How was your thanksgiving? Anyone got any stories?

How was your thanksgiving? Anyone got any stories?

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my family lives overseas so i spent it with my gf's family. it was actually really nice just spent all day eating drinking and sleeping. first time having a turkey dinner in maybe a decade. i felt happy and content yesterday i hope you all did too

I got to eat dinner, but I also had to work last night and deal with black friday nonsense

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where do you work? ive worked black friday twice in my life as a retailcuck and it was shit

NEET with family that doesn't give a fuck about Thanksgiving. Slept in until 6 PM, had a good day.

mediocre, got out of there as fast as possible after dinner

I don't wanna say on here. It sucked though. They scheduled me till 1 am and then I had to go in at 7am. Customers were mad because some of our items went really quickly because its fucking BLACK FRIDAY.

Started to hate the rest of my family over this Thanksgiving shit
>Everyone tries to force having dinner on my mom this year
>Mom couldn't do it because she broke her arm and it was still healing. Also nobody actually wants to visit they just want a free meal and leave to get ready for black friday shopping
>My cousin and her husband throw a bitch fit over that saying every time people come over they leave the place a mess, even though I always to help that faggot put tables and shit back, so they tell people not to come over.
I have never cared for Thanksgiving anyway but holy fuck.

>ate good food
>dad watched me play RDR2
That's about it

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fair enough. wait so you had an 18 hour shift? i worked at a clothing store and worked from like 6pm to close and that shit was awful having to count the tills and help the floor associates clean up the gigantic piles of cheap clothes

over ate. im trying to lose weight. ate about 3 days worth of calories on thanksgiving.

i was so extremely bloated today that i only had to eat about 800 calories throughout the day. I doubled my workout because i felt so ashamed. ill be damned if the holidays fuck up my diet plan

I don't have any good stories. visited my rich aunt and uncle for the first time. they have a movie theater in the house. made me feel like shit because im so goddamn poor.

holidays fucked me up this year

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I had 6 hours in between shifts, takes 30 minutes to get home and only got 3 hours of sleep. Luckily I don't work cashier so I din't have to deal with that garbage.

>they have a movie theater in the house.

Even if I were rich I would never get one of these because it seems kind of pointless to me.

spent thanksgiving with my dog, was comfy

are you seriously stressing about overeating on a feast holiday? come on dude

i just started dieting 6 weeks ago. i've failed many diets in the past because of overeating just once. i hate falling off the wagon

I'm a little discouraged and a little stressed that it happened but it could have been way, way worse.
do you not like movies? i would love this.

I'm good with a TV

>do you not like movies? i would love this.
i used to have a good friend in hs who had one of these and it was pretty great but that was also because of the time i think which was about a decade ago. nowadays they make big enough TVs to enjoy and you can just set up some comfy chairs around it

My 19 year old cousin is really fucking cute now and I had a really awkward interaction when I said goodbye. When I went to shake her dad's hand he was holding onto some food so he like gave me a fist bump and it was really strange so she said "let's try to say goodbye in the most awkward way possible" and she stuck her hand out toward me like she wanted me to kiss it and I did. In front of the entire family.

It was really odd

>and she stuck her hand out toward me like she wanted me to kiss it and I did. In front of the entire family.


What was there reaction?

everyone knows you jack off to her.

your cousin was just joking around obv and you reacted well but are overthinking it she and the rest of your family felt okay with watching it because none of them felt the way you did about kissing your cousins hand

Went to a different place for Thanksgiving this year, my cousins place. The adults there are pretty lame so I naturally gravitated towards the kids instead. We played Bingo and Jenga and had a good time. The autistic younger one spazzed out and kept knocking the tower on purpose and did fortnite dances the whole time, but we just ignored it. I am so utterly repulsed by people who only want to talk about what [I'm doing]. Fuck off bitch, I came here to eat an inordinate amount of turkey and mashed potatoes, not make a damn blog post about why I don't have a girl. The women on that side of the family are such vapid and empty beings that it hurts.

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I know this feel. honestly, enjoy it while you can. I'm 25 now and the questions have stopped. 10-24 my relatives would ask me every year. now it's just pathetic that i haven't had a gf yet so they just stopped asking.

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nothing, her mom took her hand and kissed it too, I think I'm just reading into it too much because she really grew up to be adorable and it's weird for me
They all think I'm in a long-term relationship actually, topkek
i think you're right

normal thanksgiving fare
>how's school

then lame half-uncle (he's kinda nice but also weird and has no understanding of me) hits me with the
>do you have a gf?
>based (married) uncle says "that's smart, waste of time"
>weird half-uncle backs off
now I'm shitposting in the other room while my mom bitches about extended family
why care about people you only see once a year, for tops 6 hours.

