Why do we hate tahlia again?

Why do we hate tahlia again?

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because she's another random camwhore being orbited by sad virgins like you who obsess over the first woman to show any interest in this pathetic board.

Stop making threads about this random chick. Go jack off retard.

Well, she gets a base level of hatred for being female, first and foremost.
Furthermore, she's attention-whoring.
Additionally she's actively herding a band of whiteknight orbiters.
Aside from that she's underage and shouldn't be here.
Oh, and a hypocrit as well.

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she's a piece of shit, and should get a lobotomy for being so mentally ill

she needs to be institutionalised and fed plenty of antipsychotics

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What would you do if you had her in front of you user?

I don't necessarily hate her or really have anything to do with her.

There are some cancerous people on this board. A few of them would be shot or at least flogged for shit they've done through r9k if there was any justice

Fuck off you fucking dipshit. This stupid bitch doesn't matter and needs to be eradicated like other attention whores

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Because she's ugly and mentally ill, always complaining in her videos

hit her with the dab then turn by 360 degrees and walk away

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Would you give her the fucc?

>always complaining in her videos
main reason I unsubscribed, it gets boring after a while

She is a nigga and we should burn this subspecies with tires and gasoline for fucks sake!

Is she the flavor of the week chanwhore around here? Like that girl whose name started with a B who was here over the summer? Jesus, I've only been on this board since 2014 and I feel like I can't keep up with it anymore, like an old man.

Nice job r9k, you made her cry again.

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Why are you guys so mean. She is just a kid.

I'm worried about her

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Next year we are going to see her vids on pornhub

we did it mein niggers

>She is just a kid.
>mfw she is 17 so she is just a kid, but i'm 18 so i'm an adult

what a pathetic attention whore




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you'd actually want to turn 180 degrees to walk away, but your head is in the right place.

i refuse to believe anyone can be this much of a newfag

because shes a woman and a narc attention whore
which is basically the same thing anyway

people still fall for the essay thing

w/e, i schleep. there is no hope left in this place

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Tahlia has actually been here way longer than Brooke, just doesn't get the same level of traction because she's uggo