>Be me
>One Shot at Life
As an ENTJ, I could use some tips on maxsimising my manipulation over others, am not a full chad, but I'm far from beta.

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manipulate my dick lmao

why the fuck are you asking us lmao? This board is for betas only

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>i'll never be entj

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The rarest and therefore best of types

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I'm an ENTP and ENTJs are the only other type I'd consider a true threat. The personality-less narcissist types are easy to beat once you identify them for what they are. But a real leader - that's a real, tangible advantage. The only way to beat that is to do just good enough to pass, and try to win because of other factors. I can trust INTPs and INTJs because I know we'll get along well, and they're too passive to start shit, but I feel like I'm guaranteed to be the jannetty to any ENTJ friend.

Is there a foil to ENTJs?

Hello my fellow ENT brethren, it is I the ENTP

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>just took the test right now
Is this just another one of those le lazy genius memes

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Is there a reason why a good amount of us are ENTPs here or is it just a coincidence?

wrong, it's somewhat rare
>the best
it's the worst for modern society, sorry lad.

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You have entered virgin nerd hell.

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As a fellow entj I would recommend not manipulating, having integrity will get you further but if you must go through a manipulation phase you can manipulate better by shutting up, listening then feigning empathy and following it with slight suggestion

They died together like true comrades. Gotta respect that. The Cia has at least some decency.

idk what im feeling right now, feel like vomiting because sick of this life

> (You) (OP)
>As a fellow entj I would recommend not manipulating, having integrity will get you further but if you must go through a manipulation phase you can manipulate better by shutting up, listening then feigning empathy and following it with slight suggestion
I agree, altough manipulation and machevilli tactics are good early on or if you need to solify yourself, otherwise, use others as guides to see who is succeding and who is human shit.

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Most INTPs are high iq nerds or social depressed above average iq nerds, either way, they both wish to die. No escape from Geek Hell, Sorry.

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Are there certain matchups that are predisposed to form relationships with each other? I'm INTP, so what sort of girls should I be pursuing, if any?

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ENTJ < nearly non-existent in females, good luck!
INTJ < nearly non-existent in females, good luck!

Intj is what I would consider entj foil. I've been both and several of my friends are intj. Intj has a lot of entj skills but also a focused beam of autism that entj lacks. When intj points that tism beam nothing can prevent them from doing whatever they are intending, no amount of logic or bigger picture sense from entj is going to stop them. They are going to do it how their tism says it should be done and usually later down the line they'll have an epiphany that entj was right and could've saved them a bunch of time.

Girls, or any sort of significant other is the least of your worries, if you got typed as INTP, You are either, Stuck Deep in Geek Hell and have Servere Depression or Have just been pushed into Geek Hell and the anixety or depression will soon follow. It is unavoidable. Accept your fate
As for a gf, another INTP, close relations will allow the two of you to glouriously suffer.

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Roblox characters coping with existential dread is my new aesthetic

What about INTPs causes this?

this is unironically the worst mbti, not that mbti is accurate but still

>putting two INTP's together
literally the worst thing you can do, they're more likely to murder each other over who's got the bigger brain and who's less lazy (protip: it's neither you're both lazy fucks)

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Why are we so shit jesus christ. I didn't ask for this.

It's just the pseud version of astrology. This whole thing is horseshit that gives vague categories of people that make your flaws seem admirable and instills in you some false image that you're just some troubled virtuouso.

Shit sux but our main flaw (sloth) can be fought, I'd hate to be one of those SF types who are literally doomed

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T. Virgin that doesn't know shit about shit

I'm pretty sure I'm beyond the possibility of redemption. I'm so fucking lazy that if I'm put in charge of feeding myself I'll just starve. In the past three months since I went back to school, I've lost like 20lbs.

Reminder that there are 32 types, not 16.

Reminder that if you are an XXXX-T, you are a bitch BECAUSE of your T, not because of your type.

INTP-A = good
INTP-T = bad

INFP-A = good
INFP-T = bad

ENTP-A = good
ENTP-T = bad

Reminder that turbulent fags are responsible for slandering the reputation of the types. If you are confused, please read my post again until you understand. Thank you.

how does one escape the t?

Be more assertive

o-ok entpchad

Next time, just say "ok entp".

Ironically just be yourself.


Like 90% of regular internet users are INTP

How do you get a gf when you are an undesirable person?

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is that true holy crap

INTJ too, fuck we are incompatible with 50% of people lol.

Am I reading the chart wrong or is everyone in the same boat as you and youre being a fag?