What type of guy typically deflowers women like this

What type of guy typically deflowers women like this

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One that doesn't post here.

A tall ripped black man with a nuclear powered dong and an endless supply of testosterone

a tyrone in middleschool

honestly she probably lost it young, my guess is the type of guy that isn't socially retarded and willing to take advantage of extremely young and horny girls.

>inb4 little girls don't fuck old dudes all the time
you're delusional I bet at least 1/3rd the girls you talked with were fucking around with a 25+ year old guy when she was 14.

I remember very poor preteen girls who dated guys +6 years older.
They aren't the type for us

I don't understand how it seems like more teens are having sex at a younger age yet statistics says otherwise, which is bullshit, but to what extent?

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Her uncle when she's 13

Kek those are the same bitches that lie about being virgins

Girls are still having sex at the same rate or higher, but fewer boys are due to the sex being more heavily concentrated on top-tier males.

Unironically something along the lines of that. They typically grow their secondary sex characteristics before everyone else and get taken advantage of by older people who can appreciate them while their peers are still confused or don't care. That or some lucky guy in highschool

all the women are just fucking the top tier guys

Im 25 and still manage to get laid because of my career but it honestly depresses the fuck out of me that I'll never be able to smash prime teen virgin pussy without going to jail

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Their fathers

someone with a big penis to push past those cheeks, at least an 8x6

Know a lil 16 year old hoe that recently got her cherry popped by a 25 year old.

>Know a lil 16 year old hoe


30 year old dudes, that get them when they're 15 or 16.

One that likes fat girls.

Christ, what I'd do for a woman like that

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I believe you. I'm 26 and the only girl that likes me is 15.

porn actors i believe

Like most woman she'll fuck the best guy she can get, then discard them until she finds one with a big dick.