Why are Indian people usually so ugly for the most part...

Why are Indian people usually so ugly for the most part? Serious question; I live in a high income pajeet filled area and for upper middle class people, they are all ugly as fuck. What gives?

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because all people are disgusting and should not continue breeding. antinatalist gang rise up

Indian girls are usually ugly or hot, there's no in between. If you can get yourself a hot western raised Indian chick then you'll be a happy man. Intelligent, loyal, and family oriented.

We are the niggers of Asia

Absolutely this
T. Pajeet

Current girlfriend is Indian and graduating from med school. Rest of her family are doctors, lawyers, and in IT. I work in a factory and didn't even go to college. I don't belong in her family but we were high school sweethearts and Indian girls tend to fall in love deep so here I am along for the ride. Can't complain, user.

a white girl med student would have dropped your ass the minute she got some attention from that stud cardiothoracic surgery resident. Hell, this indian girl might too. Step up your game dude.

indians could only marry within their caste so a large portion of breeding was neither selective nor optimized

The sad thing is you're right. Except the doctor chad would then drop her eventually to fuck some nurses 9/10 times, then she'd end up alone and single, miserable because women have such a desire for hypergamy, they'd rather be single than settle for some one "less" than they are. If she was lucky they got married and had some kids before he decided to start fucking around and then just end up fucking up their kids more than they already did while they steal their pills and listen to mumble rap.

So are all ugly indians dalits?

They bathe and drink water out of the same river that they send their sewage and their dead - that's going to play all sorts of mutational havoc with their genetic composition. That's like living in a Monsanto laboratory.

Edison, NJ?

Indian is very broad imo. The typical dark skinned pajeets are ugly imo. light skin indians have more Caucasian/persian features and hence more attractive.

In fact even India acknowledges most dark skinned indians are ugly and hence you have bollywood pushing for light skinned indians.

Indians have a long history of arranged marriages so rather than having the uggos get removed from the genepool through natural selection they bred more uggos

Light skin and middle eastern looking indians = good
nigger or dark skin indians = bad (for the most part)

Because Hindus were not raped hard enough by us Aryan Persian Muslims, so only Panjabis and Pakistanis are qt

Brown girls are hot.

Its not that they are brown, but their facial features. The lighter skinned Indians are qt because of Persian blood, not because they have fair skin

Now I'm imagining how attractive dark-skinned caucasoids could be. There are Ethiopians yes but I'm curious about other kinds.

india seems to have people of a wide ange of features around the world, possibly from all the mixing from different empires in history. The attractive ones due seem to hold more middle eastern features true

>am from south india, raised in Australia
>always been told I was attractive
>dna test
>40% pakistan/iran, 43% indian
yeah maybe you are right

India is just africans who settled there (same as aboriginal Australians) and a mix of middle east and all that shit, i dont think you can classify "indians" cause they all have different features

But that's philippines

Indians are half Abbo/ Australo-Melanesian

Those are not genes you want to have

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>There are Ethiopians yes but I'm curious about other kinds.
Receding hairlines are not hot. Mediterranean males are some of the ugliest ever.

> be 100% white
> still have shitty features

I predict you will always feel "inferior" around her family and they may eventually think "she could have done so much better" and convince her that, too.

I mean they are okay looking but at least they aren't african
you know Id rather have indians replace africans

upper class indians are all nerds who have high paying jobs in tech or some shit. The upper-class whites are from the business cause of connections and marry whores., or chads who got rich from doing some dumb degenerate shit. Why are you surprised OP

only east indians, we west indians are gorgeous

Her family won't accept you for marriage. It's indian culture. Unless she's westernized enough to run off with you.

No but majority of the population is ugly and malnourished and dirt poor. Dalits or lower castes are some of the most rich and privileged people in india today because of affirmative action.

No they're not. Brahmins still dominate through corruption and go around mass raping and murdering Dalit women and killing those that try to get jobs as anything other than the street-shit cleaners when the Brahmins go poo on the street.

>. The lighter skinned Indians are qt because of Persian blood, not because they have fair skin

This is largely a myth. Its not Persian blood, its mostly just from the northern ones getting conquered/raped by Afghans hundreds of times while the darker ones were strong enough to prevent their women from being raped.

Oh it's game time lads, begin.

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rolly polly poo in the loo

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because good looking indians dont exist
t. self hating half pajeet

I take it you're not from India or you live in the poo poo rural areas. Probably your burger and know nothing about this country.

poo in the loo oregano chili sex

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Rolling in poopoo

Rolly roll rolly roll

>self hating half pajeet
since we are trying to eliminate the shitty looking indians cause natural selection was fucked over by arranged marriage. Maybe you should kill yourself or let me cuck you. I am confident asf about my looks as an Indian being raised up in a muli-racial community in Australia. Maybe i could give you the babies that would make you feel better about your race.
>also me, never have dated someone from my own race lmao

Bitch lasagna and open bibs butty

Even Africans tend to look better than Indians

Genetics, user. Poo genetics tend to be pretty fucking bad in most cases.

alright boys lets do that thing

Hocus pocus digitus rolliae

I live in Australia and the Indians at my work are smart as fuck. They belong to wealthy smart accomplished families. They are all from northern India and the girls are attractive.

Have you also been told that you're a huge faggot?

As an American born Indian who would barely even go to India on business, rolling


take the poo to the loouhoooouhouooo

if youre 100% white you look good by default, whites cannot be incels

Rollo penis shit fuck you

>if youre 100% white you look good by default, whites cannot be incels

If that's true, then explain the existence of this board and Jow Forums

Man as long as you treat her right, you shouldn't feel like you don't belong.


Origonal street shitting komment



Somehow they managed to fuck it up even while winning the genetic and geographic lottery. How? I don't know.

It's about time to take a shit on the street again.

roll roll oregano shit fuck