died like it was unfinished or something, kinda got my blood boiling
What did you guys do today?

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i sat in my room all day playing overwatch.

also youre supposed to squeeze hard, not gentle, not in between, but as hard as you can squeeze. thats why it didnt feel right.

I fed my pet frogs pellets and played minecraft

Explain why you think that's why "it didn't feel right"

>strangled my first cat today
ok cool but why

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It'll feel a lot better when it's a young petite female's neck between your paws user. Just keep practicing so you get it just right when it's time to kill your first little devil.

what did the cats ever do to you

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Honestly, neck yourself. Not even joking.

Responsible for spreading toxoplasmosis en masse

I don't kill cats faggot, I pet them. It I respect OP's choice to kill them if he so chooses.

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Did it smell really bad afterward? It always smells like the piss or musk while they're being killed but I've only every bludgeoned them.

What did the cat look like when it was starting to give out? Please give detail description OP.

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Bad bait originadsfadf

just don't pet stray cats then, idiot

>mfw you will reincarnate as that cat

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go away roastie.

It's not about me, idiot. It's about all these stupid normies that surround me

why should you care about some dumb normoids petting strays? not like they're any better than some dumb cat.
>showing disrespect to people who abuse animals is a sure sign of someone being a whore

Not OP, but he is in the right since cats are invasive species and go on murder sprees of small local wildlife for fun.

>OP posts that he did something that has shock value but gives no details or proof, knowing that people will ask for proof or pics
>On a fucking anonymous underwater basketweaving board
Fuck you nigger if it's fake and fuck you if it's true.

Hope your ASPD causes you to shit where you eat and perish.
Or you can learn empathy before it's too late.
Good luck.

>Cats tortures and kill billions of small local animals for fun
>Get upset when one user kills a cat

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They really are evil, they act like a female in pretty much every way.

Australia is smart, it is legal to kill feral cats as they are the threat of many species found no where else on earth. Cats have caused the extinction of many small animals, especially birds. Cats are vermin.

I'll be friendly and pet a cat if it's cool. But I certainly have no problem with the killing of cats. They are terrible animals, just another black pill example as to why they are pets.

Truly a pleb-tier pet. Everything it 'plays' it simulates killing. The world would be better off without cats. Unfortunately women and love them and think they are cute so we will continue to lose local wildlife as a result.

>all this anti-cat hate thread

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>Actually liking evil serial killers

>not liking a chad predator and the superior feline race

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I drowned my mums dog man, its lil eyes looked at me before it went limp kek.
It was for a good reason, the dog was sick lel.

OP, stop being edgy fag

>Anybody that doesn't like cats must like dogs
Nah dogs are shit too. Especially with their annoying yapping/ barking at everything and shitting everywhere. I prefer exotic pets such as reptiles and birds (being an exotic pet owner myself).

man, I don't know what you mean. just break the fucking neck.

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Cats are whatever, but people almost never kill cats for any other reason than gearing up to kill people, so killing cats is kind of a pussy thing to do.