Is society and culture slowly dying? I know there are people here who will probably agree with me...

Is society and culture slowly dying? I know there are people here who will probably agree with me, but normies act like I'm crazy if I try to talk to them about it. Do I just have a skewed perspective because I'm at the bottom of the societal totem pole as a robot?

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Dying as we know it. It'll get worse every year, but in the end humanity has to thrive.

Nah. I understand what you mean. I am a failed normalfaggot so being around what constitutes at one point has put me in a perspective of what they consider culture and it isn't pretty. They don't have any and admittedly I don't ethier. I wasn't born into anything wholesome so I had forced myself into something that was. I don't do the things I used to and because of that I also don't have friends.

Reality to me feels very Truman-show like now. I dont know how to explain it, but it feels different.

>Do I just have a skewed perspective because I'm at the bottom of the societal totem pole as a robot?
Thats definitely a factor. It doesn't mean you're wrong, but honestly its hard to comment on this stuff objectively unless you're on the outside altogether

Everything is slowly becoming a melting pot like the united states
this term in itself is why i say the united states has no to very little culture but in itself it is a mix of many cultures.
Imagine a bunch of gourmet cheese being thrown into a pot and then melting.
Without cooling down the pot the cheese it still melted and becomes one with the rest of the melted cheese. When america first started accepting mass immigration it was assumed that most would come to america and pick up american customs while still keeping their own which they did; Hence things like little italy and little tokyo etc.
But the thing is more and more people are starting to take on other cultures and etc and assimilate themselves into other cultures that it's causing these cultures to become a blur and/or die.
Subcultures are a good example of this.
i'm going to start with a poor example and then do a good example.
Nerd culture(what the normies call it) which consists of a variety of things from D&D and larping to consumption of anime and etc is currently people polluted by normies causing the people that made the subculture in the first place to either hide or completely separate themselves from the culture thus killing the core of the culture itself. Yes the culture is still there but it's core is gone a good example of a culture with it's core gone currently imo is gaming since more and more companies are starting to pump out unfinished games with microtransactions just to satisfy shareholders.

now for the good example.
specifically hardcore punk
the music industry can kill a fucking sub culture as it pleases whenever it please.
yes there are still tons of punk rockers out there but they don't not dress the same or act the same.
at the height of hardcore punk you'd have rowdy concretes and people rebelling against normal society but once punk started to die down the music industry stopped promoting it and that initself was just the knife to the gut for the genre.

Better question is, did culture ever truly exist? I feel like we tend to romanticize the past. We think of romans as glorious, disciplined men in togas, we think of early 1900s americans as hardworking dreamers, we carefully forgets that even in the peaks of history 90% of mandkind was still represented by low IQ, barely literate herd of morons. Society today feels like it's dying because the improvements in social networking no longer allows us to pretend things are fine at the bottom. The bottom is as visible as the peak, and the amount of filth here overshadows any great men from definiting the modern age.

How do I get people to understand this? I tried talking to my brother about it and he just went on about how because the economy is good then things can't be that bad. Modern society seems so hyper-materialistic and I can't find any meaning in it.

satanists control Hollywood, politics, the UN, the vatican, trying to destroy humanity unironically

the assimilation is also why so many people are against mexican immigration.
Most mexican immigrants come to the US and don't start acting american
they'll act like they just crossed the border yesterday no matter how long they've been in the US.

I am feeling a weird sense of un-reality, like I am more and more just viewing my actions in third person. I feel disconnected all the time. Just consuming Jow Forums, media and food and wondering why Im doing it.

Don't act like humanity is worth saving. It isn't. Maybe a 50 years ago but people now are not worthy of freedom,culture and what have you.

I say almost this exact same thing to people, but they just respond with "well that's just the way it goes and you can't change it". I can give them definitive proof that our native population will be effectively replaced, but they don't seem to care.

>Is society and culture slowly dying?

I have the same feeling for the last few days.
Something really big is going to happen and put
us into a new dark age. At least 200 years.

I agree with you, but how do you say this to a normie without them thinking you're crazy?

I remember when I was a kid my parents' friends would drop by our house unannounced and just come and chat for an hour or two. We knew all of our neighbors and everyone got along. I feel like I don't see that anymore. It feels like no one trusts each other.

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It's called de-evolution.

I agree somewhat, but I don't like the fact that the very few are so easily brainwashing and controlling the masses, leading them into destruction, starting at such a young age

>well that's just the way it goes and you can't change it
well that's the thing
you can change
you can change anything if you have enough people doing it and wanting to change it.
there are so many examples in history of this
a great example is martin luther king fighting for civil rights.
but the thing is
the reason they're saying you can't change it ----- is because no one wants to change it normal fags want a big fucking blur to be there
where does one part of a mixed culture start and where does one part of it end is what the normies want.
this is another poor example but i hope you can understand it
some anime is made specifically for western audiences.
so with that information
where does anime made for western audiences begin.
and where the fuck does it end?

Normie here, you don't, but you could try finding fellow crazies in a Christian dooms day cult who would agree with your analysis

and here's another question
how do you know if the anime you're watching right now is or isn't catered to western audiences?

There's no reason not to. 2000 years and nothing has changed. We make the same mistakes time and time again. Why should we be allowed to continue to make these mistakes constantly without fail?

