How accurate is this? is this the typical robot?

how accurate is this? is this the typical robot?

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I'd say pretty accurate robot/cyborg representation.

This more for failed normies than anything else. Robots aren't funny and are too socially inept to joke around with others.

A true robot either:
doesn't want to be funny at all because fuck the attention
Tries to be funny but is only cringe and everyone around the robot will just feel awkward WtF at the attempted humor

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This describes myself pretty accurately I'd say, idk if the average robot feels like they are usually accepted or perceived as funny

In my experience it feels like I'm seen as funny partially because I'm weird enough to fit into an uncanny valley of normie-hood, where they can tell something is off but are unsure what exactly

>is only cringe and everyone around the robot will just feel awkward WtF
I pretend to do this deliberately and my online friends actually think that I have a sophisticated sense of humour now, never been able to pull it of irl

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this was legit me in hs. I was always the funniest one in my friend group and the goofball, but that's all that I was. None of my friends really considered me a friend and no one respected me. I realized that when my closest buddy at the time told me that he couldn't possibly imagine anyone in my family being a lawyer or having a respectable career due to how I turned out.

That statement cut me deep and it's only one of many remarks that still haunts me to this very day

you have PTSD from that one remark. wow you must be or must've been fragile user

there's so much assumption in this post; I never claimed to have PTSD you utter faggot, and as I stated, thats one of MANY remarks that still bothers me. It doesn't feel that good when you're best friend of over 5 years tells you in a serious tone that based off of how you are and how you turned out, that there's no way any direct family relatives would have any sort of capability to pursue such a demanding, high functioning career.

People who put others down to feel better are pathetic

Heard joke once:
Man goes to doctor. Says he is depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.

Doctor says,
>Treatment is simple. Great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up.

Man bursts into tears. Says,
>But doctor...I am Pagliacci.

That joke was from Watchmen. God that was a really good movie

Most people don't find me funny, I don't fit into any social circle and I couldn't give one single fuck about individuals i know or am forced to tolerate. Maybe that image applies more to failed normies or cyborgs.

This has happened to me several times with all my friends except one. Something about me just makes people want to shit on me, but I cant figure it out. I feel like a doormat because I hate confrontation, and let things go, when in reality all I want to do is beat the person to death and hang them from a flagpole for gaining my trust, and then shitting on me.

I dont have friends anymore because all they ever do is hurt me and make me feel bad about myself.

>I dont have friends anymore because all they ever do is hurt me and make me feel bad about myself.

Yep, same here. Now I'm 24 still living at home spending all of my days shitposting on Jow Forums and figuring out ways to kill myself

A man disgusted by the clown who pays the bills is not a robot.

A real robot can't figure out why Pagliacci is so cool and popular

>the uncanny valley of normie hood
God fucking dammit I'd never been able to find the words to describe it. But that's them.

Pretty close to the same. 23, but will be 24 in a few months. My parents are forcing me to go to college, which I excel at, but I have no networking ability which means any chance of a job after college are close to none. Its gonna be all over for me soon. I found a little bit of satisfaction in drawing though.

Assuming I dont kill myself, I want to make a comic to entertain robots and post it here. All I really want is to make people laugh.

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Is this a cyborg feel or a robot feel?

>is this the typical robot?
Yeah, probably not. At all. But one guy just like this was my best friend in HS and sat beside me for three years. He was a fat dude that everybody liked. I still don't know why he enjoyed being with me but I'm thankful he was there since I didn't really talk with anyone else

I'm being srs when I say lifting is the only cope for these feels. Sure, you're still you, but people generally respect you more. There's also a domino effect when it comes to sticking up for yourself. Amp yourself up religiously to snap back at someone who disrespects you just once and it'll be easier the next time.

I have imposter syndrome but its not about being a clown lmao

I don't know how accurate it is for robots, but holy fuck is it true for me. Even down to the imposter syndrome. I won employee of the month where I work and told everyone who asked that I didn't deserve it

I already lift, and it helps a little but not a ton. I have probably a better body than anyone I know, but Im still a coward.

What I do notice is that I am getting angrier and angrier as time goes on. I have more outbursts than I used to. One day Im going to snap and tear somebodys asshole so wide that if you filled it with water, African wildlife would gather around it to cool themselves off.