R9k friday night drinking thread /alcohol/

too lazy to make a new picture edition

"Have a seat and tell us what your drinking"
"feel free to tell us of your recent feels"

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% shots of Ketel in, and 2 Torpedos, feeling slightly drunk, but that is besides the point.

Only bumping this thread to get it moving. Want to see better, more interesting people than I, posting.

Whats the point in drinking with people just to stare at a screen and say nothing to each other

I'm drinking some arrogant bastard ale. It's pretty strong and tasty.

Just finished some gin and cranberry/ginger ice. About to go to town on some vodka and diet coke. Living the high life here lmao.

killing this jack and watching grappler baki

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drinking vodka straight from the plastic bottle, washing with water. Got a handle of rum after this, think I'll use it to taper then quit hopefully. Weed isn't doing it for me either, either I feel anxious or slow and retarded. First it was video games, now it's drugs, I have no idea what to do anymore

getting quite buzzed
there's really no point in drinking but we do it anyways

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I am out of town at my grandparents. All there is in the house is wine. So I am drinking this shit while playing rdr2.

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not drinking but am smoking thc concentrates so life aint so bad right now.

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>Rum and coke, please
I got a tale of woe for anyone who cares to listen. It is a story of how I became a failed normie
>First year of uni I leave my pc at home in an attempt to be more social
>It works somehow and by the end of the first week I meet 2 friends and start to smoke weed
>Because of all the weed I smoked I forget exactly what happens for about a month, but I find myself with a core group to hand out with
>Over time I start to get close to one of the girls in our group. We start to date and the group shuns us
>Later I found out that my gf lied about us being together and ruined my reputation with the group
>It doesn't matter I have regular sex
>For the next 2 years our relationship was rocky but we kept it up because we found "true love"
>In the same two years my relationship with the group is rebuilt, but now instead of them being my friends they are my gf's friends
>I don't find it too bad because I was busy with grades and I hardly had time to spend on parties, so they become more of my gf's friends than mine

Pic related, it was where we would drink whisky and smoke weed on mostly all Friday nights

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(Part two because it was too big)

>Last summer I move out of my parent's house to live with my gf hoping I could rejoin the group
>My gf and I start to fight more and more. The stress of being independent along with our rapidly aging relationship does not mix well
>I try to fix it, but it seems that every 2 weeks there is a near breakup fight
>This ultimately climaxing on the 4th of July where we had our relationship ending fight
>I was forced to move back home with my parents and lost all context with my friends and her friends
>We were both abusive (Her more physical. Mine being more psychological) but she played the victim
>My only real friend from the group vilified me
>Right now I am NEET, I dropped out of uni, and I have no friends
>Tonight I texted him and he told me he wanted distance from me because I hurt her

I want my friend back. I miss the way we used to be. I know it is my fault for being a blue pilled cuck, but if I were to have known this would be the result I would have never taken the blue pill. Pic related

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Don't know why I bother drinking beer. Barely gives a good buzz most of the time and just makes me feel like shit the next day. Now I'm downing rum to compensate.

Currently about five drinks in. Light buzz, but when I finish playing guitar then I'll get nice and hammered so I don't suck at playing more than usual
Probably gonna toss on a movie then, will take recommendations
Stone Brewing Co., right?
Had their IPA and it was tasty, but it's been a while.
Calm down, user. Have a drink. You've either had none or a shitton.

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HELLO FRIENDS! I'm drinking a local IPA mixed with coca cola. It has 8% ABV so it was a better deal than regular beer. But it's too bitter, hence the coke.

I wish I would fall asleep and never wake up so I drink myself out of my body every night

>dropping uni over a roastie

get out of here you failed normie

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>Needing to mix BEER with anything
Come on user, you should know better than this...

>I'm drinking a local IPA mixed with coca cola. It has 8% ABV so it was a better deal than regular beer. But it's too bitter, hence the coke.
why do burgers have to add sugar to every single thing?

Pretending someone cares. No one cares.

i've got no drink and no money. drink it up for me anons

what in the actual fuck

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about to start drinking a fosters
i like my beer to taste like piss.

>IPA mixed with coca cola
Taking this bait to tell you that you are tarded because it truly wouldn't surprise me on this board if someone actually mixes beer with soda
That being said, I agree the user you responded to is also tarded

drinking cheap single malt and watching chinese cartoons, what better?

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just leftover wine from thanksgiving

fuck it. i'm so fucking tired of this girl anons.
i don't green text but this'll do i guess.
>past few weeks been getting real close with girl.
>she has a bf but she wants to leave him to be with me.
>or so she tells me.
> she goes away to a friends (female) for thanksgiving, whatever.
>i have the worlds worst social anxiety so whenever something 'normal' happens i go full breakdown mode, misery, binge drinking, etc
> she stops texting me, for like 3 days. no read, just no responses at all, she posts shit on her pages still.
> thanksgiving, we have a brief small talk conversation over dm nothing big.
> today, radio silence on her part. asked her if she wants to come over, no reply.

what the fuck do i do. I'm so close to crying, im nauseas, and im way in over my head for this girl. i want her so bad but she just won't fucking text me.

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>Sits at bar
>"One hot chocolate, please."
I am pretty close to suicide guys, I can feel it. I havent eaten for a few days and I havent seen anything in my future for a long time. My mother confessed she didnt love me, I am flunking out of uni, I am a virgin who has never known love, nothing has interested me for about 4 years now. My emotions have been dull for the past few years, I didnt cry when my grandfather died, when my dog died, I dont laugh, I dont get angry, but recently I have developed a crush on a korean model. I havent felt this way in a long time and she will never love me. Really, the only reason I havent killed myself is because I couldnt bear the shame. I would be humiliated if I failed and equally humiliated if I succeed, even if I am not around to feel it. However, I now have a plan to kill myself and make it look like an accident. I can stop at the onramp of a highway and cut accross traffic. This will let me get hit driver-side at about 60mph. This is something I have been contemplating for a few days.
>sips hot chocolate
I forgot to include the picture of my model crush

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don't do it user. the world won't stand to lose you.

Drinking mid-level beer and watching King of the Kill like I'm doing right now