Being a human is fucking weird. On the one hand, you have to introduce some sort of scarcity to motivate yourself to do anything or else you fall into the thought loop of "why the fuck am I doing this?" On the other hand, you have to ascend mentally through education if you recognize you have the potential to examine critically. All the while, you have to maintain a variety of relationships with people of various backgrounds or else you'll go insane, but doing that cuts into your other two "hands" and throws the entire balance off. I'm not praising the trainwreck of a society that was the Soviet Union, but maybe those factors which where actualized through their way of doing things (bread lines, conscription, forced employment, shoehorning the concept of the Ubermensch into state propganda) are what allowed the Soviet Union to punch above its weight in producing intellectuals. They got something right by incentivizing nihilistic sentiment by producing scarcity while simultaneously urging the gifted, who suffered all the same, towards making the best of their lot and studying their asses off.


Yes, especially in terms of economics. The European model for society was not made to last. What we have here is basically just advanced feudalism, where lowly underpaid servants do the bidding of the government and the wealthy, while receiving barely enough income to survive. The model was always intended for the very poor to forever serve the very rich, and this model historically has many flaws.

We've essentially monopolized off of war, and stealing shit from other countries, and now the economy as well as the culture is slowly drying up with the lack of revenue received from war at the expense of consumerism and production costs.

With more immigrants coming in we won't be able to sustain ourselves at the same rate that we've accommodated for so long, and less white people are reproducing so soon the culture will be mostly populated by millatos with a shitty economy. Basically what I'm saying is, the world you knew will never return, and it's already too late, to go back.

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reality feels like the fucking truman show

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If this is the beginning of the collapse then how long until we reach the bottom? At least if the world goes to shit you can rebuild it, but for us we might only be able to watch it die. If there is a collapse I hope it's fast.

In the end humanity needs to fucking die

It is, read Rousseau's "discourse on the moral effects of the arts and sciences"

how is society and culture dying exactly? people have been saying shit like this for two thousand years, every point in every civilisations history has no shortage of people thinking they're going through a period of decline, that the past was better and all that is coming to an end because they're somehow more woke than everyone else and has it all figured out.
>this time it's for real though trust me bro I read a lot of posts on imageboards and watched lots of youtube videos, I'm a professional.

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except nobody's watching

The arts and sciences are born of vice and pride and are not genuine reflections of human needs, thus the societies and people they breed are characterized by decadence, indolence, debauchery, etc. Which undermine the morals that made said society successful in the first place

As you said, it has happened to every civilization, rome, Greece, Constantinople, the ottomans, China, Egypt, etc.

Good rhetoric, let's test it

how did the arts and sciences cause Egypt to decline?

Over those two thousand years there have been many periods of intense decline and growth. There will always be people pessimistic about the future, but when the general population starts feeling that way it is a sign of the beginning of a societal decline. Modern society is full of disenfranchised males, rates of suicide have been getting higher and higher. It doesn't look great for the future.

Most of this can be summed down into mimicry and generational decay. They're constants that have always been regarded. People who are second or third generation to something naturally fail to embrace the meaning of a culture which they have become more distant from the definition of, or they attempt to become part of subcultures based on what they see and naturally cannot embrace the culture in the ideals/feelings/worldview of those who originally felt it because everything is contextualized differently by generations dealing with constantly changing variables.

Everyone has Stockholm Syndrome

Societies literally do decay and collapse and then reform into something new based on new-blood/origin or retemperment by the conditions of survival. Things have gradually gotten better materially in the last 500 years, worse and worse in terms of material and spiritual fulfillment. Golden ages can only last so long.

>rates of suicide have been getting higher and higher
no, this is simply not true empirically.

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I feel like we're not allowed to question things anymore. "Shut up, we've got this figured. Don't you dare talk about immigration/climate change/ sexuality/ religion. " everyone everywhere is equal and if there's any inequality it's the fault of the system, never the individual.

Because everything is recorded and broadcast.
You can't escape it and it's driving me insabe

You can, but it literally requires moving into the middle of nowhere where there isn't any kind of CCTV infrastructure or large populations

data wise though, empirically, Humans are happier and reporting better life satisfaction globally. it also has been proven that other people greatly underestimate the happiness of others and tend to assume people are a lot less happier than what is actually reported by them.

You said yourself we're living in a golden age, but saying it'll "inevitably end" is kind of cheating, everything has to end eventually, but that doesn't mean the end is right around the corner. people thought things were bad 250 years ago too.

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Shit goes up, shit goes south. That's the essence of all life. You're at the top for one day and the next you're being caned in some shithole of a country for stealing a piece of bread. It happened with the Aztecs and it will surely go on throughout the annals of human history. Civilizations rise and fall, dictators come to power and are subjugated. People are oppressed and eviscerated. The United States is no stranger to the pitfalls that trap every other empire. Enjoy it while it lasts because your grandchildren may very well wake up in a crumbling Rome.

your data only goes up to 2005

Admittedly it isn't as high as I thought it would be, but it is at around a 30 year high right now.
I think suicide is something people speak about a lot more nowadays which is what gave me the impression that it was a lot higher than what I realized. It seems like it's become normalized and people joke about suicide a lot more in today's world, but that might just from my own experience.

data on the chart is from the CDC

Attached: Crude_U.S._suicide_rate_1981_2016.png (752x452, 52K)

the US is a single country in the world which was hit hard quite badly due to the gfc, which is why there has been a a 24% increase from 10 to 13 suicides per 100k, notice though that this jump happened after over a decade of considerable decline.

Pic related, all the nations in the EU had a much better time. and no considerable jump occurred. there is still a negative trend.

Attached: Suicide_Europe_WHO.png (855x654, 75K)

>only good answer