How big of a deal is sex? I don't mean to you guys that are desperate for it. Should I just do it...

How big of a deal is sex? I don't mean to you guys that are desperate for it. Should I just do it? I'm 75% asexual due to autism but I get hit on regularly. I could get it easily if I wanted to. Is it worth it?

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How the fuck are you 75% asexual? you are either asexual or not asexual, pick one.

I hate physical contact and rarely, if ever, find myself attracted to real people but I still masturbate.

soooooo you want us to tell you what you want in life? is this correct? and we're desperate... are you sure you're not just retarded and you tell yourself its autism? like, as a defense mechanism. head on over to reddit Jow ForumsTrufemcels and be with your kind.

What the fuck your masturbating to then?

Physical pleasure, myself I guess.

>75% asexual


>faggot that masturbates once or twice every other day and then argues with himself about why sex is pointless, only to start the cycle of desperation all over again.

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Well in that case I doubt you would enjoy sex if youre not attracted to your partner.

Can girls be faggots?

Why not?

Is attraction all that important? I'm genuinely asking, I don't know much of anything about sex outside of what people say here.

I'll bite OP

Sex can be a really great experience both in terms of physical pleasure and emotional intimacy, but there is no guarantee of either. If you're just going to have sex for the sake of it it probably won't be that great.

are you a femanon?
my oneesan said sometime ago there are days women want to be fucked so hard because masturbaying is not enough. Dunno if its true on all women

There are many religious and scientific reasons

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I see. I'll have to mull it over. It seems that just having sex for the sake of experiencing the act doesn't give you much more than masturbation does.

I've finished unsatisfied if that applies.

I'm not religious and that was too much reading for me.

"75% asexual" for everyone but Chad you mean

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>It seems that just having sex for the sake of experiencing the act doesn't give you much more than masturbation does.
In my experience good sex is much better than masturbation, but average/bad sex is worse and obviously comes with some amount of baggage in one form or another.

I was like you, the asexual bullshit is a meme imo. If you love some one and they're physically decent you'll lose your shit. Honestly it's not worth it unless you have love and relationship that works out.

of course attraction matters. You sound like a normalfag Im sure your friends could tell you.

Seems messy. I'm still considering giving it a go but I'm leaning towards allowing my viriginity to live on.

I don't know what either of those things feel like.

>You sound like a normalfag
Alright lol

>Should I just do it?
Doing something you don't really want to do just because you think you should do it is retarded.

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>working is retarded

Why haven't you got into a relationship? No one seemed good enough or interesting enough to engage with? You never had a conversation with some one that just swept you off your feet or made your heart weep? Those QT alt smart girls fuck me up good but at least they were almost worth the broken childhood.

Ok then why you arent a normalfag then?

That's a fair statement.

Why should I? I have freedom to do whatever I want, within my parent's rules of course. What could another person give me that I can't give myself? Most people seem like they're in a different world to me. I'm pretty sure no one would be willing to put up with my weird ticks anyway.

Do you want to get paid? If you do, then it isn't retarded.

Sounds like you've never been in a relation ship or you've never felt love. was saying ''If you've been in love or something like that you would know the pleasure, satisfaction you get.''

I think I've established both of those things already.

>What could another person give me that I can't give myself?
I don't care how introverted you are because it's a biological necessity to interact and socialize with other people. So is physical intimacy. If you're OP then you're actually questioning "should you or shouldn't you engage in the thing that makes new people". Sex seems like such a giant fucking deal to people because that's what's we evolved to make important, PROCREATING. People don't have orgasms just because it's a cool trick the body does, it's to encouraging making new humans.

>I'm pretty sure no one would be willing to put up with my weird ticks anyway.
It depends. If you're cute enough and how bad your ticks are. Honestly imo people with ticks/quirks or lisps make them cuter, my BFF is a girl and also finds lisps and other weird quirky features very attractive. Some whore like sweet anita(twitch streamer) has thousands of orbiters and has severe tourettes and literally only because of her ticks.

I was like you, just stop shutting things/people out because you think it's the right thing to do. stop making dumb decisions.

i guess it depends on how sexual you are. for some sex is a very big deal in relationships and for others it is just an enjoyable experience now and then. it also really depends on who you are with since if they suck at sex you may end up thinking all sex is bad. maybe you just arent attracted to men?

Do you want to have sex? If so, go for it my man

>thinking he gets hit on the reg

keep thinking that, chris chan.

Don't fuck anyone you don't love. I had sex with a girl because I felt like I was supposed to and didn't want to be a virgin anymore and it wasn't that good.