/mommygeneral/ incest edition

We havent had one of these in a while. Pls anons more of pic related

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incest is a sin but here ya go ya sick cunt

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How bad are the psychological effects of consensual sex with a mother or aunt? Are the power dynamics a bit wrong?

I think its more to do with the taboo of it all rather than actually fucking your mother. I could never fuck my own mother but I could watch incest porn for days. The goyims at work I guess

I hear this every time but when you watch enough porn does it not impact the way you view your mother when you interact with her?
It also disregards a stable foundation of structure that is important to have in a world where everyone fucks everyone and ulterior motives often take place, familial relationships are "pure" in the sense that they are not tainted with lust and the id.

I think you reading too into it. My mother is far from as hot as some of these pictures or pornos provide. If you have a mother as hot as that, I really feel for you because at that point I think it starts to dawn in your brain when you get no action. But I respect my mother and that familial bond isnt going to be broken with this degeneracy. I can watch other people do it, maybe even me doing it to another mother, but not my own


Have you even experienced the thing you're linking? It doesn't apply here, I promise you.

No, but you are essentially saying porn in no way alters perception of your personal life. Or that the fantasy of something can be completely disengaged after usage without any impact in your relationships. There are a variety of other taboos that exist, the "I enjoy the taboo" factor doesn't seem the full reason. There are a lot of aspects to it such as one's psychological regression or personal experiences that cause one to seek out incestuous fantasies. That's what I'm getting at which is why I already posed my original questions in hopes one may reflect and grow.

You're posting incoherent ramblings.

Clarify what specific parts were incoherent.

Why this nigga out here kink shaming my incest thread. Post em or shut the fuck up

your kink is gay and Jewish

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Post more anime mommies and shut up about real life, it is dumb and silly

Heads out of the sand please

here's bunch of non incest mommies

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This is retarded, this is like saying women with rape fantasys will want to be raped one day.
If it makes you so weird, just switch the older women for a neighbor babysitting for your mom

I pick B G I or J

>rape fantasys will want to be raped one day.
no but they most likely will have a somewhat altered perception of the sex they like to role play as rapists

swap L's hair for E's skin and body and it's a dream

They probably will actually fuck you up in some way if you watch it alot when young and have no solid family values. But at 18+ in cucked first worlds? Probably not.
I get off to this shit BECAUSE by Mother is a lying cunt that I'd never fuck and I hate her, so I imagine having an actually loving Mom that would somehow also have sex with me. It's all a fantasy and I'd be very tempted to hurt my future wife at the least if she did anything like that with my future theoretical son.

*my Mother is a lying cunt

a b and i are the best