What's keeping you from having a black bf, fem and gaybots?

What's keeping you from having a black bf, fem and gaybots?

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HIV stats and race.

this and i don't find them slightly attractive, ugly low class monkeys

Top 10% are sexy... but dat HIV.

they smoke a lot of weed and are statistically more violent

It's impossible to get HIV from straight sex.

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Because monkeys are the most ugly and violent breed

Well how do women get HIV then? Lesbian stuff with women who injected themselves with HIV?

They put it in their butt or did heroin.

ITT butthurt dicklet whitebois

As an asian trap, I have only dated white boys. But I have masturbated to BBC before.

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it was the bisexuals probably

their hair specifically because its so ugly and gross

black boys are so low IQ they can be monkeys and act like monkeys and make monkey music for idiots and drugged up children
Black men who dont fall under that are just white guys with black skin, then there is no difference dating the black one
Only thing worth dating black are some women who dont act "black"

if I wanted dark-skinned, i'd rather date latino/arab/indian because blacks are monkeys who ruin everything and are only good for primitive shit

>Pol larp SEETHES when faced with the mere thought of bbc

I'm a nig with no HIV, clean record and a decent paying job. Where is my fembot gf

not really, HIV is surging with black women in the US

no hiv and clean record are things that are normal and not shit to brag about. You are still a monkey brain who probably lives to only do stupid shit, complain about the world while acting like a moron, make loud noises and die a fucking loser and in the bubble you made. Other race guys are like this as well, but it's not most of them. With blacks, it's most of them.

Being black and primarily attracted to asians is kinda hard, apps are for the most part worthless, and when you're not in school meeting people is even harder.

What to do...

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Hol up.... so u b sayin..... whitez is da superior??

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stop hanging with niggas and be friends with better people, you are bound to meet some asian girls and this way they won't turn you down and think you are just another degenerate

hol up ooga booga so u b sayin da asianz got bigga dix than us???

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a-at least da black man is stronga dan whypip- SHIEEEEEEET

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My friends consist of nerdy hispanics, nerdy asians and other nerdy blacks.


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And this concludes putting little black bois in their place

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this pic demonstrates that the fast twitch vs. slow twitch thing is true

Hol' up... so you be saying that there are inherent racial differences???

just improve yourself for the time being and let time do it's thing then. You don't have it harder than other races in this case, it's just a you issue.

l guess Jews are white now..

they always are if it's beneficial to the argument

Someone in another thread said whites invented nukes. Tip top kek.

It's really just about how to meet someone, I know if I can actually meet a girl I can do it.

Jonah Falcon isn't Jewish you dumb kike


He literally states that on his twatter

How dumb do you feel


So asian and Latina women are unhappy with their own race

And the butthurt came in rivers and outdated dating statistics or penis measurements with only Nigeria being your only source. Truly amazing what da aryanz brainz can do. This really is fun to watch.

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Damn, that looks a lot like my gf's brother.

African Americans are garbage but Africans everywhere else are good people. I wouldn't recommend dating a ghetto ass nigga but dating Olombe, the Ghanaian med student? By all means.

>not posting the only true showcase of strength which is Olympic lifting
>thinking sumo squats or 4 inch bench is a real showcase of strength

>with only Nigeria being your only source
If you could show me a peer reviewed study done in a majority black country that'd be great, so far only Nigeria has been measured.
I can't really understand why you feel so insecure and emasculated, I'm white :)

I'm looking for one rn

Is being seen as the ideal status/money provider supposed to be seen as an accomplishment? and who relies on dating/marriage stats in an era where every young person's primary source of sex is ONS and fuck buddies? JFL it's over for you ugly shut ins, you lack too much awareness of what's going on around you.

>Is being seen as the ideal status/money provider supposed to be seen as an accomplishment? and who relies on dating/marriage stats in an era where every young person's primary source of sex is ONS and fuck buddies? JFL it's over for you ugly shut ins, you lack too much awareness of what's going on around you.
Look at all this cope. Holy fuck I'm fucking dead LOL.
You negroes will constantly move goal posts.

