If you're white and you're skin isn't pale enough to see your veins, you aren't a real robot

If you're white and you're skin isn't pale enough to see your veins, you aren't a real robot

Attached: skin.jpg (600x315, 19K)

I'm a spic and can still see my purple veins through my wrists.

I can see most of the veins on my legs even, that's how pale I am uwu.

Attached: BestWojak.jpg (739x739, 227K)

Imagine being white and think YOU can be a robot, I mean there are a few exceptions but I, as a mixed race mutt who has Mascline feaures but has literal autism so when the normies who think i'd fit in by my appearances find out im a fucking weirdo and leave me and when the weirdo's whom i'd fit in with wont even approach me because they think im some sort of chad just because of my looks, it makes me want to die, my life is a boring mess, I have no friends and never had a gf. You are a fucking kid as well OP, if pic related is you, you're 16 max. Mods Ban this fuck.

Attached: look what gweek taught me#.png (648x473, 460K)

Pretty sure everyone but blacks can see their veins through their skin.

Chill you absolute spaz. That pic is from google and I never asked for your autistic anti white opinions and gay ass diary entry

i'm mexican and can clearly see my veins through my skin. Feelsgoodman.

you're pretty fucking retarded mate. feels so good to fit in with the people who don't? you're still all fucking alone lmao

Bitch just go outside

You can't be a robot if you aren't white though.

And do what exactly?
click mountains

I never said that was me and leave r9k you fucking newfag.

>You are a fucking kid as well OP, if pic related is you, you're 16 max
The pic is from google you buffoon

If you're white and your skin looks this pale you should unironically kill yourself for being such a disgrace.
Go outside and work user, be productive.

peak boomer pilled

Attached: 1540096898804.png (417x532, 168K)

>I can see most of the veins on my legs even, that's how pale I am uwu.
nice. I can see my veins even though i am not pale

Attached: Me-Soon.jpg (373x480, 39K)

I used to have this, but went outside on the balcony this summer to acquire a normal skintone (so I no longer look like Nosferatu) and I look much better now
Give it a try, it's crazy how much a healthy skintone can boost your looks

I didn't realize how pale I was until I was next to a ginger, I'm literally a fucking ghost. Cameras have a difficult time picking up how pale I am.

i can see my veins but thats because im fucking jacked

get that discord shit outta here fag

>his veins aren't 3d

Attached: 3d veins.png (500x666, 499K)

But are they blue tho?

>he has a balcony
Outside for me means being surrounded by dumb stoners and loud ass mexicans

I don't think I am a real robot regardless, my Asian girlfriend loves the fact that I am pale.

Are these blue enough? I haven't been outside for a good bit

Ignore tiny wrist

Attached: 286D40D5-C789-4A38-9757-FBFF3452CA63.jpg (750x1334, 60K)

.. I'm a sealnigger and I can see my veins. . ?

Veins are blue.

You can also usually see them,


you look like youre twelve judging from youre wrist