/shower for hours/

anyone else here shower for hours?

like, not just a quick 30 minute shower, im talking a good 1 and a half-3 hour shower.

i feel bad for wasting so much water, but honestly its one of the comfiest things in the world to me, and being a friendless NEET, i of course have all the spare time in the world.

i love just sitting down in there, maybe bringing a few plastic trinkets in just to fidget with that wont get damaged by water.

sometimes ill bring in a big towel, press the shower curtain against the wall precisely on both sides so it sorta makes a seal, sit down on the end of the tub opposite to the water, drape the towel over my head and entire body, and just rock back and forth. super comfy. sometimes i even take small naps in there, though i dont usually try to fall asleep, sometimes im so tired that it just happens.

the sound of the shower running has been a really soothing thing for me ever since childhood. the shower in the bathroom of my childhood house was on the other side of the wall by the headboard on my bed. sometimes after putting me to bed, my mom would be like "sweetie just to let you know im gonna be taking a shower, so if you call out and i dont answer, dont be scared!" and i would be able to hear the shower from my room and those were the absolute comfiest nights and i fell asleep pretty much right away.

but yeah, if you relate to anything here, just talk about it if ya want!

hope you anons are having a good comfy night.

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bath > shower
it's how delores o'riordon died so it must be good

>Quick shower
>30 minutes

Just take a bath you wasteful ape

Why don't you prefer baths OP? Is it just because of the nice sound of running water?

enjoyable post. but no, I aim for 5-10 min

Long showers are life OP, don't listen to these fags. When I was in college and not paying for water I would sleep in the shower sometimes.

Usually they're 35 minutes for me, but I do love them. The sensation of water hitting my body as I lie on the bottom of the tub is so pacifying.

really nice post OP.

your autism is costing your parents probably hundreds of dollars in heating bills per month you dickhead

I prefer hot tubs. But It sounds like you like the water running noise.

If I have the day off I'll drink 2-3 beers in the shower over the course of 45 minutes-1 hour

What about the water bill?

I have no hot water so I can only cold shower. It's ruined showers for me and I rarely wash myself now.

I talked to my dad about it over the phone and he says my grandma(mom's mom) has broken water heater to get out of paying a water bill, since she takes baths and can just heat her water on the stove. It's very cold outside and inside(she broke the heater years ago) so I'm not having fun. My mom pays whatever my grandma says she needs for electricity btw.

I do the exact same thing. It's extremely relaxing. I figure you could make an efficient system that recycles the water like a fountain, but I feel like normal people don't appreciate this kind of thing, so it'd be a DIY setup. Also growing up I always thought my dream house would have running water through glass floors, waterfalls in the walls, and lots of lighting reflecting off of them and creating nice caustics. I really really like water.

i sit over the drain and make a little pool and waste a shit ton of water

I dont like standard showers, they are way too small.

I like taking baths but I've stopped because I got an ear infection

Nah, I am so dead inside that my outsides have begun to reflect this, and as such my body is so dry that being pelted by water for more than a few minutes physically hurts me and even makes my skin start to peel and crack.

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>"anyone else here shower for hours?"
desu I'd probably get hunted down by the governor himself for showering so long when we're still in drought

Do y'alls water get cold after a while? I took a shower after getting drunk at some friend's place (he lives in a big huge apartment type thingy, almost like a hotel), and the water never got cold, and I felt like staying in there forever, so they had to knock and call for me to come out.

>i feel bad for wasting so much water
i know showers are superior, but what is a bath

>tfw florida
water for days

user how does being hydrated by freshwater make your skin crack? Originally what the fuck I don't understand.

8 minute cold showers.

I've been recently obsessively taking showers. Like, 4 or 5 10 minute showers a day.

When I dont have a job and spend a week or more without showering I spend 2-3 hours showering because I scrub my whole body once for each day that I didnt shower. Dont enjoy it but the dry skin does feel much cleaner afterwards.

When I have a job and showe daily it takes me 20 minutes at most.

I take long showers (30 minutes is pretty long for me) in very hot water. I read it somewhere people who take showers like that try to fill the emptiness in their heart that way. Sounds right.

apparently warm showers generate similar feelings to physical intimacy with another person so that's probably why.

You should get a hot tub if you can op

much comfier and waste less water

I read that too and I'm right there with all of you... but I only shower like that once or twice a week.

reeees step mother turns off the water if im in the shower long than 5 minutes the whore reee. Other than that normally take a hot 45 minute shower once a week for maximum comfort

i just... really dont like baths. i really, really dont.
thx :)
its not like i do it everyday, only like once every 4 days and its rare im in there for actually 3 hours, its typically just over an hour
aw that sux user
yeah that would be amazing
oh, i live in vancouver, AKA water: the city
depends, but i can usually stretch the hot water out for over 2 hours, but im rarely in there quite that long
interesting, though that just seems like a lot of work
whoa interesting! yeah i am very, very, very alone so that would make sense bahaha
one day that would be nice, kind of impossible right now though
yeah, i try not to take the showers when my dad is home or awake because if he is, after but 1 measly hour he knocks on the door and DiSTuRBS the comfiness!!! >:(

if its just my mom, after about 2 hours my mom will kinda quietishly be like "honey its been 2 hours, are you getting out soon?" which is MuCH nicer :)

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I actually love this stuff and I do it involuntary until my mother screams at me. It feels comfy and good like I can be there for a life time with hot water hitting me and creating nice noises while there's steam in the air.

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Shower with lights off just a tiny light or candle. Look at shadows on the shower curtain.

I would sit down and try to sleep more in the shower before school. Just wishing I could stay there all day.

my bathroom has a bath, that also has a shower, its like 2 in one and I love it, I do almost exact same thing as op except fidget stuff and towel over head, though I do keep the light off and just relax in the dark, shit's fucking nice, thing is the showers usually get cold after a while of use which sucks ass, which generally makes the shower end in an hour, it sucks ass but if I stayed longer it would have to be semi cold water. shit's great though honestly, I don't mind it too much

I currently dont have gas nor hot water

Same here, man. I'm in there for 45 minutes minimum. Usually it's around an hour, to an hour and a half. I don't understand those people who take 5 minute showers. I take 20 minutes to clean, and then I gotta stand under the water, and basically meditate. The towel thing sounds amazing. I'm gonna have to try that out tomorrow.

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>in uni
>not paying for water
>2-3 showers per day, each 15-30 minutes long
Living like a king. Based thread OP, not sure I could do much more than 45 minutes though

This thread made me want to take a hot shower right now
Mine are usually 20 mins long but i feel bad for making my parents spend lots of money so i always turn the water off when i clean myself

Livin the life.
Show life

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If Im rich enough and dont have to worry about water bills I should try to waterproof my house and just live in a constant shower

dont waste you or youre parents money. Get out of the shower, once youre clean, and theres no soap on you.

just make sure not to get the towel wet! (if you get a splash on it thats obv fine, just dont hold it under the water aha)

also make sure its a decent sized towel if you have one, and remember to place it over you long ways, it should reach from your lower or mid back over your head to your belly button! also try and get the sides over your shoulders if the towel is big enough

Water and electricity aren't that expensive. It probably adds like $20 max per month. Pretty worth it imo.

Lol, imagine living in a fucking desert. I pity you.