Have you ever played New Vegas? Played it years ago but getting interested again. Which faction was your favorite?

Have you ever played New Vegas? Played it years ago but getting interested again. Which faction was your favorite?

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it's probably my favorite game. The graphics are pretty dated at this point. And, im not going back to deal with the stone age bugs. And, Beth is too stupid to realize a cleaned up, de bugged, un real engine version of this would be a license to print money. Maybe in 5 or 10 years

Enclave. I also like Enklave Nazi SS uniform mod.

What is your opinion on the debacle that was Fallout 76 and the decline of Bethesda's works? Do you think that there will come back a time again where Fallout games will have tons of content and complex narrative?

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Alchestbreach is what got me into Fallout back in like 2012 or 2013. The mods he plays were so cool to me that I had to get NV. Still play it to this day my game has a fuckton of mods

>Beth is too stupid to realize a cleaned up, de bugged, un real engine version of this would be a license to print money

I honestly believe Bethesda avtively tries to distance itself from new vegas because so many consider it the best modern fallout and it wasn't even Bethesda that made it

Yes man is the best ending as the other ones where you being the good goy for others.

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I hate them with all my might. My main wish is the studio goes bankrupt, and FO and TES wind up with a studio that puts out decent stuff, and lets people do almost whatever they want with the old titles. will never happen under current Beth

They're all pretty interesting really, I guess the followers? Best character is Joshua Graham though.

Yeah but it's unsustainable

Not him but I was debating on getting 76 just to experience the new lore,creatures,weapons, and armor. Dont even care that its multiplayer. After seeing the rest of the reviews I cant buy that shit and support Bethesdas bullshit. As for a good narrative, I think FO4 and 76 were experimental with FO4 being on a new engine and new writing cast I think. 76 having no NPCs and barely any story in favor of multiplayer. I hope Bethesda learns from the reviews of both games and actually give us the story we want. Until the next game theres no way to know.

The lone survivor of Zion made me cry in high school. God damn time went buy so fast. I loved that game so much.

>Yeah but it's unsustainable
Fuck it, I worked for it d.
I'll be New Vegas dictator, and considering all I did on the area, I'll be a damn good one.

Based and redpilled. Let's join a terrorist organization and destroy Bethesda studios.

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My question is what do you guys think the canon ending for New Vegas would be? Based on previous games Im guessing a sequel to New Vegas would take place a lot of years after New Vegas maybe 30+. The NCR and Legion would both be gone for whatever reason due to the choice of one of them surviving.

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I still don't get how devs expect us to believe that the main character was literally shot in the head by Benny and survived. I mean, who does that? How couldn't he even check on the MC to see if he's really dead, and even if he had survived, he'd become dangerously neurologically impaired that there'd be no way MC would get his revenge or do anything of importance at all in the Mojave.

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Who is the lone survivor of Zion? That guy who says "We can't expect God to do all the work?"

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independent vegas, cannot convince me otherwise.

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Fallout 4: New Vegas is looking pretty good to be honest. Most of these projects tend to fall through but they've actually got a fairly professional team behind it and I don't think it will die before at least an initial release.

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Just a plot point. Plus there have been cases of people being fine after being shot in the head but the Courier shouldve been incapacitated for a while.
I think he means the Survivalist

The quality of every single franchise owned by Bethesda has declined at a predictable rate. FO76 is not a single surprise to me.
>hey, obsidian. Make a fallout game for us while we make skyrim. BTW, you can't do A, B, or C and we need it ready to ship in 1 year. K, thanks
>skyrim. While generally a good game it still a noticeable decline in depth from oblivion which was a decline from morrowind. Still infested with bugs
>re-release skyrim several more times. No additional content. Still infested with bugs. Arguably just lazy (and effective) money grabs
>ESO l. Wut?
>fallout 4. ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP!! Quite literally describe side quests in FO4 while the main quest feels so much like FO3 that it's hurts. By now the game engine is just holy shit, Bethesda. why don't you use a modern fucking game engine already!!
>FO76. LOL. same old engine, same old Bethesda. Just recycling what they can while failing as hard as ever.

any time something is set in 'The Future' you can get away with a lot creatively in terms of The Tech just fixed it, and the doctor was right down the hill from where they got shot. There is a dog with a robo brain, and the main character gets lobotomized by robots .

