What the fuck is wrong with white people? youtu.be
What the fuck is wrong with white people?
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We have no fear of death now that there's so many other gross races around. We welcome death to escape the smell
Adrenaline is free drugs
actually most white people are too scared to do this. Most whites don't in leave the house anymore because gaming is all they do.
do you also happen to be californian? because in california they do that because a. its too dangerous to leave or b. there is nothing else to do and no free nature
>do you also happen to be californian?
you know NOTHING about california. Whites in california go mountain biking and do all kinds of extreme sports. Staying indoors and getting fat is what southern and midwestern whites prefer. Southern women are almost always helicopter moms so nobody does anything outdoors. Go back to r/the_donald
You ain't seen nothing yet
Same reason they invented nukes, climbed Mt. Everest, and went to the Moon.
Whites really like doing dangerous shit just to see if they can.
>they invented nukes
I guess Jews are white now.
Is there any videos of these dumb cunts falling to their deaths?
Several youtu.be
Why does the video title say something about his ascent? He talks normal.
>those hands
Bet the ladies love 'im.
There's a video of a chink jumping between two enormous skyscrapers and falling to his death. But not how you'd expect. He actually managed to land on someone's balcony instead of falling all the way to the ground. He lived overnight and attempted to crawl inside the apartment but was unable to do so due to the severity of his injuries. After some excruciating hours, he died.
>sponsored by viagra
C'mon, they should have made a rock hard joke or something.
ascent means going up. accent means the way you talk
Pretty sure he or she was joking.
>all those people smacking the bases of their skulls on hard surfaces
>actually most white people are too scared to do this
No, whites are always doing crazy shit like this. Every time I see a video of someone doing some crazy shit like scaling a fuckin skyscraper or jumping on top of a moving train it's a fucking white guy.
Ashkenazi Jews are literally Germanic converts, so yes.
Anyone telling you otherwise is an idiot.
>why do white peepo have such huge balls!!!
Stop being a coward and do some crazy shit man.