If you're here you either care too much for animals or not at all

if you're here you either care too much for animals or not at all.
which one is it?

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I have literally beaten a guy unconscious for messing with my cat. People who abuse animals deserve to be tortured. That includes like 60% of niggers/spics and a sociopathic minority of faggot white kids and Asians.

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>not even a spoiler and I still click on it
Fuck, I guess that's my fault for forgetting what it was... feels bad.

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RIP Shoveldog.

Lol I love this gif

Shut the fuck up. 60% of wh*te bois fuck their pets. Cry about that

Don't care if animals die so long as it's quick and painless but torturing or murdering them for no reason should see you beat and thrown in jail.

Why did the dog just sit there and take it

My brother killed my kitten a while back... I never really felt rage like that before, I legitimately wanted to kill him. He was taken to a psych ward for a while though, and I cooled down enough I suppose.

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>t. triggered nigger
go complain to your dad - oh wait

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Dogs are pretty dumb. Unlike cats that can sense dangerous situations

watched my dad kick his cat in the ribs who had some sort of skin condition. i stopped seeing him for half a year after that.

1. dog was acting chill because he trusted his owner and didn't know what a shovel was
2. i don't think anything with a brain can do anything after having half of it smashed

None of them. I'll only care if it's my dog.

>can sense dangerous situations
>standing like a retard doing nothing but meowing
>get burned by boiling water
someone post that webm of the guy throwing boiling water at some cat meowing outside his window

Shame on you for even posting that you fucking cunt

i'm sorry i thought it was a bait and switch meme

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i used to care a lot when it came to animals specially dogs but after the death of my dog i lost all the remaining pity i had

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/thread discussion over

I cant stand animal abuse and would have those "people" brutalized who do it.
I compare it to pedophiles and child abusers, you are abusing your power on lesser being that cant fight back which means you are weak or mentally unstable.

>I love this gif
>not white
checks out

>first thing I see when waking up is an animal abuse GIF with you presenting posters a somewhat aggressive dilemma spoken like a deranged sociopath

Whether I'm growing to become too normie for this board or whether it's just turning to shit slowly is something I have yet to figure out

Figures you're a subhuman nigger/sandnigger.
Probably a similar situation with the rest of the animal abusing edgelord abominations here. If you are then you deserve to be a robot and all the segregation and malice that comes with it.

I hate watching animals in pain, but animals are assholes that brutalize each other. that includes people.
Everything on earth should just be put down.

I got 4 large dogs and 2 cats and a decent collection of guns and knives. Harming my pets is literally begging to get killed.

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I do it because it makes spurgs like you angry

Most of Jow Forums only likes animals because they are their last resort after being rejected by society.

we habs do be rezpegdpful to da godlige negroids an da sandniggaz, cuz we da whitey is da bad boi.

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*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

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I killed my aunts cat two years ago. She wanted me to stay the night because they were away but lived in a bad area and they didn't want to get burglarized. It was on its back and I went to give it a belly rub and it wrapped its front arms around my arm and scratched the fuck out of it with its back legs also while biting my hand. I threw that little cunt into the ceiling fan and put it in a plastic bag. I drove to a secluded creek I knew of and chucked the bag into the creek. I played it off like it ran away. My auntie was emotionally destroyed but I got away with it. I wish this was bait.

I think your fucking insane. It's a cat how can you get so angry after the initial throw, you put it into a plastic bag, took time to go somewhere then throw it into a creek. What the fuck

Nah I think I gave it brain damage or something. The fan was on the highest setting. The cat was out of it and stumbling. I just decided to get rid of the evidence. I'm not destroying my family over a cat.