Would you marry a 9 year old girl if it were legal?

Would you marry a 9 year old girl if it were legal?

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personally, no
what about you, user?
i promise im not fbi man just curious user

Yes, but I wouldn't have sex until she was older.

1937... yeah was probably frowed upon then too I mean the bitch barely knew the alphabet. That is if either were literate (irrelevant).

This only works in the south where peoples' brains stop developing at age 9.

>Sneedville, Tennessee

Formerly Chucksville.

as a southerner this makes me sad but its true, for the women at least

>if it were legal
How do people live in a country and not know its laws? Also no, of fucking course not, I would adopt.

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Yes i would. She would be raised to be the perfect wife.

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Not nine but more around 14, so the difference isn't too much once she is of age.

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>for the women at least
And for the men, apparently.

Here we fucking go. You're pushing your pedo bullshit again. And they keep getting younger as I called out. No 9 y/o should be marrying anyone. And the man in that pic should have been stomped to death for being a mentally ill sicko

Underrated comment
Too many zoomers on here to appreciate

It depends on a few factors but otherwise I don't see it as a bad thing.
For example: aunt got married when she was 12 to my uncle who was 31 at the time. This was in rural America and it was not considered abnormal. They were married till he died 20 years and 5 kids later. My aunt never remarried.

I actually think the whole not adult till 18 is bullshit. Most 18-25 college students make choices that are just as immature and potentially destructive as adolescents given situations where the adolescents aren't coddled like babies.

Too old, no thanks.

go back to your shithole 4channel cuck

No. Have any of you been around children? They are dumb and annoying as fuck. Post the other article where she got kicked out of school for being a brat.

This is old, Delaware and NJ set limits.

No. You don't want to basically become both her parents at once, when things like periods and stuff start happening. Plus, it'd be really awkward not being sexual at all, to one point having to bring it up and stuff.
Gotta wait until she's 13 or so.
>I actually think the whole not adult till 18 is bullshit. Most 18-25 college students make choices that are just as immature and potentially destructive as adolescents given situations where the adolescents aren't coddled like babies.
The thing is no one is going to learn to be responsible and maturity without actually having responsibility and mature situations. There are certain things you won't be truly ready for until you actually do them. Sure, you can prepare, but that only makes you less likely to completely screw it up royally. Kids back when would get married when their education was over and they were able to support their families (in their respective roles), whether that was 12 or 32.

It is legal. Even if it isn't in your state, you can just go on a family vacation and let your daughter get married somewhere else.

I personally prefer for courtship to begin when puberty does. I believe love should blossom naturally between two grown humans, even if it's possible for virtuous love to grow eventually like with OP scenario.

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Yes I would and I would treat her like an angel

I am a Muslim an yes I would marry a little girl if she was qt

Or move to another state.

These fucking city slickers
t. projecting child abusing kike who's never read Rind et al

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Oh shutup retard, the only reason why this is so documented is because of how rare and obscure it is

Well if the state restricts your most basic rights such as choosing who your daughter marries and when, then moving would make sense, but just going on a trip to get married elsewhere would be pretty easy if you don't want to move.

I'm sorry, I read your entire post in a southern accent and I couldn't take you seriously.

Don't reply to Jews desu

Stop saying it wasnt normal before the (((sexual revolution))). Humanity has done this since forever. The only reason it changes is because jews with their spatial retardation chaged all that.

Jews have done child marriages for as long as Jews have existed. I won't deny that white people can take advantage of the practice, but Europeans have a long history of waiting for puberty.

The reason why it changed was because modern society required girls to stay in school until 18, so they could function in a modern economy.

Now that college is becoming the norm, even older guys who date 19 year olds are called pedos.

Religious Jews are pro loli marriage, just like Muslims

Why is school required for females? Men are expected to do everything.

Modern capitalist societies need women to be full participants of the industrial labor force. There is material value in them being workers rather than mothers

Maybe in a wrap-up of society as an extension of World War X/climate collapse mentality.
I don't believe that we're anywhere near the end, though.

of course fucking not what the hell

Not saying that I don't believe in climate change, but I do believe in domes. Thanks futurebro

>Religious Jews are pro loli marriage, just like Muslims
Pretty sure they are all disgusting abusive exploitative child raping pieces of shit desu.

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