Found her like this when I came back from the gym

found her like this when I came back from the gym

Attached: dog in laundry basket.jpg (1616x3264, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

what is your routine? I do 6 sets of six incline bench press then the same thing with bicep curls and 200 burpees afterwards

>10/10 doggo floofer pup!
>Must hear her let out an awoo!
>"Gib me pets hoomin, or I will bork! >:o)"
>What a pupper :^)

Attached: 600885d8-a586-4f39-aa8f-aaf7b2ef781c-m.jpg (400x244, 23K)

We need to gas leddit niggers and their low T pets

Attached: sad-dog-2.jpg (960x960, 153K)

I like this one because of the look on his face

Attached: romeo-chien-refuge-sauvetage-2.jpg (1024x770, 112K)

*dabs on dogs*
This is during getting yelled at for making a mess or something

Attached: Capture4.png (641x393, 435K)

Another good facial expression

Attached: 3HaJVw3AYyXBZPsYURy8LwCHbirr6oKbHvcEgTKy4UBQMVwSMvjT8SG3knTcVbzwcXm6qe3AUnrs63zDHZY8jzuzBLNYnRKDYznX (480x482, 161K)

I want to yeet this dog into a pit

Attached: 30CE89C900000578-0-image-a-24_1454410230937.jpg (636x382, 28K)

Every time I have the misfortune of reading their inane, infantile drivel, I invariably find myself praying to some higher power that they all some day, some how find themselves being shoved into a million woodchippers.

Attached: giphy (6).gif (500x264, 479K)

canine kino

Attached: saddest-dog-homeless.jpg (700x551, 79K)

Speaking of kino, Fargo's a great movie

Attached: Sad dog.jpg (640x479, 102K)

Shout outs to dog owners everywhere

Attached: vietnam-dogshwitz.jpg (760x558, 161K)

Attached: Capture5.png (848x576, 874K)

This one shrieks when it is touched so that's fun

Attached: sad-dog4.png (535x525, 465K)

yes having pets is soo beta and reddit dudes
fucking kys retards

Attached: puak62u16kt11.jpg (300x291, 7K)

This one's subtle and a shitty vid but I can appreciate some of what it brings to the table

Attached: Capture6.png (411x477, 334K)

Surprisingly good one, give it a chance

Attached: Capture7.png (857x651, 647K)

why do you have these videos faggot?
Do you get off to seeing sad dogs you degenerate?

I don't think owning pets is beta and reddit

I might get a dog so I can scold it constantly

Attached: pepe28.jpg (225x225, 11K)

>owning peta
imagine having this shit of a life, having so much pent up anger that you have to take it out on something that can't protect itself
kek pretty clear who's gonna be a virgin for the rest of his life

Attached: 1503396029227.jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

Roast sends Fido to the emotional gas chambers

Attached: Capture8.png (464x384, 436K)

More normies scolding their dog with shitty vertical vid

Great reaction though

Attached: Capture9.png (440x319, 297K)

Liberal status: destroyed

Attached: sneed56.gif (990x405, 294K)

be careful not to choke on that dick lad

If anyone can find this vid, please post it

Attached: hgk1ubvkxp011.jpg (2048x2048, 377K)

Normies that own dogs in the cities are the worst they also value the life of their pet more than a fellow human and frequently partake in sharing their power fantasies on facebook if anyone threatens their pet.

This is definitely part of why I hate dog owners, power fantasies on Facebook just comes with the territory when talking about fucking normalfags though

Attached: Extreme-Guilt.png (408x408, 183K)

When I was young, during holidays at relatives houses I would force their dog to look me in the eyes until it became uncomfortable and tried to look away, then I'd force it to look back

Dogs are either the most beta cucked animal in the house OR a child mauling monster, no in-between

Attached: 1.png (600x580, 360K)

I didnt realize Jow Forums hated dogs so much

Autistic people are obsessed with cats so it only makes sense r9k despises dogs.

I literally see no reason to hate animals
This thread is confusing, if you don't want pets just don't have them. Simple as that

Just like me when a girl touches me

What a degenerate thread. Your lives must suck bad and you know there's no changing it so you turned into such gross hateful people. I take great solace knowing you guys will die alone and miserable though

That is a very cute dog.
I would pet her if I could and had ur permission.

Attached: Butter.jpg (716x707, 250K)

don't respond to threads like this, just let them die
just a heads up for the future