Why do you hate me so much user? Is it because I'm a bad girl?

Why do you hate me so much user? Is it because I'm a bad girl?

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Why is she being spammed here all of a sudden?

Holy fuck I bet it'd feel so good to bash that face in

We all hate you Tahlia and want to see you banished to the shadow realm. You are trash!1

Stop looking for attention, whore

We're all tahlia
Never forgetti chads cock

Seems like some guy is spamming her for shits and giggles.

GTFO my Internet Thalia!
I hope you get stabbed to death by Jow Forums shizo psycho killers.

She's pretty hated here not only one

Is it just me, or does Jow Forums's orbiting waifus keep getting younger and younger?

This is not orbiting

theres been a lot of retards lately that try to use r9k for their petty agenda

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>theres been a lot of retards lately that try to use r9k for their petty agenda
Tahlia is just using us

It's orbiting but motivated by hatred

literally haven't seen any threads about her until you started spamming her.


this is why I've suggested time and time again that she needs to get a lobotomy, there is no method to her madness, and she is a danger to herself and society at large

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>this is the face of mental illness

>this is the face you see just before you are murdered in your bed

Can this bitch get off r9k, like fucking hell I would burn you alive if I could you annoying attention whore. Just fucking kill yourself already do you think we care. No. Of course not. Get your fat 400lb> white knights out of her since they make you so happy

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Who is she and why do you guys hate her so much?

She broke our hearts.. fucking whore

I just read about her and it seems you guys were trying to use her for underage nudes.

What nudes? She's ugly as fuck lol

She has a boyish face

Nobody wants anything to do with her and these stupid fucking incels are for some reason posting all these threads about her because r9k long ago made some bad comments about her ? Nobody gives a shit if she cries about some mean words she's a 4/10

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