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>Is being seen as the ideal status/money provider supposed to be seen as an accomplishment?
You do realise that is a race based ATTRACTION study right? It's peer reviewed too. It has nothing to do with dating.

Yep you only have stats on one country and that's about as shit as it gets so you really don't know the dick size of other black countries. I don't feel emasculated not insecure your white however I can say you are as my accusation is as good as yours. Why so emasculated and insecure? Faggot.

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>Yep you only have stats on one country and that's about as shit as it gets so you really don't know the dick size of other black countries.
I'm not going to prove a negative, if you want to assert that the average is higher in other countries then please provide a peer reviewed source :^)
>inb4 self reported

>I don't feel emasculated not insecure
You sure about that, lil man?


Its literally the one thing keeping us from being the most beautiful race is our hair

Veing black sucks

>I'm not going to prove a negative, if you want to assert that the average is higher in other countries then please provide a peer reviewed source :^)
Hey hey I'm just saying you don't know the real average so there's no way you can compare races unless your retarded" :)
>You sure about that, lil man?
100% sure, now how insecure or emasculated do you feel my small friend :)

>Its literally the one thing keeping us from being the most beautiful race is our hair
>Veing black sucks
We totally believe your black bruh

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What ever you say.

A study from 2005? With people using fucking yahoo dating? Hahaha holy shit. While you guys frantically scramble to find the most cherry picked and unreliable statistics about human interactions, I'm going to walk out of my college dorm room like a normal human and see what goes on through my own eyes and experiences.

If relationships are all you guys care about, you'll still be able to marry everyone else's left overs so you got nothing to worry about. cya

>Hey hey I'm just saying you don't know the real average so there's no way you can compare races unless your retarded
I do know the average, Nigeria is 5.3" compared to Germany at 5.7" and Britain at 5.6"
>do you feel my small friend :)
No, my penis is 23cm.
Putting smiley faces in excess makes you look even more mad btw

>A study from 2005?
>With people using fucking yahoo dating?
No, yahoo personals surveyed thousands of people in Americas biggest cities.
>Hahaha holy shit. While you guys frantically scramble to find the most cherry picked and unreliable statistics about human interactions
Find me one, just ONE race/attraction study where white men aren't the most sought after, go on I'll wait.
>I'm going to walk out of my college dorm room like a normal human and see what goes on through my own eyes and experiences.
Anecdotes, discarded.
>If relationships are all you guys care about, you'll still be able to marry everyone else's left overs so you got nothing to worry about. cya
This is why you will be unhappy and living alone, Darius. This is why r9k is filled to the brim with bitter black boys, you're all fucking delusional and have a warped view of reality.
Enjoy your walk, hope you learned something.

>I do know the average, Nigeria is 5.3" compared to Germany at 5.7" and Britain at 5.6"
One country what a great representative of all of Africa you sure are intelligent :)
>No, my penis is 23cm.
Putting smiley faces in excess makes you look even more mad btw
And my penis is totally 24 cm and there's no reason why you shouldn't believe me. I'm putting smiley faces in excess because I want to, why would I care what others on the internet think of me? I'm not an insecure person like you ;)

>This is why r9k is filled to the brim with bitter black boys, you're all fucking delusional and have a warped view of reality
Not user but the irony in this is amazing, holy shit man this board is basically just whites, some Asians and very little blacks and multiple strawpolls showed that. It's literally filled to the brim with bitter white guys.

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Gee, I don't know, maybe I dont like the idea of being beaten to a pulp or STDs? Figures.

>One country what a great representative of all of Africa you sure are intelligent :)
Show me another source?
>And my penis is totally 24 cm and there's no reason why you shouldn't believe me.
I can give you proof if you want.

>Show me another source?
Can't find one which means there isn't a representative source our there which means you can't compare. :)
>I can give you proof if you want
Write a timestamp with the time and a ruler next to your maggot. "Write I am a little guy" on it for full proof.

