Operation IRS

Hey faggots! Do you hate smug man hating camwhores who take every opportunity to berate you like the vile scum they are?

Well some kike figured out that you can report cam and twitch Thots( and other sex workers) to the IRS for tax evasion. You can earn up to 15% of what they owed.

They take
- screen shots/ evidence
-social media

The irs is big and can do a lot of the leg work.


Link to get you started

Have fun

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck yeah, I'm in if it means fucking over some foids

>open that Pastebin
>half the links are mobile links
You guys really are faggots.

go do this to ninja, kek

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With as big as ninja is Im sure he has lawyers up the wazoo and he wont ever be dealing with the irs himself

Haha fuck roasties!

>Giving this much of a shit what device someone posts from

not your personal army
fuck off IRS


Needfully sorry, sir. We cannot do this, sir.

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>Let's support the kikes goys! I stand with israel.

sage and report

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Pretty sure any major YouTuber pays tax. It's just dumb thots who don't understand that their premium Snapchat and patreon and "paypig donations" are undeclared income

May as well file the report, just in case.
Don't forget to report the income for reporting tax dodgers.

>Hey robots here's a totally voluntary fun thing you can do to mess with foids if you're interested

Take your homosexual agenda to , tranny lover.

Take your white knight agenda to Reddit, cuck

>uh oh, gettin some opposition
>I'm just going to shill this harder and hope nobody notices my talmudic influenza

Take your "helping corrupt assholes" agenda to HELL

Why are you only concerned about women, and not gay or tranny camwhores? Hmmm.

Not OP.

Don't have to be an OP to be an auxiliary helper shill.
Hang yourself with a belt, you faggot mormon.

>Enforcing the law is corruption
Wew lad
When did I say that? All of the links OP provided can be used on any camwhore. Go nuts.

Sorry, chief. Not detecting any arguments here.

>Nixon's America is legally valid
Kill yourself.

Omg, this needs to be a stickied thread on every Jow Forums board.
Let's all report everysingle cunt we see!

Good. Hang yourself.

>>Nixon's America is legally valid
Yep. Problem, commie?

This is actually genius. Bookmarking in case I find myself looking at an E-whore that pisses me off. It's so simple but revolutionary why didn't anybody think of this before?

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Let's see you report just one gay or tranny camwhore. Post screenshots.

There is a problem, and you won't realize the full nature of it until you grow the hell up. Gaywad.

>grow the hell up

this could be fun

orgami originali

I don't know any gay or tranny camwhores. I'm assuming you have an extensive list I could borrow from.

You will find loads on /soc/.

Kill yourself, buttwhore.

How is this a personal army request? A PA request would be like if someone said "Hey guys this guy scammed me on CSGO spam him with porn". This is just some idea someone had to fuck with roastie camwhores in general

Hmm it's a tempting offer but I'm gonna have to decline

>how is the government asking people to do their bidding [x] army request?
I'm going to let you think about what you said before I call you names.

He's a newfag, go easy on him

Nobody cares you idiot. You're gay, now fuck off and stop spamming your stupid idea.

>It's not the government, it's an user
>It's entirely voluntary
>It's not directed against a specific individual
No, not a PA request. Not even close. Lurkmoar.

I'm not OP. Nice rebuttal though, after that argument I'm sure to rethink my opinion.

Nay, thou art the entitus that shalt lurketh to a higher extent.

Attached: three butts.jpg (560x420, 28K)

I don't care if I'm helping the government. I'm just fucking with some femoids

Great post. Very high quality.

You're welcome. I finally renamed my "three butts" image to be more extant.

You only go after females, gay homo.

It was such a well thought out and intricate response wasn't it? Clearly, this man has given us all somthing to think about tonight.

>You only go after females
Prove it.

Triggered roasties cared they will be out of pocket.
Hating women and wanting to keep them down doesnt have anything to do with wanting cock in your ass you retard. Its the most alpha thing to do to put women in their place. Essentially its rape.

Post a screenshot of you reporting a gay camwhore.

don't foreget aboput people that want the goevernment to die foerever
because rhe goernment is gay
kill them ferever

>make claim
>can't back it up
>y-y-y-you prove it!
Not how the burden of proof works.

If it means destroying roastie thots then its a necessary evil.

Truth is nice. But what is truth?
Probably not anything you read here.
OK now where is my hot Latina waifu

I dare you to say that to your mom.

>Found the triggered roastie.
Why don't you try having an original thought?

Why wouldn't I say it to my mum? Shed agree with me. Sorry to disappoint you but my mum wasnt some libtard feminist who tried to 'train' me growing up to respect wamen.

My mom would think this is all pretty funny if I told her the entire situation of prostitutes not paying their fair share in taxes.

NO. Explain the concept of "thots" to YOUR MOM
or kill yourself, I don't care.
Your mom is exempted, for special reasons.

>Explain to your mom on cam
>on cam

Why on cam you weirdo?

So that you can see yourself. So that you can see that you are a faggot retard. So that you can finally gain the will to hang yourself. Make me keep going.

God damn you're seething. Call me a faggot on cam first then MAAAAAYBE I'll take me and my mom on cam. Laughing at thots and orbiters.

>teehee I don't know how to make greentext insults

>She wont fuck me
>Literally calls the police


>red pilling my mum on thots will make me a faggot

HAHAH Fucking thot cunt. Go cover yourself up bitch. If you show the goods Im gona stare.

Not as pathetic as a slut who walks around in tight pants expecting men not to look. Fucking cunt get lost.

Fuck off, niggers.

I am not the fucking cops. If you want me to do cop work, pay me a fucking salary. I'm not going to help you get your jew goldz, and I'm DEFINITELY not going to help you get them after you tried the LE EPIC /B/ LOLZZZ 4CHUMS XDDDD shit.

OK, you got it. I'm a fukkin woman. Cum on my tits, homo.
Explain to your mum how your considering suicide because you like gay sex.

Every post you make is cringe worthy.

>Human sex dolls
>Artificial wombs
>Now the IRS is coming after their whore money

I almost feels bad for thots. Almost.

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>IRS goo' boys dinnu nuffin
>need dem hookuh dolla fo' dem program
>dey get dem act tuhgethuh gon rewrite dem tacks code
>gon buy dem school gon buy dem road gon buy dem war
>wait sheeeit

Let's do all of this and say racist things to each other while we do it.

no let's report abuse of H1B workers

Could this also be called extortion and tax evasion?

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Send these bourgeoise pigs straight to the gulags!

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Ok slut.
Go die of cervical cancer you slut.

please stop recruiting tyvm

They'll literally pay you a bounty. You can make money fucking with non-sentient femoids.
2 minutes of work could turn into 100$.

not enough
make it $1k

Hahaha I love that the article separates the American government from "the Trump administration"
Liberals are the most passive aggressive little bitches, are there any libs that aren't women?

on the other hand, it's like >oh it's the trump administration, they're cool, they wouldn't screw you, voting matters!!
like hell.