Why do roasties fuck dudes that beat/physically abuse them?

Why do roasties fuck dudes that beat/physically abuse them?

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they don't. have you ever talked to a girl? don't think you have because you unironically say roastie

It is certainly quite interesting that there are child rapists and murderers that get female affection and I don't.

>they don't
Stop lying on the Internet. It's unbecoming.

Because theyre attracted to it. Also because girls are scared of being alone so much so theyde rather stay with a guy who hits them every now and then.

I for one. am a big fan of beating women. There
is something delightfully primal about kissing
someone while you choke them.

unfortunately its many of these same urges that prevents me actually getting to do anything more but.

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Better than a beta orbiting faggot like you. I'd rather now women are fucking abusive asshole than see a dick less "nice guy" get any pussy.
I love fucking your girl right under your nose.
>oh you've been trying to fuck for a year?
>dropping subtle hits hoping she'll get it.
>being super nice and always there for her?
>I just fucked her 20mins after meeting her.
>she was on the phone with you while im kissing her neck.
>I made her hang up and not answer your call back.
>that pussy is mine and I'm laughing at you.
>just a cum rag to me. Going to ghost her after..
>youll still never get that pussy.
Fuck all you weak men, suicide is your greatest and only logical choice.

>there are exactly 0 women with physically abusive partners
Are you retarded?
Lol no bro I am talking about punching that bitch in the ribs and breaking her bones, sending her to the ER and still have her dripping through your fingers. Shit like that.

I am far from a nice guy. I am a cruel lover. I just dont think its cool to beat your partner and I dont get how women put up with that. Sure my psychological games probably fuck women up worse but its subtle.
It really is wild, isnt it lads?

Nice larp cunt.
mm dont get me started. if i had the fantasies i wanted.
the amount i dream about rape and torture.
knife play fire play
chains shock play
if i can break it bruise it burn
i want to.
complete and total submission
itd do anything for that again
but alas . my lgf left me and i have a strong no real rape policy . ironically she was kinkier than me.

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Not that women dont deserve it, but why are you like this? Serious question.

Makes the dick stand up.
also probably some control aspect given my family history.
keeps the bitches inline too.

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I don't think I've ever cringed so hard

Because they project strength.
Humans are animals, and these animals are looking for a strong mate, end of story.

I'm a tall strong boi and I used to fuck a girl who had been in abusive relationships, she like pain like being slapped in the face during sex, stuff like that. She even asked me to beat her one time, like really punch the shit out of her. She said she wanted bruises the next day. I couldn't do it, I hate women as much as anyone here, but I not to that extent.
So anyway she told me that she preferred me over other guys she'd fucked because I would hurt her but she knew she could trust me, she felt like other guys tried to hurt her not because it was a fetish for her but because it made them feel strong and tough. I can not for the life of me understand it, but I'm pretty sure she went back to fucking those kind of guys after I left rather than NiceGuys

What are some examples of mind games?

Dunno. My cousin rebounds between two pieces of shit after they get violent. I'm pretty sure she only does to get free drugs from them, and her dad is too much of a cuck to say anything.

such a pussy.
grow a pair and beat her.
its not about hate its about control.
if youre not dressing your gf and collaring her i dont know what to tell you.

nothing hes just another edgy larper


little different but true

Not my girlfriend. I controlled her anyway, I used to rape her any time I felt like it. But I didn't need to beat her physically to do that, I think that's why she preferred me. I didn't have anything to prove, I controlled her with my demeanour.
Most women like both, strong dominant men and also caring men who are genuinely looking out for their best interest. How far to whichever side they lean depends on the person, and as a man if you are too much of either then you signal yourself as neurotic and insecure.

Strength isn't everything you god damn fucking apes. If you think that you've been only with trash women. Well you're on Jow Forums so...

Strength only matters if you don't have money.

Oh for sure. Dont get me wrong. Theres alot that goes into it. But for me at least alot of the pleasure comes from the physical "abuse" . But without a doubt the mind shits just as important. otherwise its just rape. and as fun as that is. nothing beats having youre little slut waking you up with coffee right when you told her to. and having you tell her what to wear n shit. control is everything.
im rather impressed you managed anything without the label. they always seem so attached to it.

Hey listen assholes, why don't you try and fight someone your own size? You won't, you're weak, all this lame ass talk about "Control" and "Power" only proves that. And let me just say that if you wanna beat on any women, well you're gonna have to get through me and.... *subtly flex biceps* I don't think you're gonna like that very much.

Robots finally found out how to be above someone.. By beating women

When I used to talk to this girl I found that when I showed little to no emotion about things, even really bad things, she liked me more. You don't have to beat the shit out of them to get that look. Just act like you don't have strong emotions. Also if she's not giving in a relationship, stop giving back.

Money is a way of projecting power, as is having sick guns and being a loud dumb cunt who smacks around your women.

s-sorry sir, i won't do it again

>Ask girl out
>She rejects me
>Throw sulfuric acid mixed with Hydrogen peroxide in her face and run away
That'll teach her to disrespect a Chad in the making.

>Just act like you don't have strong emotions.
Bitches fucking love emotions

see this would be funny if you managed a pic behind it.
Sadomasochism isnt abuse you fucking retard. its all consensual.
im more into gasoline but what ever gets the dick up

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because women are NPCs. They claim to want freedom and independence, but they love to be told what to do and how to think. It frees them of responsibility.

honestly being a pimp is god teir

Like the one time this one slut in my harem string tried to revolt, telling me and my hoes about how I just want her for sex and attention and I dont have real feelings for any of them.

So I stood my ground on how I do have genuine feelings but I am terrified of commitment, how I give so much and receive so little, how I should be allowed to bring joy in life to more than one girl. While I would dump any of them for trying to see other guys besides me, of course.

I would still be nice to them after I dumped them so I could cuck their nice guy bfs, too. I got tired pulling that kind of shit around 19, though.

Read books nigga
roasties aren't worth it

when you are older you will cringe how degenerate you behaved

Just talk to woman and they will say they have been in at least one abusive relationship, its absurd.

Yes. Maybe but you will find that there will be times she will exploit this because she knows you have strong emotions about it and it will hurt you. I.E. if she knows your madly in love with her she will exploit that and play you whenever it suites her interest. Also the simple fact that having strong emotions is seen as un-manly and always has been.

>that having strong emotions is seen as un-manly and always has been.
Only showing them faggot. Not having them.

If you don't have strong emotions a woman can treat you like shit without consequences. They stay in line if they know that you feel stuff like anger and hatred intensely.

well would you pick the commited guy for a relationship who beats you or the wanna be pimp who pumps and dumps every girl he sees.