>holy shit man this board is basically just whites, some Asians and very little blacks and multiple strawpolls showed that. It's literally filled to the brim with bitter white guys.
The very fact that this thread exists proves that bitter black boys lurk this board. All the blacked shit, cuck shit, race baitng, everything just to try to make themselves feel better.
It's a fact.

>"Write I am a little guy" on it for full proof.
No, you can give me your kik though

That ain't me you fucking retarded faggot, try and validate your replies in another way you lying cunt.
>All the blacked shit, cuck shit, race baitng, everything just to try to make themselves feel better.
It's a fact.
The amount of replies to pornstars fucking black guys shows there's more bitter whites here than anyone else, it's a whore for fucks sake. Everyone knows that racebaiting and cuck shit is just whites and a few namefags you guys seem to love pushing the blame on everyone else.

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I only talk with people here, fuck discord, Kik or whatever bullshittery chat you want to talk on.

that moment when your race is so full of low iq subhumans you prefer woman of other races over your own.

Dear god thank you for making me a white men.

1. I live in a place where black people are nearly non-existent
2. I don't find them very good looking in general, I do find some good looking but an average white guy will look hotter than a hot black dude to me (probably because I'm not used to them).

>Truly amazing what da aryanz brainz can do

Colonising that shithole called Africa and make your people our literall bitches for centuries? Yes, truly amazing.

Just don't fuck em, you'll get ugly low iq baby's. It's that simple

>The amount of replies to pornstars fucking black guys shows there's more bitter whites here than anyone else, it's a whore for fucks sake. Everyone knows that racebaiting and cuck shit is just whites and a few namefags you guys seem to love pushing the blame on everyone else.

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When you can't beat em, call em outdated.

Nigger literally never did anything. Nothing at all, the vast vast majority of inventions that shaped our modern world are White. Keep koping shitskin

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damn. why do these threads always turn out the exact same, lmfao. bunch of faggots. I'm a current blackbot but I've fucked two white women in my life. my dick is like 5 inches loool u mad?

>I'm a current blackbot but I've fucked two white women in my life. my dick is like 5 inches loool u mad?

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okay "Mr."kings and queens race". Fucking primitive autist still flexing about fucking whores. Doesn't change my mind that you are low I.Q monkeys. The only minorities that deserve shit in america is the asians rest of you are literally just MONKEYS who keep setting us back.

I don't like weebshit or video games. This means I don't share the main hobbies of >80% of non-ghetto black men.

blah blah blah
that was some good pussy, though

>that was some good pussy, though
still a damn monkey, validate yourself by playing basketball or entertaining people or posting shit about some outliers and call it black pride.

>Colonising that shithole called Africa and make your people our literall bitches for centuries? Yes, truly amazing.
With the help of other Africans because you couldn't even trek without getting killed? Truly amazing isn't it

no fucks given kid
keep sperging out tho lmao

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>making your own people kill your own people and preventing loss of soldiers
yeah truly amazing

I called them outdated because the okcupud statistics showed something very different you retarded faggot. You guys wouldn't be alive had some east African not found a herb or a east Asian taught you what fucking gunpowder is. Your built on others you also do realise northern Europeans were living in huts while middle Easterns were civilized pigskin cope. Not even once.

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>Your own people
Yet again the aryanz show their true high IQ brain power that amazes us all.

get out of your American bubble, i'm not white lmao

don't give a fuck what you are
the pic still applies
keep sperging out, bud
dance for me, monkey

pic related
one of the white gurls i smashed on the beach a day after I met her, as we were all driving to a beach town

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Your proof is as good as mine sucka and there's no way getting past that.

>seeks validation of being black by banging someone white
truly amazing

Hahaha we dominated your fucking people and won battles outnumbered 20 to 1,

And what is this filhy niggers counter argument?

