
A cold November night edition

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>tfw hear footsteps
>door opens
>dog makes me cum in him

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Whats you upto lids? i'm watching Derlray misfits with some anime here and there

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2nd for FUCK 4channel

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Having leftover pizza for breakfast and just watched my catto catch a mouse

Catching up on I'm a Celeb.
Wasn't gonna watch, but then Noel Edmonds went in, so now I have too.

did boxxy ever end up doing any nudes?

rip housey mousey
isn't he a nutter now?

No, she does voice work now. Seems to have survived being a Jow Forums meme without going insane

a few years ago he was talking about his dead parents being space orbs that gave him advice or some shit

playing nfsu2 on dolphin with tunes on, living the life big man

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sadly not, turned into a chubbster too, fair play

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>isn't he a nutter now?
He's been a nutter for years. He's very Partridge.

Got a blanket wrapped around my legs.
Sat here drinking hot chocolate and watching Norms podcast.
Peak comfy.

>turned into a chubbster
doesnt look too bad


hair's shite, i'll always enjoy her but, meh

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>be girl
>never have to worry about balding young
>still have terrible hair

My sleeping is so bad at the moment, I woke up at 8pm. I might fix it again, but as soon as I fix it I just stay up all night playing WoW or something and we're back to square 1

Mate I can't believe that was almost ten years ago. I used to think she was really cute. I am not a fan now, it really appealed to that teenage "i'm so different" thing we all have. Now just looking at her old videos makes me feel ashamed about how I used to be lol.

She looks proper old now. 26 but looks early 30s. Damn.

>stay up all night playing WoW
lmao take your pills old man get some sleep

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I woke up at Midnight on purpose so I could come on night britfeel have the house to myself for a bit but then still be awake until late afternoon

Who else /receding hairline/? It's the thing I'm most insecure about

lads that get bald spots and don't shave their shit off are stupid, with her, she's just decided to go with a quirky look that doesn't work for her
different ball game

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Depends on the type of balding dunnit?
If it's just all round thinning you can keep it going quite a while without having to shave, longer with receding hairline.

Why don't you receding hairline lads just shave it bald and get buff

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aye i suppose, but there's cunts in my work with zidane-tier patches and surely to fuck they'd look better with a shaved head

I'd prefer to have a receding hairline to thinning.
At least receding keeps it thick behind the hairline so you can do something with it.

Smoking, walking home after work, listening to the birdsong.
Maybe life isn't so bad after all lads.

Coming home from work yesterday, the bus filled up with schoolkids. Way too overcrowded. I had to tightly squeeze my body against a couple of young girls to get off the bus.
Why don't First get their shit together before I'm metooed?

>bedroom window is near trees and bushes

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Wouldnt mind spunking down crona's throat desu lads

Really fancy a maccas breakfast.

that is absolutely revolting.

Take this issue and turn it around friend, now you have a wonderful natural alarm. Why don't you go for a run since you're awake?

So lads, with the EU doing further pushes towards destroying national sovereignty, what do you think the future holds?
Are we going to have to 'volunteer' to save those continentals again?

only thing he's good for

All southerners are poofs.
Just saying.

>Are we going to have to 'volunteer' to save those continentals again?
nah hope Russia buttfucks them

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I have a soft spot for those boys.
I'm half German and I think we owe Portugal for being our loyal ally for like five centuries.
If they need our help I wouldn't be against it.

Tbf the bants if we saved Europe would be pretty great

Yeah, I think I've heard a story about every fucking country in Europe at our necks one way or the other but Portugal, I have respect for the poor guys. doesn't excuse you for being a mutt though

Oh it would be fucking great.
My main worry would be that whilst us anglos are fighting on the continent, all those mudslimes who refuse to serve will have near free reign at home.
It shames me to say, but it was Britain who turned against Portugal that one time.
Had to be done though, they understood.

I'm going to finally do it lids

>My main worry would be that whilst us anglos are fighting on the continent, all those mudslimes who refuse to serve will have near free reign at home.
it wouldnt be that bad, even if all the 18-30 yr old males got called up there would be millions of Norf FC types in the 'Home Guard'

Idk why my brain assaults me with flashbacks of all the cringy stuff I've done throughout my life. It happens multiple times a day

>all the liberal millenials get called up to war
>all that's left are based boomers and edgy zoomers

I hope so, though they're the boys that got us into this mess in the first place!

Happens to a lot of us. I just make a spazzy noise and 'scare' it away

>no 4channelx add on

Being self critical is a sign of intelligence, rarely happens to niggers.

if we had guns, would any of you have went postal? i'd like to think i wouldn't but know i probably would

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Yeah I have to shake my head vigorously due to the unpleasantness of the memory...