>Who is the lone survivor of Zion? That guy who says "We can't expect God to do all the work?"

>the survivalist
An example of game creators succeeing in telling a story through nothing but terminal entries, partially because the while game didn't depend on it.

I remember when I studied economics I read one of his books. It was interesting. I haven't read many books since then.
why did you post this guy though?

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I liked fallout 3 more than New Vegas. Do I have bad taste?

In terms of favorite faction its NCR based on how well written and fleshed out they are. The game really shows and tells how incompetent and spread to thin they are but still try to be a democracy, good and bad. Shame how the Legion wasn't given the same attention and how little there is of them. House and independent don't have the same depth. They are pretty much the NCR path but they get duped at the end.

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>this unoriginal faggot

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Is the ranger combat armor the actual best armor design in any video game ever?

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I picked this book up again, and I have a picture of him saved on my computer.

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You're a true robot.
New Vegas is hipster trash.

Why was Fallout 3 atmosphere so much more realistic and dark while New Vegas everything was orange and a huge empty desert? How come Fallout 3 you felt much more like what happened was real because you walked through the cities and its ruins instead of wandering around an empty desert? And how come at the end of the game I couldn't give a single shit about any of the factions because I liked none of them?

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You're Taking it too seriously.
But to answer a few of your questions.
>Bethesda only gave obsidian a year to make NV
>obsidian wanted to set the game in a completely different location but Bethesda refused to so they could use that mystery city in a future fallout game (potentially)
>obsidian had planned in filling that desert with much much more but limitations prevented much of it

I don't care about whether or not the company did this or that, or whether Bethesda was unfair to Obsidian or whatever that is. I'm concerned about the quallity of the end product of the game, and so far too have given me no reason to believe that New Vegas is better than Fallout 3. Sure, Bethesda was unfair to Obsidian, but it's the videogames product I will be spending my time on and not listening to complaints from a fucking nerd about a company.

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>Which faction was your favorite?

My favourite playthrough was an NCR one, basically me forming a sniper team with Boone.

You're the one who asked "why" and 'how come" to which I answered.
Other than that I can't help if you have bad taste and calling me a nerd won't help that.

this its probably the most aesthetically pleasing armor for a semi futureistic game

So after all these years... they have the intro sequence. Also, does this team of modders really think they can voice act 65k lines?

>New Vegas is unrealistic because the desert is a desert

They have way more than the intro, that's just what they've got polished as a demonstration. Do you know how game dev works at all? Do you see an e3 demo and assume that's the only part of the game they've worked on?

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ive been trying to play it recently but i just cant get far into it, only have 2 hours about

Was there a legion companion or did you have to go solo if you went with them?

NCR. When you think about it the game really pulls you in their direction.

Rex,ED-E,Raul,Lily,and Veronica will be ok with the Legion but they arent Legion affiliated. Apparently Ulysses would have been the Legion companion but that didnt make it to the final game.

Yeah I know it sucks how little Legion content there is. Wasnt gonna be like that originally though

huh I missed out on a ton of Companions. I just looked up with the shotgun chick since she was the first one you met. Sometimes I would use boone or the fag science guy

It does, but I think House would actually be the canon ending personally. It's the only way to have both the NCR and Legion survive realistically.

NCR is for fucking normalfags who just want to play as the "good" guys

I love New Vegas, it's hard to pick a favourite faction though.
The devs did an amazing job imagining what post-apocalyptic U.S.A would be like.
If I had to pick though, I'd go with the White Gloves. I hate their mission but going into the UltraLuxe and cleaning house is the most fun ever, plus the devs's take on the "cannibalists" cliche is top notch

Legion is kinda spooky cos it uses r9k neets
as slaves

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This is going to end up just like the fallout 3 in fallout 4 project. Why the fuck do these modders insist on giving away their names before releasing the mod? It's just inviting bethesda/zenimax to shut them down.