"you needed African guides so it doesn't count"


o wait, you're serious


Black M/White F miscegenation absolutely disgusts me. I get genuinely angry when I see a white girl (even an average looking one) in the company of some disgusting, violent, low IQ, aids infested monkey nigger filth. I have to bite my tongue but it's only a matter of time before I crack and launch into a tirade when I see this absolutely abhorrent display of race mixing. I feel zero sympathy for roasties who willingly date vile monkey scum and then end up being either trapped in an abusive relationship, or when they shit out a disgusting scummy mixed race niglet and tyrone does a runner.

nope. lost my virginity to a black girl LMFAO. keep trying though, kid.

the girl in the pic was the one calling ME, begging for me to come back to the house we were staying in, so we could make out and shit, while I was at a different white gurls house. i didnt even lift a finger to fuck her. amazing LOL

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>Hahaha we dominated your fucking people and won battles outnumbered 20 to 1
You struggled to beat Somalis with the help of Ethiopians (Portuguese) and those stinking snow monkeys still sucked throughout.
>And what is this filhy niggers counter argument?
I've got an even better one you failed to beat Somalis with the help of other Somalis and better weaponry and guess what it took 20 fucking years. Pigskin power bruh.
>"you needed African guides so it doesn't count"
>o wait, you're serious
African guides? Your over estimating the white man. You needed soldiers as well because you couldn't even fight on your own,

>Black M/White F miscegenation absolutely disgusts me. I get genuinely angry when I see a white girl (even an average looking one) in the company of some disgusting, violent, low IQ, aids infested monkey nigger filth. I have to bite my tongue but it's only a matter of time before I crack and launch into a tirade when I see this absolutely abhorrent display of race mixing. I feel zero sympathy for roasties who willingly date vile monkey scum and then end up being either trapped in an abusive relationship, or when they shit out a disgusting scummy mixed race niglet and tyrone does a runner.
Reading shit like this reminds me you people still get happy over pornstars not fucking black dudes and call them based until you find out they did do it. Truly is fun to read.
Nice story bro every one of my white friends turned out to be a child fucking heroin addict.

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>ask a question
>get angry when you recieve reply that somebody just doesn't like blacks

what's the point of that thread then?
OP asked a question and there are answers.
You niggers expected pat on the back or something?

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Im not joking when I say they literally do. Blacks are completely unaware of how much the world hates them. They think it's unironically some racist white guys in a trailer park and thats it

I'm just racebaiting because I'm bored but you faggots are honestly some of the most retarded little shits I've met and that lead to me putting a bit more effort into insulting pigskins, more than usual I'd say.
You tards are completely unaware of how much the world hates you or other races, everyone hates everyone it ain't that hard to see hell there are slurs for Eastern Europeans in western Europe and they're hated more than other immigrant groups. You pigskins unironically think your loved everywhere you go.

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Nah whites are aware the other races hate them. They just don't care. Because they hate themselves way more than any other race could ever hate them.

"You struggled to beat Somalis with the help of Ethiopians (Portuguese) and those stinking snow monkeys still sucked throughout"

>snow monkeys
Unironically thinking Northern Europeans took over Somalia. Are all blacks really this fucking stupid? That must be why white men had to bring you cucks everything. We both know you would still be living in some mudhutt if it wasn't for our superior race.

>I've got an even better one you failed to beat Somalis with the help of other Somalis and better weaponry and guess what it took 20 fucking years. Pigskin power bruh.

Hahaha the moment when you realize this nigger keeps coming back to Somalia (we still took it over) because it's the only African country that even came close to resisting white imperialism. Sherry picking is all you can do. And let's not forget they did it with white weapons. KEK

>pigskin power bruh,

Unironically believing that shit colored waste you call a hide is better looking. O the irony, not that some low iq animal like you would know what that means.
"African guides? Your over estimating the white man. You needed soldiers as well because you couldn't even fight on your own"

"couldn't take it over on your own"

You literally have no facts, whites brutalized your subhuman race with superior technology, it's that fucking simple.

Your people have no history to speak off before whites forced you to do something.
Your most significant event was being colonized by a superior race.
Centuries later your people are still the scum of the earth and even those living in white countries are far less successful then their fellow countrymen.