Nah never felt that much anger towards others, probably would have shot myself in a depressed rage though

Most blue boards are shit anyway

On my stronger days I'm able to work the reaction down to just tensing my calf muscles. On my bad days I swear a bit.

No the act of firing my guns would release a lot of anger and negative thoughts.
I could pretend the bullets are my issues as i blast them away

I think we should have guns but control ammo distribution so you can only legally do shooting at gun ranges.

Do you think it says anything about us, that we have these cringy flashbacks? Because it's not something most people do, right? At least, to the frequency of having them everyday

A mental inability to cope with things I suppose. Only speaking for myself here but reaction to anything negative is usually extreme; drinking/drugs etc

Fucks sake just woke up naturally after only being asleep for 5 hours. Cant get back to sleep now either

Where should I run away to lads?

New Zealand is the closest thing to the UK you will get outside of the British Isles, they even have fish'n'chips!

taiwan lad. its good.

Assume I dont have tons of money and leaving the country may be impossible

Looking forward to anons police call later

Glad someone is. Feel like my chest is going to burst

Run away to the lake district, live in a tent.
Or try Ireland, though they have quit the nigger problem.
Depending on your accent you could try Scotland but honestly I think Northumberland is the best place to run away to if you can find somewhere to live cheaply.

Yes, I also feel like my emotions are volatile and little things can totally set me off. Like the other day I was crying as I was walking back to my room because I had missed a tutorial. And I got so insanely mad when I was trying to find this place for a meeting I was meant to be at. And my coping mechanisms are unhealthy and reckless. It is exhausting. Is that the stuff you meant? Is this symptomatic of any conditions. I was diagnosed with BPD a few months ago. Maybe this emotional overreaction to things is related to why we focus so much on the cringy things we did in the past and why they torment us continually.

this but rutland

In the meantime while you're waiting to do it, why not tell us what you suspect it's about laddo?

Run away to Skegness no one will think to look there

Jokes on you user, Skegness doesn't exist

I have concerns they're monitoring this thread/my internet use so not keen on sharing much. Only thing I can think of was over a year ago and not sure why it would take this long to hit me up about it.

I have BPD as well. Being emotionally unstable is just something we have to deal with. Although for me even my good memories are attached to multiple bad ones so I'd be interested to see how I was if my life had been better

Did you supposedly rape or kill someone?

No it's nothing that serious. I probably would have done a runner or killed myself by now if it was anything like that. Hopefully I can share more later.

What are your ways of coping with wild emotions? I don't know how to control them, I feel very much controlled *by* them

Actually user raping your neighbour's dog is very serious indeed

Nobody would bother watching you for something that wasn't serious user.
Just fess up and tell us.

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4channel vs Jow Forums, lads?

Exercise and distracting myself with tv etc. Also in therapy which is useful because I feel like I can 'bank' the feelings and explore them at my sessions

Would it really be that much bother to go through the 3-4 /britfeel/ threads a day? There's coppers monitoring social media after all. Just wait a couple of hours lad I'm reveal when I can.

Are you the dog fucker?
If so just KYS.

>Are you the dog fucker?
no ffs

At least one of them is some shifty fucking ploy by Hiroshima, he might even be fucking us both ways.
Not sure what the fucker is planning as of yet though, but he's a right crafty fucker going off what he's done to 2chan and the likes.
Might have to retreat to infinitybritfeel, but the bump rate is definitely a concern

Why would they monitor your internet use for some minor crime, you'd have to be literally ISIS for GCHQ to bother

if it's an online crime like ordering drugs or sharing naughty stuff they might do

'they might be monitoring this thread'

By those levels of paranoia I'm assuming he has enough weed to be considered intent to supply

Just had my 6th wank of the day.
Was barely hard but forced myself to cum.
Got friction burns and tears in my foreskin that have not healed in a month.
Arse feels weird like ive clenched too much.

Think I am addicted and my cock is damaged from over wanking.

Ok now I know this is a fucking larp. Jesus christ.
Monitoring /britfeel/ for some minor crime. Sure.

>glow in the dark GCHQ niggas trying to pretend this place isnt on 'the list'

>Got friction burns and tears in my foreskin that have not healed in a month.
disgusting, please get help

Maybe the cops will forgo giving a jail sentance if you go undercover and snitch on /britfeel/

Haven't you ever learnt how to fap without using your foreskin constantly?

>but lions tho
>but nature

Fucking idiots

it's not a larp of course I'm fucking paranoid the police want to speak to me

Just wacked in a pizza who /madlad/ here

I'm on the tail end of an all nighter.
Could keep going but the cold is making me want to go to bed.

People are getting up now but it's time for me to go to bed. I think I spend more time sleeping through the day than being awake during it

Aren't you the trans tripfag

Yeah l am, of the several there are