>why care about people you only see once a year, for tops 6 hours

this. i care for my extended family, it's just okay when i see them...but i just don't give a shit about them. I don't have negative feelings towards them but i could easily go years without seeing my cousins and their families

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>have gf
>convinces me to go with said family
>they live in an apartment and there's no parking
>park blocks away and walk over there, strange guy is following me the entire walk
>haven't eaten all day
>arrive at 3 p.m
>get greeted by 4 tiny but loud dogs
>and a cat, but the cat is chill
>I can smell the food, it's making me hungrier
>food isn't ready yet
>everyone just leaves me by myself with the dogs watching football
>food isn't ready till 6 p.m
>they serve me and sit me down
>sit me by the edge, by myself facing a wall
>nobody is really talking to me
>everybody is eating in different spots and watching tv
>while I'm watching a wall
>food is mediocre and not worth the wait
>have to walk back to my car and it's really dark
>get home and take a giant steaming shit
>the shit was the best part of my day

All in all, not a bad Thanksgiving. I grew up in a violent home so at least nobody cried this Thanksgiving and nothing was thrown or anyone hit.

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I promise this'll be the last time I post this (already twice on Jow Forums).
>be me, nearly 30
>still live with mom cuz neet
>have thanksgiving dinner over here, because I avoided the last ones, and they decided to bring it here
>if you want my opinion on thanksgiving, I consider it the most miserable day of the year
>when it sounded like everything was quiet, snuck out to chug as much booze as possible
>sis (home from college): "oh, hey there!"
>me: standing at the table, mouthraping a bottle of jaeger
>"your hair's gotten long" as she reaches out to stroke it
>annoyed, look at her, and blankly said "don't touch me"
>she retorts with "why the fuck not!?" in a manner so harsh, her voice deepened
>me, who doesn't like being touched, tells her it's weird
>"why the fuck would it be weird?" she asks, voice slowly returning to normal
>relatives come in, asking what's going on
>sis explains, while I want to say something, but am too busy holding back tears
>they start bickering for what sounds like it was just between them, before turning on me
>then came your cliched flurry of accusations of whether or not you like the family, that you don't find them good enough for you, that you're ungrateful and an oddity, that this is why you're an unlikable failure, and finally ended with diatribes about who you're a disgrace to everyone
>after that, still choking on tears, walk back to my room, and slowly lock door, while they kept going outside it
>essentially had to curl up in bed, and plug my ears like an autist having a meltdown
>everyone's left, but I'm still cooped up here, pissing in a now empty bottle of jaeger
Dunno why, but I'm always like this around my family, even (and especially) when I was a kid, but never around anyone else. It took me nearly this long to realize I just simply don't sync up with my kin.

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I have a similar problem with one of my sisters touching me, but my family isn't full of right wing yuppies who get upset about "going against the family" type stuff. So it usually just amounts to "stop being a dick"

Why would people fight in your home on thanksgiving?

>Why would people fight in your home on thanksgiving?

Because they're abusive? I've shared my story before on r9k. My mother used to beat me with a belt or anything she could whip me with while being extremely emotionally abusive. Her husband, my step father used to also beat me, they'd lock me in a dark closet with a bucket over the weekends when I was in Kinder. There's a lot more I'm leaving out but everyone told me I should kill my mother.

My family had a massive fight
my mom accused my dad of cheating
and i called him a beaner

I hope you disowned them for your own mental health

What was the fight about and why did she accuse him of cheating?

>I hope you disowned them for your own mental health

I saw my mother today actually, she just started being verbally abusive again. I had to stop the urge from brutally beating her to death before she left on her own.

As for her ex husband, he died a slow, painful death of Cancer.

i played 2 hours and 20 mins of monopoly with two kids. i blocked them from buying any sets and i still lost because the free parking jackpot got ridiculously large.

It was over how they've been treating each other.
My dad said he's going somewhere else and then my mom started saying "where you gonna go and with what money?"
to which my dad replied with " what does it matter to you"
to which she replied with " what else do you have going on? ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH SOMEONE ELSE?"
to which i literally screamed
to which my dad charge at me and said (mean while my mom ran to my aid and put an arm between us before he did anything " you stay out of this you little shit" he was up in my face like a gangbanger at that point i was egging him on to assault me because i told him if he did he'd get arrested because i'm not going to fight back to which his most logical response was "you'd go to jail to since you're above 18"
then i called him a fucking beaner and told them they both act like illegal immigrants and went to my room to play vidya.
I'm so tired of my family fighting
i just want peace among my family i hate it and all this family fighting is making me depressed and suicidal.

I know i'm not allowed here anymore, this is my last post on Jow Forums

> Family in another state visiting brother who physically and verbally abuses his wife and son
> Be talking to an ex-coworker lady i've known for a while, we started 'dating' this month
> She wants to come over on Thanksgiving to my apt, I offer to cook
> Have a couple drinks, pop Turkey drumsticks in oven, make a few easy sides
> Watch a movie, cuddle. Eat decent dinner. Family in another state. She stayed the night and we cuddled in bed and nothing more.

I think I've made it boys. I'll show myself out. Theres hope for all of us.

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>inb4 have you tried talking to them about the fighting and how it's making you depressed and suicidal.
yes and they usually just laugh or try to start another fight

spec-fucking-tacular mate enjoy your life

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So are you all spics?

We're hispanics yes
but only my great grandpaents were true illegals in the 1920's
everyone else is perfectly legal
matter of fact i voted for trump
because i'm 100% against mexicans immigrating into the US most of them arne't contributing at all they just come because they don't like their country

yuropoor here
another microwave dinner and early night for me